- Clunking Front End
- 986 Forum up for grabs
- Windows don't go up when top is up
- drag racing...
- Got alittle gear grindage when I tried to shift after a drag race.
- Scoop Porsche 997 GT3 Cup
- What is the Best Air Filter??
- Resale Value
- 6th gear
- Maryland Anti Front License Plate Petition
- Newbie Question
- Joining Your Ranks!!!!
- TechArt GT street S Goes 360.9 km/h
- Aftermarket uncut keys
- 987 Boxster....
- Parts for damaged top retraction mechanism
- Suspension/Shock rattle question
- n'other newbie's first porsche
- question about buying used boxsters
- front license plate--my poor boxster
- Is this a good deal?
- Rally
- 2000 Boxster Climate Controls...
- newbie, about to pull the trigger on 97 boxster
- Rear speakers and 19" wheels!
- car covers and clear bra...recs?
- Looking to Buy 2000 Boxster S
- What shoudl I pay for 2000 Boxster S
- new boxter owner--have I damaged my car?
- your thoughts?
- Looking to Buy 2000 Boxster S
- Tiptronic and brake
- Newbie here.
- 2005 Model year
- Top Won't Close !
- Getting My First Boxster Tomorrow !
- Hello All!
- excessive exhaust when starting engine
- Stereo
- Running too rich
- Attn East Coast Porsche Owners>>>
- New meet for all Porsche's in NJ August
- Delivery New Boxster
- Need help deciding on two Boxsters
- Opinion on paying $200+ dollars for oil-change.
- Silver and Gold Accessories for your Boxster
- Strange crack in front bumber
- Buying Used Boxster Need Advice
- Boxster muffler vs. Boxster S muffler
- Alarm system question
- Know-How: How to pick up chicks in a boxster
- Latest BOxster 2.5L or fisrt 2.7L?
- Rear Tail Light Lens
- possible purchase
- Just saw a Boxster get into a wreck :(
- Can I perform an oil change on my own?
- Windscreen question
- Emission control warning light
- warning light
- Header and cat question.
- Best place to get parts online?
- Lifespan of Boxster
- Rookie w/ many questions...
- Airbags
- Wind Screen up or out in summer?
- Pic question
- Everyone has probably seen this, but...
- Leftover New 2003 Boxster
- where is the audio amplifier?
- Plastic wind screen question.
- How do You Leave Some Rubber
- new rating site for your ride!
- Help, need carfax
- 05 Boxster last picture
- 05 Boxster Picture 5
- 05 Boxster picture 4
- 05 Boxster picture 3
- 05 boxster picture 2
- Pictures of 8 cloaked Boxsters
- Is it me or are they just snobs?
- 02 Boxster Standard Equipment?
- Navigational Radio any feedback
- Zaino and protection
- Mid-America (Formerly Tweeks) Funfest
- New 911/997 Official Website
- 8 2005 boxsters caught testing in AL
- Newbie, plus looking for brake caliper powder coating in Los Angeles
- 100% Supima Cotton
- Which is a better deal? Is it priced fairly? HELP ASAP - Need to pick one
- MSN 997 Sneak Preview
- Removing headlight triangles
- Windows when lowering roof
- What should I do?
- Wheels America- dont send rims there!!
- Srt-4
- Tailpipe Shine
- Where to buy Plexus
- Windstop and PSM question
- Speed Yello
- Where to buy Zaino
- Newbie Buyer needs advice!
- Wheel spacer question
- Recognize who I met today?
- XM Satellite Radio Installation
- 2004 Boxster Pictures - Painted Roll Bars
- 2004 Boxster Pictures
- Orgasm on Wheels
- I Rejexed...
- Traffic Pro Install
- Is carnuba the best way to go?
- muffler removal
- Porsche fest coming up in August 1
- New to Group, New Boxster
- New Carrera GT delivery!
- Boxster Or Boxster S?
- Tire recommendation question
- Tie Rod Ends
- Wind deflecting and rollbars
- Porsche 997 officilal photo and specs
- Aero kit
- Does anybody sell a cd changer kit?
