- Problem with ignition/alarm. Need Help
- Drove C6 Corvette Yesterday
- Funny car chat leaving restaurant today
- Porsche Nav CDs
- Radio cutout
- wheel spacers. got em?
- I don't know whats wrong with my car ?
- Strike 2 at my Porsche Dealer
- 04 Boxster Glass Rear Window Squeak
- storing a boxster
- N E W S: fourth model due sometime in '05
- winter covering
- Blown Engine 1999 Boxster
- Boxster Remote Key
- Side Intake Difference
- wiring diagram for comfort seat
- On Star or Navigation?
- boxster heated seats?
- 30k Service
- MB caught Porsche with its pants down
- ordering 987... how much and when
- Boxster featured in yet another music video
- Radio?CD
- Cayenne Moron
- fun with a used boxster logo
- Paris Auto Show Live Cam and Porsche Special
- Fed up!!!
- Things to do this weekend...
- N E W 987 Press Release (+ 28 new 987 photos)
- Look at this top!
- Oh Yes! Sniped a storage box cheap!
- Boxster Killer?
- And you thought YOU had a bad day ...
- Jerry Woods/Smart Camber/WEVO Open House
- Porsche Carrera GT fastest car on Nürburgring
- driver window will not auto roll down when door opens
- Boxster Maintenance
- New Paint?
- i hope i can help others
- Interior light problem
- Car wash Info, I picked this up from another forum.
- Headlight clear corners
- whoo hooo drinks on me
- helppp
- does anyone have one of these
- Adding Facotry Keyless Entry/Alarm
- New 997 Gt3 in depth
- Lotus Elise
- press release: 500-HP Cayenne with panorama roof
- Coolent Level
- 2003 Price
- An Embarrassing Moment
- PICs of German AutoFest today for those who could not attend
- What's broken on your boxster?
- Cellular - the movie
- Which one makes the best avatar?
- Yay!!! New convertible top covered under warranty.
- order 987 -or- buy 986 (heard any trunk money rumors)
- 987 W A L L P A P E R
- O F F I C I A L 987 Press Release & Press Photos
- what's the most miles on a boxster
- For those that don't speak German
- Spark Plug change
- Do you have a Elevator machine to with the reserve wheel?
- 987 imminent launch
- check engine OBD II reading
- Yipee! Got a great Ebay deal
- Country of Origin
- new boxster and boxster photos
- Love my Boxster again
- Exporting a 986 back to Europe
- PCA Drivers ed Putnam Park
- boxster 2003
- Check engine light
- Howdy and a question
- FIRE ! Do you know why Boxtsers burn ?
- Did you own a Porsche prior to Boxster purchase ??
- Hurricane Frances is comming what shall i do with my Boxster ?
- Newbie to 986
- Just In: '03
- Boxster
- IPOD conection on a CDR21...
- What does my BoxsterS engine look like ?
- SF Bay Area Boxster people (AutoX ??)
- Anyone had a rear main seal replaced ?
- William Harris speak up !!
- changing tires
- Honking My Horn
- Thinking on Buying 97-2000 model
- New engine required???
- I over-revved my engine......****************!
- Today is the first day for the 997
- Boxster clothes or hats
- moderators wanted?
- Sticker on fin
- Porsche Sat, Aug 21 PST 8:00PM
- Nice wheel upgrade for 986 owners
- NEW BOXSTER. Which headlight will it be? Vote here!
- Boxster Trash talk
- Dissed by the Wall Street Journal 8-20-04
- 'Boxster' decal broken
- Best driving story
- Boxster experts: need info re: rear diff gears
- Story of the year
- Painting brake calipers red
- Info on Continental Warranty Company
- German Auto-Fest in Ventura
- cabin leak
- Anyone has this problem also
- 986 Badge?
- boxster S motor and trans on ebay now!
- Interior Modifications Help
- Why does my S sound like a vaccum cleaner?
- Boxster porous block question
- Hardtop Storage
- Boxster S wins comparo in Evo magazine
- Looking for a good deal on GHL exhaust
- Have you seen this website 986-987.com
- Anyone live near or in Houston, Texas?
- ...talking about colours - what about this one ?
- SCCA Solo II Autocross - Atlanta, Aug 22 Turner Field Green Lot
- Another 987 Pic
- 2005 Boxster Crunched and Not
- I'm considering a used boxster...
