- Number of vehicles produced
- Head light adjustment
- Joe Torre Revisited
- Canadian Buyers
- Autoblog Boxster Review
- 18" rims
- Bird bike rack
- agh!!
- DE this last weekend
- Remote key issue (solved, but question remains)
- if you had to pick one, which would you get? buying advice
- Just watched the weather report for this weekend 10/27-10/28
- Technolab Remanufactured Mounts
- Low Octane Gas
- New Tire Review
- NEED TPC electronic controller, Boxster Supercharger,DESPARATE!!
- Detailing the Boxster
- My boxster for sale
- Red Brake Calipers on a Base Boxster?
- Spoiler rubbing against trunk lid
- Mixing tire brands
- Need Option Codes
- Has anyone seen the new Special Edition!!
- 2001 S build codes
- Cold Air Intake
- Denison Gateway 500 Ipod Install
- Box owners, What do we look like???............
- Wheels: 1 vs 2 vs 3 piece design (info)
- Fender Cover/Gaurd
- Does anyone know how to adjust the front hood latch?
- Speedometer accuracy
- Hardtop Access Question?
- Floor Jack and Stands
- What to put in place of the cupholders?
- My new P-car. :)
- Help! Pin out for Amp upgrade needed.
- Power Steering Fluid - question
- 2.5L - 201HP or 204HP
- How much should I repaint?
- Absolute Worst Gas Mileage?
- question about RMS
- Thanks Bruce :)
- boxster organizer
- Any body using WHEEL SPACERS, 18’turbo twist… stock tire size
- Any body using WHEEL SPACERS, 18’turbo twist… stock tire size
- "Clear Plate" Advice Needed
- My new ride!
- Active Brake Differential (ABD)
- just took ownership of my first Boxster...
- Ordering A New Boxster
- About to buy an 02, just did PPI...
- went with CPO'd non-PSM boxster '04
- rear tire wear
- Replacement AC Climate Switch Display
- GAHH top
- New member - Passenger Side Panel Questions
- Warranty wont replace part because of noise. Upper/lower/track arm difference?
- eBay GT3 bumper
- Satnav for older Boxsters
- Warranty Direct + awesome Porsche dealer = very happy customer
- $900 for the Yearly Service?
- Calling a Photoshop expert!!
- Airbag light is ON!!! Help!
- Can I completely change an interior?
- Mirror Mirror on the Wall is this the poser's board after all?
- What do you think is a fair price for my Boxster?
- door mirror heater continuesly on. What now?
- spare keys for a 1998 Boxster
- For Sale Cd changer , cable and bracket.
- Anyone running 235/40-18s on the front of their Boxster?
- Watch 'ole Bandit run
- Yo, NickCats!
- I might buy this.....
- Are Litronics a straight swap?
- what is this?
- engine screech & 60k
- Buying large items from U.S.A any help would be great.
- SoCal Alhambra to Redondo Beach (KilKenny's) Run II 10/20 6AM
- New Clutch
- Litronics Headlight Flicker
- $900 - 60K service
- Is PSM a Necessity?
- Help!3.4L Reliability and IMS?
- Steel wheels?
- Engine oil level
- Power steering question
- Some minor aesthetic cleanup issues?
- Need help doing OBC + rear speaker upgrade (San Jose)
- To Southern California Forum Members and Non-Members:
- Windshield Washer Leak
- The race help!!!
- Cayman almost same as boxster?
- Rug shampoo
- Buying a Quart of Porsche Paint
- Boxster top getting replaced on 20 Oct (pics of new top)
- "Boxsters suck!" From an 11 year old. (my personal rant)
- MY NEW 19" WHEELS, finally on..lots of pics
- Spark plugs, right for Supercharged Boxster ???
- Finaly post pics (thread 1/2)
- Garage Door Opener Sharkworks
- 986forum group
- wont start cold?
- Diagnostcis codes
- Volcanos on the "boots"
- Seattle drive this Sunday!
- Finding cars online
- Brake Dust
- My honk stopped working
- Wind Deflector Clip, Incorrect Side
- torque sequence for exhaust flange
- Engine question??
- Anyone using rear wheel spacers to give more aggressive look?
- Widest tires on factory original 16" wheels
- Wanted to introduce myself...
- Grease on windows
- Boxster vs Z4 FIFTH GEAR
- Boxster S badge spacing
- My Dad is a lucky bugger!!!!!!! check this
- 'My' First Porsche Service 30k - advise please
- Hi, Im new member with a big problem.!