- Tire question
- New Boxster
- Headlights are dim.
- Got a new truck this week...
- My Custom LED Project
- Forgive me members for I have sinned
- Boxster a "True" Porsche ?
- Just picked up a '00 boxster. Ride/handling question.
- Tailights Swap
- How to cut boxster keys?
- New (potential) Boxster owner--confused
- Filter install question.
- front end noise
- Looking in to getting a Box...
- RPM's???? 600 RPM too low?
- Coolant Loss
- Stupid question.. - car wash?
- Boxster License Plates
- Hardtop - to buy or not to buy?
- How to change AIR Filter on Boxster 2.5????
- 550 Spyder vs Boxster
- Cleaning Wheels and Brake Pads
- Serial Number
- Newbie Porsche owner
- Labor time/costs
- Blown Engine
- Your favorite Buffy photo?
- Vasoline on wheels?
- Dirty Fuel Filter or somethind else?
- Love this car!!!
- Keys for Boxster
- Took out a late 90's Trans Am last night.
- Amber to Clear
- How do you change the door curb lights?
- Aftermarket alarm?
- This Sunday in VA! 4/18/04
- Buying a Boxster soon!
- kchikchikchikchi but no vroom! engine won't start. pls help.
- how to "Automatic Block the Doors"
- Mileage check
- Buying a new house or need refinancing
- Help me!
- Scoop the new porsche 997 photos
- what to buy?
- check engine light on
- Need help - Paint costs
- Repeat catastrophic clutch failure in Boxster 2.7
- Changing Head Lights
- Carerra Cup Wheels on Boxster?
- '99 will not start
- Gas Prices
- How Do You Add A Pic to your Signature and your name???
- Anyone Tempted by the Elise?
- Any info or spy shots on the new Boxster?
- Oversteer Problem
- Exhaust smoke at startup?
- Smell Hot?
- Please Help!! S Muffler On A Non S???
- Please Help!! S Muffler On Non S???
- ANybody have a pair of boxster S headers???
- delivery time
- How often do you oil change for ur boxster?
- 3 Days To Decide: '01 Boxster or '01 CLK55...
- For those with B&M Shifters….
- cylinder head gasket leak?
- Rear tire blowout...
- hard top question
- Visor Sticker
- conv top red plastic ballsocket
- New Member, Just wanted to say Hello!
- Airbag disable
- Dead Battery - Open Hood
- Please be careful when working on cars...
- Parts locating service
- Color question
- 1/4 times for 2.7L Box's?
- Dash Speakers
- Kids seats
- New Boxster S - Need new Speakers
- Calling Red*Farm
- Tire questions.
- rookie top /window failure?
- Another forum suggestion
- Need opinions on a 01 Boxster I'm looking at buying.
- How about this Boxster?
- Steering wheel and turning problems
- B&m Ssk
- Tire removel problems
- Just ordered B&M SSK...
- OBC hack - Am I part way there?
- boxster Cluster
- Decisions
- fuel consumption
- Carbon Fiber Center Console
- Cleaning behind front air intake vents
- Boxster owners in Oregon?
- Bra for my '00 S
- A little video of my car...
- Boxter problem.I need your help please.
- Video help...
- bubbling paint
- OBC Hack question
- Fast Car Girl ;)
- Rear foglight question...
- Question about tires
- My new signature-Testing...
- How much is it worth?
- Alternate Jack Point
- good porsche vids
- HI, Iam Noob, have questions!
- 04 boxster special edition
- European Car Magazine....
- Which one would you get?
- do you think this boxster is fast?
- Zainos products.
- European Car Magazine....
- What about this for your boxster!
- Frozen engine
- My 2000 / 2001 / 2002...
- "catastrophic engine failure" (long)
- New tyres question
- Litronics thefts-beware!
- New members here!
- Car wash
- What do you drink?
- Boxster lettering
- Excellence article
- Want Boxster - $25k to spend
- Plastic rear window