- Who to know which sensor is faulty in alarm system?
- Help Resetting Airbag Light - Orange County (Irvine)
- Quick question: does cigarette lighter "stay on"?
- Boxster stuck in gear?
- 2003 Boxster - Crank No Start
- Boxster central locking problem
- First problem- Hot start
- Spark plug won't come out.
- "wooshing" sound / lifters
- Boxster at the airport
- Caliper piston size ??
- vancouver
- What wheels and aerokit is this?
- newbie lower arm question
- Oil Leak - IMS? RMS? Please help diagnose
- Axle removal
- Should I buy a warranty?
- Good price on a set of stock 18's?
- Idle temporarily rises when A/C starts??
- Noobie Question
- A little help
- Had a repair list back as long as my arm..what now?
- Brey-Krause rollbar question.
- Clear third brake light
- Here's what I found in blown engine number 2....
- Crazy Exhaust Sound !
- Anyone knows where to get some of these headlights for 986/996?
- Boxster S oil smells
- Anyone have a Pro-Durametric near Seattle?
- Roof problems... again!!!
- What "extras" should I expect from the dealer on my 60k service?
- Flashing side lights
- Amberectomy post op
- 99 Boxster Check engine light issue ( Not Normal)
- how you guys like my new view from the driver's seat?
- Niggles
- Squicky sound when de-pressing the clutch, time for a new clutch?
- Radar Detectors
- RoW M030
- Pics of Boxster with colored rims? Suggestions on painting my wheels
- trans/diff. fluid change
- adjustable toe rods
- Pay it forward
- Rennline Pedal Install Guide
- 52 mph in a 30 mph zone - how much is this gonna cost me?
- PO447 code ?
- Emergency Brake Release Button
- Wierd Noise from left side....2002 Boxster - non S
- Fixed three things on my Porsche today- felt good!!!
- Plexus in TO
- oil leak ?
- Help Identify this please...
- Ignition Switch problems
- HeadLiner question
- Fun experience tonight - fuel line into fuel filter popped off while driving
- Mechanic
- Seat Covers
- Need help with noise
- CLUTCH Replacement PARTS and OTHER PARTS while it’s apart???
- Shifting without clutch
- NooB Question. Tonneau cover not closing all the way
- Questions about Rejex and Keyfob
- Default National Geographic special tonight May 12. Porsche in Pieces
- Cruisin for ********************es
- Whining noise rear right handside when accelerating
- Sachs clutch
- CEL - Fuel Evap
- 00-04 roof swap issues - broken part..
- Wheel fitment ?
- Caliper rebuild kit??
- Newbie Boxster Questions
- cigarette socket question
- Alarm, central locking and windows won't work
- Airbag light
- What is that plug for?
- Time for a new top!
- Rattle-type noise (rear right side)??
- tiptronic gear selector jammed/dead
- a/c delete
- row headers
- Convertible Top Latch Screws
- Adding OEM Cruise to a no-frills 97
- Replaced AOS, but car is idling rough
- 996 side skirts fit 986 ?
- Rattle/odd noise randomly at 3000-3200rpm
- Need a lesson on brakes
- A Fresh Take on Subwoofer Locations
- STRANGE PHENOMENA - Tiptronic stuck in 4th gear with D & 4 LEDs alternating blinking!
- Zenith Blue Hardtop
- Looking for some parts - Help please
- Castrol oil branding / grades USA v UK
- Help!!..misfire no CEL
- Headlight protection film
- F40 Motorsports Open House 05/07 - Anyone Going?
- Steering Wheel Shake at 70-80 mph?
- Wheel bearings...1 or 2?
- GT3 bumper problems... I'm Frustrated!!!
- help boxster 986 S steering judder knocking wobbling
- HELP! In the middle of the RRS UNder Pulley install....
- Interior trim pieces
- 3 Months of Dressing up the Boxster
- New Porsche Owner - some questions
- Extended Warranty
- IMS removal tool
- RUF Front Bumper
- Low profile amplified subwoofer.. thoughts
- 3M ClearBra
- Need help with safety gear for track
- Quick Tiptronic Transmission Question
- So I had the p0445 code...
- need quick opinion on price
- Boxster locked up
- door sills, ss nice
- Cam chain work
- AirCon Compressor
- Pioneer Avic-Z130BT Review
- New Double Din Install
- Windows won't go up/dwon
- 986 S at the N'ring
- New Owner. As usual, I have a few questions. Photos!
