- Bra Part Numbers
- Best Sounding Exhaust?
- Finally got what I wanted from the stereo!
- Melb. Australia Boxster Owners???
- Cops and Wildest Police chase videos
- Need Help: Short Shifter
- New ride?
- K and N airfilter???????????????????????
- Car Detailing How-To Articles
- Becker traffic pro sat-nav
- Porsche has been Great
- I bought a Honda S2000~
- Question about engine speeds/work
- Did I buy the correct brake pad hardware kit?
- Interior Light Problem
- RMS and the Boxster 987
- Leaf Blower Drying Method
- Opinion needed on alarm system
- Tinting my Ambers!
- Should I do this to my wheels?
- I can't figure out how to change my avatar?
- May Get A New Car.
- What do you think?
- Maf is bad again
- Grooved Pads and Rotors...Cause???
- pix from east bay drive 10/7
- Really Ugly Boxster On Ebay
- Brake Wear and Sensors
- aftermarket installation problem, help!
- Think theres something wrong with this 02 sensor?
- opening gas flap- '04 S
- where do you find this?
- $800!!!! For a transmission oil change!
- Uneven rear-brake wear?
- 29 bucks well spent
- Cayman Side Vents on 987S done
- Extended Warranties
- Emergency brake squeek!
- I feel like I was just raped!!!!!!!
- speed humps
- Speeding Ticket Stories
- Can anyone help with smoke and burning smell rear of car
- mirrors
- Instrument Cluster Redlines?
- Electrical Question
- Tree Sap
- Red clip?
- Detailing Question
- Champion Wheels
- Clear light??
- Painting Rear Bumperettes
- How long are the Michellin PS2 meant to last?
- How much dirt could really be in there?
- Circleville, OH Trip!
- NY/NJ area scenic drive
- Squeeky hood
- I can not believe my eyes!
- Stategy for Dealing With Engine Problem
- Question on top (color) and Porsche Crest...
- 2002 Porsche Boxster Warranty about to run out... what to do?
- So Dent Vanish came by this morning....
- New Windshield (Safelite) bad experience
- Any sponsor make door sills?
- Ordered a 987 S (as a stablemate to my Cayenne S)
- Electrical Quirks - Both hoods randomly open
- De-ambering
- Cel P1128 P1130
- Good deal?
- Parking Curbs
- 43deg F w/ top down!
- Need a fuel filter tomorrow on saturday
- Avoid this EBAY vendor like the plague
- Ok dont laugh please, how to clean the car?
- Parking at a Panther's Game ???
- Top will not go up
- Cleaning OEM Car Cover/Plastic Window Protection
- Leatherique
- Anyone looking for camber plates??
- Car seat
- Anybody know where to get these fuses?
- Care and feeding of my new Boxster S?
- Winter Storage
- Winter storage and RMS leak
- Dealer is replacing radio
- Need Help:Lemon Law
- cold air intake/exhaust mod
- assuming this is a bad idea...?
- What Is That Noise?
- Option code 584
- Stereo Really Sucks Part II
- Ticking sound pass vent, and how do you remove the tension cables?
- Oh boy this sucks....
- AC In The Leather Seats
- really nice sounding boxster
- Weird Rumble from the Rear.....
- Just bought a 2002 Boxster S!!!
- 02 sensor guide
- Painting bumper question?
- Just mounted PS2's (big grin)
- 2006 Boxster S discounting?
- Need advice...getting my first Porsche...
- **need help again**
- Has anyone shipped a hard top and what did it cost?
- Finally replaced all 4 O2 sensors w/ generics for $160.
- Oil film strength test
- P1117
- Oil warm up time (not as slow as you think).
- porsche owners manuel vs road and track
- Polyester vs. Clearcoat+wax, thoughts?
- Zoom car seat buckle help
- 1997 Boxster, Purchasing Rear Spoiler
- UFmatt86 Thanks for the Boxster Watch, it's really nice.
- I really want a fabspeed sound clip
- Members in New Orleans area
- Minerals from H20 baked on my paint!
- RMS related to break-in?
- Door pocket covers
- option codes & color codes
- engine temps in Southern Cal?
- Replacing Ignition Lock
- New member & New car. *help us out*
- Help ! Cleaning Exhaust Tips
- Stereo Sucks so Bad
- Found this last night...(Stereo)
- Simoniz
- Sanity Check
- A little trivia?
