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  1. Problem with ignition/alarm. Need Help
  2. Drove C6 Corvette Yesterday
  3. Funny car chat leaving restaurant today
  4. Porsche Nav CDs
  5. Radio cutout
  6. wheel spacers. got em?
  7. I don't know whats wrong with my car ?
  8. Strike 2 at my Porsche Dealer
  9. 04 Boxster Glass Rear Window Squeak
  10. storing a boxster
  11. N E W S: fourth model due sometime in '05
  12. winter covering
  13. Blown Engine 1999 Boxster
  14. Boxster Remote Key
  15. Side Intake Difference
  16. wiring diagram for comfort seat
  17. On Star or Navigation?
  18. boxster heated seats?
  19. 30k Service
  20. MB caught Porsche with its pants down
  21. ordering 987... how much and when
  22. Boxster featured in yet another music video
  23. Radio?CD
  24. Cayenne Moron
  25. fun with a used boxster logo
  26. Paris Auto Show Live Cam and Porsche Special
  27. Fed up!!!
  28. Things to do this weekend...
  29. N E W 987 Press Release (+ 28 new 987 photos)
  30. Look at this top!
  31. Oh Yes! Sniped a storage box cheap!
  32. Boxster Killer?
  33. And you thought YOU had a bad day ...
  34. Jerry Woods/Smart Camber/WEVO Open House
  35. Porsche Carrera GT fastest car on Nürburgring
  36. driver window will not auto roll down when door opens
  37. Boxster Maintenance
  38. New Paint?
  39. i hope i can help others
  40. Interior light problem
  41. Car wash Info, I picked this up from another forum.
  42. Headlight clear corners
  43. whoo hooo drinks on me
  44. helppp
  45. does anyone have one of these
  46. Adding Facotry Keyless Entry/Alarm
  47. New 997 Gt3 in depth
  48. Lotus Elise
  49. press release: 500-HP Cayenne with panorama roof
  50. Coolent Level
  51. 2003 Price
  52. An Embarrassing Moment
  53. PICs of German AutoFest today for those who could not attend
  54. What's broken on your boxster?
  55. Cellular - the movie
  56. Which one makes the best avatar?
  57. Yay!!! New convertible top covered under warranty.
  58. order 987 -or- buy 986 (heard any trunk money rumors)
  59. 987 W A L L P A P E R
  60. O F F I C I A L 987 Press Release & Press Photos
  61. what's the most miles on a boxster
  62. For those that don't speak German
  63. Spark Plug change
  64. Do you have a Elevator machine to with the reserve wheel?
  65. 987 imminent launch
  66. check engine OBD II reading
  67. Yipee! Got a great Ebay deal
  68. Country of Origin
  69. new boxster and boxster photos
  70. Love my Boxster again
  71. Exporting a 986 back to Europe
  72. PCA Drivers ed Putnam Park
  73. boxster 2003
  74. Check engine light
  75. Howdy and a question
  76. FIRE ! Do you know why Boxtsers burn ?
  77. Did you own a Porsche prior to Boxster purchase ??
  78. Hurricane Frances is comming what shall i do with my Boxster ?
  79. Newbie to 986
  80. Just In: '03
  81. Boxster
  82. IPOD conection on a CDR21...
  83. What does my BoxsterS engine look like ?
  84. SF Bay Area Boxster people (AutoX ??)
  85. Anyone had a rear main seal replaced ?
  86. William Harris speak up !!
  87. changing tires
  88. Honking My Horn
  89. Thinking on Buying 97-2000 model
  90. New engine required???
  91. I over-revved my engine......****************!
  92. Today is the first day for the 997
  93. Boxster clothes or hats
  94. moderators wanted?
  95. Sticker on fin
  96. Porsche Sat, Aug 21 PST 8:00PM
  97. Nice wheel upgrade for 986 owners
  98. NEW BOXSTER. Which headlight will it be? Vote here!
  99. Boxster Trash talk
  100. Dissed by the Wall Street Journal 8-20-04
  101. 'Boxster' decal broken
  102. Best driving story
  103. Boxster experts: need info re: rear diff gears
  104. Story of the year
  105. Painting brake calipers red
  106. Info on Continental Warranty Company
  107. German Auto-Fest in Ventura
  108. cabin leak
  109. Anyone has this problem also
  110. 986 Badge?
  111. boxster S motor and trans on ebay now!
  112. Interior Modifications Help
  113. Why does my S sound like a vaccum cleaner?
  114. Boxster porous block question
  115. Hardtop Storage
  116. Boxster S wins comparo in Evo magazine
  117. Looking for a good deal on GHL exhaust
  118. Have you seen this website 986-987.com
  119. Anyone live near or in Houston, Texas?
  120. ...talking about colours - what about this one ?
