- Boxster OBD II Port - Where, exactly?
- GT3 Console Delete Pictures
- Question about GT3 Console delete install
- Dead brake Lights
- Color Wheel Crest Problems?
- "check Engine Light" Solved! Diy
- New Carbon Fiber Hood :-)
- Replacing clutch
- tire size
- Am I over my head if I get a boxster???
- PSM Rocks!
- Top Question
- High Speed Tire Balancing
- Transmission Fluid
- cdc-s stacker
- New Shoes
- Problems with lock on fuel flap
- Check engine light - HELP
- relocating the climate control
- Rear Spoiler
- xenon HID conversion
- Wide Tires
- Painted Calipers
- No Manual
- Brakes bleeding - anything special?
- Tuning a 2.5l Boxster?
- 2.5 Boxster Servicing
- Boxster front brake questions
- DIY shifter knob and brake lever installation
- HELP!!! Rag-top scuff marks!!!
- Tire alignment issue?
- Air filter
- Coolant
- Should our Boxster have better braking performance?
- Brake wear
- Litronics and Clear/red tail lights
- Short Shifter
- tires and road-noise
- Tightening the top question
- Boxster S 6 speed
- Reprogramming Boxster Keys?
- Sport package vs sport suspension
- Oil type
- Any Experience w/Sway Bars Swap?
- Oil capacity
- Serious Suspension Issues:
- Sports Exhaust Install
- Limited Slip Differential
- Cigarette Lighter install
- Hid
- 30K service
- Premature Engine Failure - Boxster
- Leaking top
- Boxster S Track Fun!
- Tire Pressures and Wear
- Brake Light Change
- 996 Transplant into Boxster
- Power Top
- K&N / oil filters and MAF sensor
- Child Seat
- 030 verses Aftermarket
- What is missing?
- Oil Change
- Filters