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Old 10-07-2007, 08:51 AM   #1
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CEL is Gone (forever?)

I started getting a CEL when I put on TTP headers and 100-cell cats. I have been to the shop that did the install several times. They have been great to work with and stand by their work, I would recommend them to others in the DC area (AutoThority Pitstop). The last time it had a prolonged stay in their shop, as the mechanics would try something and then drive the car to see if the CEL came on, it would, then they would try something else. BTW, I have no problem trusting the folks in the shop to drive my car.

They tried several things including replacing cats, oxygen sensors, even the ECU. This is the same shop that chipped my car. They ended up going into the ECU and retunning it several times to optimize performance and in the process, it looks like the CEL is gone.

The good news is that the owner of the shop said he felt the car was running stronger with the new ECU tune. When I got the car back yesterday, I noticed it right away, more torque at 3K and such. I am not sure when I will be able to get to the same dyno I have used before as I am working out of town this semester. But when I get a chance I will see if there is any difference. In the past it was putting a little over 200 hp to the wheels.

Finally, I cleaned the car up, as it came back from the shop dirtier than I have ever seen it, as it was clean when I bought it, and I have always kept it clean. Machine waxed and detailed it. With the new subwoofer, I am looking forward to the 2+ hour drive down the back roads from home in Central Virginia to Raleigh where I am working for the next few months.

My Car Webpage

2000 2.7L Boxster 102K; TTP intake, headers, high-flow cats; Dansk high-flow muffler; Autothority ECU chip; TechnoTorque 2; Bilstein coilovers; Racing Dynamics strut brace; stress-bar suspension kit; Aasco lightweight flywheel, B&M short shiftkit; 18" wheels; spare tire delete; OEM GT3 seats; JL audio speakers and subwoofer; Alpine PDX-5/PDX-2 amps; Kenwood DNX8120 CD/DVD/Nav; litronics, deambered
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Old 10-07-2007, 08:53 AM   #2
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Location: Virginia
Posts: 916

I forgot to stick some photos of the car while its clean....



My Car Webpage

2000 2.7L Boxster 102K; TTP intake, headers, high-flow cats; Dansk high-flow muffler; Autothority ECU chip; TechnoTorque 2; Bilstein coilovers; Racing Dynamics strut brace; stress-bar suspension kit; Aasco lightweight flywheel, B&M short shiftkit; 18" wheels; spare tire delete; OEM GT3 seats; JL audio speakers and subwoofer; Alpine PDX-5/PDX-2 amps; Kenwood DNX8120 CD/DVD/Nav; litronics, deambered
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