  121. SCCA Solo II Autocross - Atlanta, Aug 22 Turner Field Green Lot
  122. Another 987 Pic
  123. 2005 Boxster Crunched and Not
  124. I'm considering a used boxster...
  125. Ok i want everyone view on this
  126. Porsche TTF font ?
  127. detector
  128. Small rip in center top of plastic window
  129. 2005 Boxster Copue Spy Shots
  130. Another 4 987 Photos
  131. Rear speakers?
  132. pinhole button in interior light at r/view mirror
  133. clear out headlights
  134. Rear decklid emblem placement
  135. Rear plastic glass/windshield
  136. Porsche Specialist NYC
  137. couple more 987 photos
  138. Hardtop Hardware Installation
  139. Products to safe-Clean the TOP
  140. Replacement for S-02 tyres
  141. Boxster 01 S For Sale - Boston
  142. My latest mod.....
  143. 986S vs. 987 base
  144. Paint Touch up? Where?
  145. Boxster Workshop Manual?? Where?
  146. newbie with few question
  147. bruised boxster
  148. Going to first autocross next weekend. Any advice?
  149. Windows gasket lubricant
  150. I just got my Boxster, Do you wave?
  151. Opinion:Redline water wetter in coolant
  152. 987 Photos from European website
  153. 1997 Hardtop
  154. Clunking Front End
  155. 986 Forum up for grabs
  156. Windows don't go up when top is up
  157. drag racing...
  158. Got alittle gear grindage when I tried to shift after a drag race.
  159. Scoop Porsche 997 GT3 Cup
  160. What is the Best Air Filter??
  161. Resale Value
  162. 6th gear
  163. Maryland Anti Front License Plate Petition
  164. Newbie Question
  165. Joining Your Ranks!!!!
  166. TechArt GT street S Goes 360.9 km/h
  167. Aftermarket uncut keys
  168. 987 Boxster....
  169. Parts for damaged top retraction mechanism
  170. Suspension/Shock rattle question
  171. n'other newbie's first porsche
  172. question about buying used boxsters
  173. front license plate--my poor boxster
  174. Is this a good deal?
  175. Rally
  176. 2000 Boxster Climate Controls...
  177. newbie, about to pull the trigger on 97 boxster
  178. Rear speakers and 19" wheels!
  179. car covers and clear bra...recs?
  180. Looking to Buy 2000 Boxster S
  181. What shoudl I pay for 2000 Boxster S
  182. new boxter owner--have I damaged my car?
  183. your thoughts?
  184. Looking to Buy 2000 Boxster S
  185. Tiptronic and brake
  186. Newbie here.
  187. 2005 Model year
  188. Top Won't Close !
  189. Getting My First Boxster Tomorrow !
  190. Hello All!
  191. excessive exhaust when starting engine
  192. Stereo
  193. Running too rich
  194. Attn East Coast Porsche Owners>>>
  195. New meet for all Porsche's in NJ August
  196. Delivery New Boxster
  197. Need help deciding on two Boxsters
  198. Opinion on paying $200+ dollars for oil-change.
  199. Silver and Gold Accessories for your Boxster
  200. Strange crack in front bumber
  201. Buying Used Boxster Need Advice
  202. Boxster muffler vs. Boxster S muffler
  203. Alarm system question
  204. Know-How: How to pick up chicks in a boxster
  205. Latest BOxster 2.5L or fisrt 2.7L?
  206. Rear Tail Light Lens
  207. possible purchase
  208. Just saw a Boxster get into a wreck :(
  209. Can I perform an oil change on my own?
  210. Windscreen question
  211. Emission control warning light
  212. warning light
  213. Header and cat question.
  214. Best place to get parts online?
  215. Lifespan of Boxster
  216. Rookie w/ many questions...
  217. Airbags
  218. Wind Screen up or out in summer?
  219. Pic question
  220. Everyone has probably seen this, but...
  221. Leftover New 2003 Boxster
  222. where is the audio amplifier?
  223. Plastic wind screen question.
  224. How do You Leave Some Rubber
  225. new rating site for your ride!
  226. Help, need carfax
  227. 05 Boxster last picture
  228. 05 Boxster Picture 5
  229. 05 Boxster picture 4
  230. 05 Boxster picture 3
  231. 05 boxster picture 2
  232. Pictures of 8 cloaked Boxsters
  233. Is it me or are they just snobs?
  234. 02 Boxster Standard Equipment?
  235. Navigational Radio any feedback
  236. Zaino and protection
  237. Mid-America (Formerly Tweeks) Funfest
  238. New 911/997 Official Website
  239. 8 2005 boxsters caught testing in AL
  240. Newbie, plus looking for brake caliper powder coating in Los Angeles
  241. 100% Supima Cotton
  242. Which is a better deal? Is it priced fairly? HELP ASAP - Need to pick one
  243. MSN 997 Sneak Preview
  244. Removing headlight triangles
  245. Windows when lowering roof
  246. What should I do?
  247. Wheels America- dont send rims there!!
  248. Srt-4
  249. Tailpipe Shine
  250. Where to buy Plexus