- Top Cable problems
- Please Help!!!!
- top speed question
- So I drove an AMG Mercedes today
- Tired of zapping the lighter fuse because it's sooooo big?
- Can some host a really small video?
- 05 Boxster, 18" rim will this size tire fit?275/40ZR18
- $400 front break job
- Boxster Maintenence@ 15k... pls help
- whats EGAS
- A stupid question and embarassing situation
- PPI and extended warranty question...
- Onboard computer instructions?
- Deal or No Deal
- Winter storage battery charger
- 2-parter: a) Resetting the computer?; b)Can someone near Studio City check out a car?
- What happens to that used oil anyway?
- Desiccators
- Fuel Stabilizer
- Cayman Question
- Please help, -smoke?
- need good cleaning product for the plastic back window
- 02 vs 03 Boxster S Clear head lamps.
- Driving it where is meat to be driven!!!
- GT3 Bumper question.
- Anyone in Charlotte area that knows where to enable OBD?
- Help with Air Bag Hatch.
- How to change the air filter (DIY)
- top issues
- Best way to clean back window
- Pics of My Boxster
- Halogen vs Xenons
- the dreaded RMS problem
- 5spd Vs Auto
- Watch (Price) Question....
- Have you dynoed your 2.7L Boxster?
- Is this true regarding the stereo?
- Safe Mode
- Knocking sound, do I need Octane booster?
- brake fluid flush.
- Just got back from a DE in Limerock, CT...
- Passenger side mirror in reverse 02 boxster
- 2000 Box S?
- Possibly a bad maf
- Need help with power source to connect portable GPS
- Lug Nut Covers?
- What a day!! (Warning..Feel Good Post)
- Engine noise - Squeaking
- '05 hardtop installation woes
- Are 2000 - 2004 986's the Fastest 2.7 Liter Boxsters?
- $2.29 a Gallon!!
- My suspension squeeks
- Top Issues . . Sort of
- Cayman sales tidbits
- Posting Pics
- How do I check for a vacuum leak?
- Gauging Interest: Turbo Kit
- Help! Windshield washer fluid in Coolant...
- Imagine Auto Drive-In!
- installed my new tail lights
- Does anyone know where I can get this sweet Gemballa Bumper?
- Tail light assembly / DIY removal?
- Track numbers on car for DE event
- Tweeters? Hmm....
- Need Some Help Please
- Bmw Z2
- Small Problem
- Color and Personality
- Good place for PPI in Studio City, CA?
- 2002 Boxster S or 2003 Boxster?
- What scan tool?
- roof info or shop manual
- infinti g35
- Rattle Noise Coming from Rear Driver Side
- Storage dilemma
- So I drove a 67 Camaro
- Anyone tried this? Everyone might/could use one.
- Bosch Air Mass Meter 996 606 123 00
- Avic N2 in 2002 Boxster
- DIY Footwell Lights
- Which gas to use?
- Waxed my car today
- Porsche Boxster tool help
- Tail light
- So I drove an M5 today
- New Engine Pre Run In--- How is this so??
- B&M shifter install help!
- Did I permanently damage my car?
- October Car and Driver
- Newbie...
- posting pics
- SF Bay Area Boxster owners
- Ignition Disabler Problems
- Ashtray iPod Dock
- Wire run from front bumper to dash??
- Hard Top Faster?
- head unit no sound and alarms beeps
- Ventura Porsche show this Sunday? TriGem2k?
- Gas door won't open??
- How do I adjust the angle of the headlight?
- 2008 Bmw M3
- Inner Top Elastic Clip
- Corvette Z06
- Xenon conversion kit for 987 need recommendation
- impromptu porsche parade
- What do you do?
- Car Infor
- The Boxster and I are on a multi-state journey beginning tomorrow. 1st long trip
- Porsche Navigation P9611
- My CEL Question
- Custom Decals / Spoiler Stickers
- Help Me Decide
- CDR23 Powers up, But no sound.
- Meteor Metallic/Cayman 19 Inch Wheels
- Unlimited CARFAX. Need one?
- Thread post in decending order?
- Supercharged Boxster, SELLING TIPS?
- AM I asking too little? my Boxster going on ebay...
- V1 Remote Display Mirror
- Help with Convertible Top Cleaner/Protectant
- Remove swirls by hand
- 6000 members! FANTASTIC
- Year Round Boxster