I just ordered a new top from Topsonline.com. I had put the word up here before, but I'm inviting anyone who wants to come and either help or observe to come on down!
I expect I'll have the top within about a week, but will plan on doing the install on either Saturday the 20th, or the week after, on the 27th.
For those that want to come, I'm in Austin, on the north side (pretty much in Round Rock). I expect this will take all day, so I'll try to get started around 9am. Most people who have done a top replacement themselves have noted it takes about 10 hours... so I'll be at it all day!
If anyone is interested, let me know by emailing me (I don't frequent the boards so much lately) at mqjaustin at yahoo dot com. I'll decide which weekend I want to do the install hopefully by the 13th, so you'll have at least a weeks notice.
Also.. if anyone has a video camera and mad video editing skillz - we could do a DIY video!
2001 Boxster - Grey on Grey
1969 911T Targa - 'Stinky'
http://www.zoto.com/frayadjacent/img...f27a-4a399.jpg <---- my car. ^ crap I post.
"The existence of the flamethrower is evidence that someone, somewhere once said 'I want to set those people over there on fire, but I don't want to have to walk over there to do it.'"