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Old 09-06-2012, 05:15 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by Jittsl View Post
Of course you don't want to post on this subject anymore. You are making yourself look pretty bad. Keep in mind that I have repeatedly ask you to call me and you chose to defend yourself on this forum.

I really shouldn't be surprised, but I am somehow, that you should resort to blatant lies. Are you now claiming that you kept my money because the pipes were all used and scratched? I mounted them so yes they probably have a few scratches on them but USED? I never started the motor so they are not used. Since I had them in my possession for less than a week they really must be crap if they got all used while sitting around in a box.

I really think you should make your return policy a lot clearer. What it should read is: If you buy our product, and you try to fit it, and it doesn't fit your car please return it and we will do nothing to help you and we will keep 20% of your money and we will insult both you and your car.

I know you do not want to reply but I would really love to hear just one last thing. Did the pipes I returned to you fit on a 98 Boxster when you tried and did you take photos? I still have not heard any explanation as to why they did not fit my car.

Oh and yes I will keep venting. As far as I am concerned you are either a fool or a thief and a lier and I will keep ranting until justice is served.
Jittsl any credibility you once had with your complaint has been lost and now you just appear to be a butthurt asshat.

For the record I have purchase multiple items from Top Speed and have had nothing but first class service and have found that they do warranty their products and have a reasonable return policy.

I am beginning to think that the issue in this particular case just may be staring you in the face when you look in the mirror.

But that's just my opinion

2001 Boxster S
RUF front bumper, Techart side skirts, Gemballa rear bumper, PSS9s, Cargraphic 18" racing wheels, RUF exhaust, GT3 seats
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Old 09-06-2012, 05:42 AM   #22
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I can't wait to get my headers and testpipes when their shipment comes in -- goodbye hairdryer, hello motor-sound!
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Old 09-06-2012, 05:52 AM   #23
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I have seen their exhaust first hand on a friends car. They fit. Period. You can't ask for more than that. If it is too loud, drone etc. Well that is just what comes with the territory. If there was a problem with the system, it happens. I am in business and not everything is perfect all the time. As much as I wish I could keep 100% control of my overall product it is just not the possible. I understand both sides. As for losing time, yea that sux. I actually just bought some high end equipment yesterday that I have to drive 45 miles to get and got home and the Sh&# don't work. I have to go back Friday now. Gas, time etc. There are so many worse things that could go wrong within a day. Take it in stride and move on. Keep your head up. On a side note I just bought a JIC system from ebay and it was cheap and the quality was awesome and the fit and sound is great. So if your still in the market there is one more from the seller online. A different style but still sweet!

Just my .02

In the words of Pedro

"Happy Boxstering"
996 3.4 engine with 2.7 986 5speed transmission
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Old 09-06-2012, 09:25 AM   #24
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All, (and I promise this is my last post on the subject). I am well aware that I have been ranting over a very insignificant (in the grand scheme of things) issue. It is obvious that there are many satisfied customers who have had good service and product from the company in question however, that does not give them the right to be arrogant about the infallibility of their product. It is obvious (to me) that there is something wrong with the specific item I received (which happens - nobody is perfect) but:

To claim that the only explanation is that there is something wrong with me or my car without even examining the product in question is just not how I expect a reputable business to respond.

To tell me that, if I return the product, I'll be charged a restocking fee (once again, before they have even seen the equiptment I am complaint about) is just not how I expect a reputable business to respond.

I sense that this was an extraordinary circumstance probably created by one employee who was having a bad day but it would have been so easy to pick up the telephone and fix the issue after the event. Instead (and without contacting me) John went on here and explained that I had miss ordered which is Just not how I would expect a....

And wingnut, I'm really pleased that you have had good service with them but that was not my experience. Sorry if I'm boring you, please recognize that I'm really not interested in your perception of my credibility (why would i care? I have nothing to gain here). I made my original post simply to illustrate my experience for the education of someone who asked.

At that I'll take Jaay's advice.
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Old 09-06-2012, 10:00 AM   #25
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I installed the Top Speed Test Pipes and Cat-back exhaust on my car. Had lots of problems associated with fitment and quality. But the sound is amazing and nearly perfect. I love how it is quiet at normal driving, but gets loud when you hit the throttle.

1. The Test Pipes were bent at too much of an angle. I had to use every ounce of my strength to bend it into the catback exhaust U pipes. And then the test pipes ends were much smaller in diameter than the U pipe diameter. Not even an exhaust clamp can hold it in place or help. Because of this, I have an exhaust leak coming out in between the muffler U pipe and the test pipes. Only solution is to get a Muffler shop to bend the pipe and expand the outside diameter of the test pipe ends to meet the inside diameter of the U-pipes.

2. The Cat-back Exhaust fitment was horrible. The side of the muffler had pipes sticking out that attach to the U-pipe, which then attach to the test pipes. Those side pipes were different diamaters on each side(1 too small, 1 too large). I had to get an exhaust shop to expand the U-pipe inner diameter to fit the catback exhaust on one side, and expand the muffler side pipe diameter on the other side to make the U pipe fit on the other side.

2.1. The Catback Exhaust tips are crooked and they touch the bumper, making it a fire hazard. The Top Exhaust Bracket was welded on very crooked from Top Speed. To solve this, I bought a Dremel and extended the holes in the top exhaust braket so I can change the angle so that the tips look straight.