- Disableing Passenger Airbag
- oem muffler hack
- 2010 Boxster
- Oops dropped the rubber gasket in water reservoir
- Any one know a good repair shop in the Hollywood area??
- Raggtop-cheapest source
- Weather?
- 3.4L Transplant email
- wheel fitment question....
- The dreaded RMS leak!
- Bad suspension and bad wheel bearing ?
- suspension install and replace short cut
- Anyone knows what these CEL codes mean?
- Extended Warranty in CA
- airbag light is on after setbelt change
- did the top hack, now have window problem
- Servicing my Box
- intake question
- Did the OBC hack. A few comments/corrections.
- VIR Track
- Getting my Oil Filler, Oil Seperator, Air Filter, Spark Plugs replaced
- Check this out (cleaning wheels)
- Repair shop in Kansas City
- Coolant drip
- Help.....question about brakes
- Are all the hardtop for boxster same07-04?
- Another Alternator Related Question.
- Adding Wind Deflectors
- Lights for sales
- Save my marriage or upgrade to an '05 S?
- Need new seatbelt(s)
- another tire pressure question
- finaly did the 30K heres my thoughts
- Coolant
- 2003S Screensaver
- 2010 Boxster
- H&R Sway Bars - Any Good?
- CEL is Gone (forever?)
- 911 Turbo Parts in my Boxster
- Subwoofer Finally Installed
- The Gauntlet Has Been Thrown Down
- Gauge Face Question
- Break-in to locked storage
- Changing Cabin Filter
- Litronic prices up?
- Rail26 has returned
- 986, 996, E46 M3 or even 987?
- Recommended oil change interval?
- MAF cleaning
- Let's All Send Blinkwatt $10!!!
- Do i really need a special tool for Oil filter change?
- Got it home!
- Cruise Control just stopped working
- Extended Warranty Question
- 60k / is there a limit?
- suspension help
- Anyone going to Blackhawk Farms this weekend?
- Drive Thru Car Wash
- Sad day........(New Beginning)
- Other Forums
- 30K maintenance?
- boxster & aston martin pic
- My first trip to the dealer!
- "Silver" touch-up interior?
- This week...
- Daytime running light problem
- Rear Speaker Kits- On Sale
- very cheap Painted center console
- New top ordered! (texas people, look)
- New rotors ordered
- Newbie question for brakes
- Mid Hudson 13 Oct drive/car show
- My new baby!
- Repair costs out of warranty
- Anyone else ever get mad at Zaino?
- Silver paint
- Looks like Spam
- DelubozParts i need help! and a pic of his exhausts on boxsters
- Hardtop Wall Hanger Help!
- door speakers not working?
- Luggage compartment lights
- Best Strut
- OK Boxster Owners...Turn Your Dials!
- Aluminum Pedals?
- IL: anyone going to Hunnert Car Pileup this year?
- Good to be here...
- 2003 Boxster rear end noise
- Cheap R-Compound Tires
- 60k Birthday
- Spark plugs, best "stock" for SC'd boxster
- Consumer Reports Tire Review
- Another stupid question
- Fuel Pump replacement??
- New to this forum
- Can any other coolant be used besides 'Porsche' coolant to top-off?
- Vandalized?
- 2 Brand Rear Tires - the hard way. (Delivery Problems)
- Does anyone have a guide for changing the lights?
- Rear Wheel Bearing, HELP
- Tiptronic problem ???
- Bought new set of tires
- Which tire should i buy?
- Not so serious design flaw
- True or False???
- Are the "S" Calipers Guards Red?
- I need a windscreen
- A Good Book
- an alternative to buying the whole new hood crest
- Check Engine Light and new battery
- 2000 Boxster S 3.2 VS 2005 3.2 Engine Differences?
- Omg!!! Fastest 0-60
- Quick wheel fitment question
- p1411 & p0410 codes
- Question on Porsche Alloys
- For Sale: Carrera GT for Boxster Lovers
- 0w-40 Synthetic oil source Bay Area
- 225 x 4 tires
- November 2007 Road & Track
- 3.2 turbo
- Porsche Web Cinema
- Had an IMS Failure?
- TPC Boxster Supercharger Manual needed !!
- Diagnose this...I know you can
- Awesome Video
- Boxster Service Manual 1997-2004- Bentley available at Amazon.com for cheap!
- QDed my shoes
- 205mphs!
- Time for new tires
- Check Engine light stays on
- Bodywork