- Ok i want everyone view on this
- Porsche TTF font ?
- detector
- Small rip in center top of plastic window
- 2005 Boxster Copue Spy Shots
- Another 4 987 Photos
- Rear speakers?
- pinhole button in interior light at r/view mirror
- clear out headlights
- Rear decklid emblem placement
- Rear plastic glass/windshield
- Porsche Specialist NYC
- couple more 987 photos
- Hardtop Hardware Installation
- Products to safe-Clean the TOP
- Replacement for S-02 tyres
- Boxster 01 S For Sale - Boston
- My latest mod.....
- 986S vs. 987 base
- Paint Touch up? Where?
- Boxster Workshop Manual?? Where?
- newbie with few question
- bruised boxster
- Going to first autocross next weekend. Any advice?
- Windows gasket lubricant
- I just got my Boxster, Do you wave?
- Opinion:Redline water wetter in coolant
- 987 Photos from European website
- 1997 Hardtop
- Clunking Front End
- 986 Forum up for grabs
- Windows don't go up when top is up
- drag racing...
- Got alittle gear grindage when I tried to shift after a drag race.
- Scoop Porsche 997 GT3 Cup
- What is the Best Air Filter??
- Resale Value
- 6th gear
- Maryland Anti Front License Plate Petition
- Newbie Question
- Joining Your Ranks!!!!
- TechArt GT street S Goes 360.9 km/h
- Aftermarket uncut keys
- 987 Boxster....
- Parts for damaged top retraction mechanism
- Suspension/Shock rattle question
- n'other newbie's first porsche
- question about buying used boxsters
- front license plate--my poor boxster
- Is this a good deal?
- Rally
- 2000 Boxster Climate Controls...
- newbie, about to pull the trigger on 97 boxster
- Rear speakers and 19" wheels!
- car covers and clear bra...recs?
- Looking to Buy 2000 Boxster S
- What shoudl I pay for 2000 Boxster S
- new boxter owner--have I damaged my car?
- your thoughts?
- Looking to Buy 2000 Boxster S
- Tiptronic and brake
- Newbie here.
- 2005 Model year
- Top Won't Close !
- Getting My First Boxster Tomorrow !
- Hello All!
- excessive exhaust when starting engine
- Stereo
- Running too rich
- Attn East Coast Porsche Owners>>>
- New meet for all Porsche's in NJ August
- Delivery New Boxster
- Need help deciding on two Boxsters
- Opinion on paying $200+ dollars for oil-change.
- Silver and Gold Accessories for your Boxster
- Strange crack in front bumber
- Buying Used Boxster Need Advice
- Boxster muffler vs. Boxster S muffler
- Alarm system question
- Know-How: How to pick up chicks in a boxster
- Latest BOxster 2.5L or fisrt 2.7L?
- Rear Tail Light Lens
- possible purchase
- Just saw a Boxster get into a wreck :(
- Can I perform an oil change on my own?
- Windscreen question
- Emission control warning light
- warning light
- Header and cat question.
- Best place to get parts online?
- Lifespan of Boxster
- Rookie w/ many questions...
- Airbags
- Wind Screen up or out in summer?
- Pic question
- Everyone has probably seen this, but...
- Leftover New 2003 Boxster
- where is the audio amplifier?
- Plastic wind screen question.
- How do You Leave Some Rubber
- new rating site for your ride!
- Help, need carfax
- 05 Boxster last picture
- 05 Boxster Picture 5
- 05 Boxster picture 4
- 05 Boxster picture 3
- 05 boxster picture 2
- Pictures of 8 cloaked Boxsters
- Is it me or are they just snobs?
- 02 Boxster Standard Equipment?
- Navigational Radio any feedback
- Zaino and protection
- Mid-America (Formerly Tweeks) Funfest
- New 911/997 Official Website
- 8 2005 boxsters caught testing in AL
- Newbie, plus looking for brake caliper powder coating in Los Angeles
- 100% Supima Cotton
- Which is a better deal? Is it priced fairly? HELP ASAP - Need to pick one
- MSN 997 Sneak Preview
- Removing headlight triangles
- Windows when lowering roof
- What should I do?
- Wheels America- dont send rims there!!
- Srt-4
- Tailpipe Shine
- Where to buy Plexus