- For those who have removed the fuel pump
- Buy a 3.4 swap or keep the 3.2
- Advice for replacing failed BoxSter Engine.
- P1133/1126 Here's my data, what's it mean?
- Winter Tires
- Service Interval - Fuel Filter, MT Fluid
- Brainstorm needed from wide wheel experts
- Need some advise on a P0445 code...
- Flashing the ECU
- Oil Filter Leak?
- Went for a joyride in NH this morning and saw...
- HELP! car w/trouble starting, losing power
- Nothing Good Happens After 11pm
- The pain.....oh the pain
- Headlamps wont click in
- Finally decided on the GAHH top but...
- Weather, Nimble cars, tall blondes
- One remote fails
- Wheel Offset expalined?
- Ottawa Coffee Run - Saturday, April 30th
- Aussie car prices.
- Keyless Entry Audible Alert?
- IMS Replacement... The Jager Saga
- Cam Pad Service?
- 2 threads in1: new ims repair and 06 v.07
- Should have bought a Boxster vice Solstice
- My car smokes after 2 cold starts in a row
- Turbo or charger?
- Help removing exhaust
- Boxster IMS victims please complain to NHTSA
- CDR-23 Radio Issues
- need opinion on this '00 base
- Central Locking Unit. HELP
- wind stop
- One HOT Turbo
- Grrrrr cold crack
- Changing Under Pulley and found the belt to be in horrible shape!
- Rear End Instability?
- Bilstein shock QUESTION??
- Roof Issues
- Looking for help in Austin, Texas
- Will 5spd bolt up to "S" engine?
- Ims, Rms ??
- Battery worries
- Am i an idiot?
- Went to open my drivers door last night and...
- Punch list for an engine swap....
- 2004 s vs 2003 s
- Pilotis just came in :)
- 986Forum vs other forums
- rear window is torn :(
- LA Dismantlers on Nat Geo
- 1998 Boxster P0301-P0303 odb 2 reading
- Help New car problems
- Windy alarm
- and i said to myself
- Wheel Question
- Reduced Engine Power - limted to 11mph
- first run this year
- Junk in Oil - Help Identify
- Rough idle, then power loss and check engine light
- Motive bleeders in Canada
- 986 with PCM 1 8-bit - what are my upgrade options?
- Oil Leak from spark plugs
- Busted Boxster
- Double Din Install Advice
- brake rotor, OEM Porsche or brand name?
- PH and conductivity of coolant
- Sticky Clutch
- Mini Boxster Spy Picture
- Accident when changing oil..
- Pictures of the Dog house
- rear boot light
- Noise from rear trunk
- Back up camera
- Gps antenna
- Classic Insurance
- Roock
- "Ticking" sound from engine
- Mounting your amp in the trunk
- Info needed for Tiptronic shaft
- The weather is so bad for boxstering that...
- Parts list for M030 ROW kit
- Radiator fan removal
- opinion on cosmetic damage
- CDR-220 CD function acting up?
- Air bag disconnection
- Cold start problem 1997 2.5
- P0430 Code - 2001 Boxster
- Resonance improvement
- Transmission Casing & Exhaust
- Dodged a Bullet
- Part Num for plug and play MAF Sensor ('00)
- How to remove rear tunk motor
- cdr 220 radio?
- Best clutch replacement part
- Pioneer Avic-z130bt
- Ok to jack up ONLY the rear to change out trans fluid
- 1999 Wiring Diagram for Amp
- cooling system woes
- Battery is dead, can't open the trunk(searched threads)
- Stereo upgrade
- Tyre or ABS issue?
- Plastic wiper trim
- My windsheild wiper fluid doesnt dispense! >:-/
- Driver's Skills Day
- IMS & RMS failure rate on Tip ??
- Sticking brake pedal 1997 boxster
- Oil drip, what does it mean?
- IMS - Just in Time
- Wind Deflector for 2001 Boxster
- Aftermarket Exhaust
- oil change question
- Oil leak, any idea?
- What the heck kind of customer service is that?
- 987 Owners .. Speedster Humps from eBay seller..
- Strange Exhaust Noise
- Removing the whole Soft top
- How long to get up to temp?
- End of dipstick came off in the tube
- IMS vs IMB replacement
- Good Indie Mechanic in Southern NH???
- Can I drive without the canvas?
- Rear tires: diver one sticks out more then passenger
- Care care Products
- Low Temp Thermostat Question
- Rear Deck Speaker Upgrade?
- Fast porsche..
- Color question
- red clip