2.2. The top exhaust braket on the cat-back exhaust is in wrong location-set up too close to the tips. They should have pushed the bracket back towards the engine/test pipes another 3 inches for proper fitment. This was the main reason why the tips were touching the bumper. The bracket location forced the system to be tilted and pushed against the bumper. In addition to using the dremel, I bought longer exhaust bolts and put a bunch of washers in between the top exhaust bracket and its mounting location to straighten the entire system.

It takes some work. This system is cheap for a reason. But one you finish with the installation and creative solutions, the reward is great sound and looks. All in all, I think it is still worth it when you consider that Fabspeed or anyone else would have cost an extra $1000+.
00 2.7 5SPD MT

Last edited by ProjectM96; 09-06-2012 at 10:03 AM.
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Old 09-06-2012, 03:53 PM   #26
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True, just looking at their pricing for the test pipes, they are less than half the price of the Fabspeed cat bypass pipes. At those prices, how can you expect perfect quality and fitment? Of course it's gonna be cheap...because it is! Even so, after seeing the Top Speed exhaust on another fellow Boxster owner's car, it looked of decent quality for the price.

You may not like the way they handled your situation, and they may not have lived up to the highest standards for client service, but at the end of the day, you lost 20% restocking fee for a not so expensive item in the first place (which was their standard return policy as advertised). It wasn't that big a deal. IMHO, there was no need for all the insults. Just chalk it up to a bad experience and move on. If enough people actually experience the same disappointing situation, their business will suffer regardless of your actions or inaction.
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Old 09-09-2012, 10:56 AM   #27
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couple of months ago I purchased a set of the headers...my primary cats are heading south. I have to say Ive been happy with the product. I did not install them myself, had a custom muffler shop do that...he said the install went great, no problems to report. As for hp gains...Id say yes...feels more peppy up top. Sound is more deep, which I like, and no drone to report. My car is a 2004 2.7

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Old 09-10-2012, 08:18 PM   #28
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You get what you pay for, sometimes!

OK well take a look at these headers I bought from debloz aka "Che, aka "John"

I didn't realize the O2 bungs were installed wrong making them hang down instead up like oem & checkout the tube alignment at the head flange. I had the headers ceramic coated inside & out($200) before installing & discovering the O2 bung defect.

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Old 09-11-2012, 04:54 AM   #29
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That's messed up. My headers from Che are the older style for 2.5s that don't have the sensors on them at all.
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Old 09-11-2012, 05:24 AM   #30
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Dude, you obviously "ordered the wrong parts". Did you specify that you didn't want the specially developed O2 plug cooling headers? Sorry, I know I said last one but I couldn't resist.

So more importantly than screwing up (which can happen to anyone), what was honest John's reaction to the issue and how were you dealt with and compensated? Hopefully it was better than his reaction to mine.
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Old 09-11-2012, 05:47 AM   #31
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Originally Posted by Wingnut2u View Post
For the record I have purchase multiple items from Top Speed and have had nothing but first class service and have found that they do warranty their products and have a reasonable return policy. ....
My experience has been the same.
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Old 09-11-2012, 05:55 AM   #32
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In Lower Manhattan, Assembling to Remember 9/11

The bagpipes began filling the 9/11 Memorial plaza with sound a little after 7:30 a.m., readying for the procession that will begin New York’s 11th anniversary commemoration of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks at 8:39 a.m. on a cool Tuesday. Halfway between the rising towers of 1 World Trade Center and 4 World Trade Center, which stand at opposite corners of the memorial quadrangle, an honor guard of policemen and firemen held up an American flag and slowly marched away.

The ceremony will largely consist of the now-traditional reading of the names of those who died in the 1993 and 2001 terrorist attacks, coupled with musical interludes and moments of silence beginning at 8:46 a.m., when American Airlines Flight 11 struck the north tower 11 years ago. Unlike last year’s commemoration for the 10th anniversary of the attacks, Tuesday’s ceremony will not feature readings from current and former presidents, governors, mayors or other dignitaries. They were told they could attend, but would have to stay silent — only family members will be permitted to read the more than 3,000 names.

An hour before the ceremony was to start, dozens of relatives of Sept. 11 victims were milling around, enacting the rituals many have kept every year since the attacks: some held signs with the names and faces of the dead, some wore T-shirts emblazoned with photos of their loved ones, some carried coffee with their flower bouquets.

Some paused at certain names engraved into the stone surrounding the twin reflecting pools where the towers stood. Others chatted with other family members, pointed out features of the site to their children or simply sat on the stone benches that dot the quadrangle.

At 8 a.m., as the bagpipes played “America the Beautiful,” two tiny figures standing on a deck of the unfinished 1 World Trade Center released an enormous American flag, which unfurled slowly down the side of the tower. Meanwhile, the assembled crowd settled in to wait.
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Old 09-11-2012, 08:27 AM   #33
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Originally Posted by Jittsl View Post
Dude, you obviously "ordered the wrong parts". Did you specify that you didn't want the specially developed O2 plug cooling headers? Sorry, I know I said last one but I couldn't resist.

So more importantly than screwing up (which can happen to anyone), what was honest John's reaction to the issue and how were you dealt with and compensated? Hopefully it was better than his reaction to mine.
Once I sent him these same pictures he acknowledged they had a problem & wanted me to return them for full refund including shipping. He refused to give me anything for the $200 I spent ceramic coating the headers & he later resold my headers on E-bay, so he made money, I alerted him to the problem saving him money, & I lost $200 & 20 hours wasted time because of his companys error.

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