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Old 03-26-2020, 06:52 PM   #1
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My Keto Transformation

I know what you're thinking: "for the love of...another fad dieter!"

Last summer, I was really disgusted with myself. At 40 years old, I stepped on the scale for the first time in years and was shocked to see it read nearly 220 lbs (6'1").
For years, I only ate one meal per day (dinner) and a cup of coffee for breakfast, yet could not lose weight (slowly gaining, if anything).

July, 2019:

I saw a post from another 40 year old dad in a similar situation and was very impressed by his results with the ketogenic diet, so I figured I'd give it a go.
I limited my carb intake to less than 10 grams per day (yes, 10 grams...total, not net). This meant cutting out all grains (no noodles, rice, bread, etc), potatoes, sugar, etc.

I started the day with black coffee. Lunch was pepperoni slices and cheese sticks (or similar meat and cheese combo). Dinner was a large helping of meat and a huge salad. In between, I made broccoli, cauliflower, green pepper, kale smoothies that I had to choke down
That is a bit over simplified, but basically, you just have to count all carbs and keep it low. Most shoot for under 50 grams, but I went ballistic with it.
All the greasy meat n' cheese you want!
BTW, I don't drink alcohol and you couldn't on this diet.

Aside from the smoothies, the diet was fairly easy to adapt to (though I was very weak for the first 2-3 weeks as my body switched to burning fat for energy).

8 weeks:

Anywho...I did the diet for 3 full months and lost...wait for it...65 friggin' pounds!
That’s more than 5 pounds per week.

About 6 weeks ago, I bought a Gold's home gym and started working out. I want to be ripped by summer so I can pop my top off at the beach!

Moral of the story? You can do it!


I now eat whatever I want (though still avoid too much sugar or carbs, just because I don't enjoy them like I used to) and am still losing fat...just a bit left around the middle.
If you're overweight, don't hesitate to try it.

I hope that my experience can inspire at least one person in the same way that his story inspired me.

Last edited by particlewave; 03-26-2020 at 11:46 PM.
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Old 03-27-2020, 04:40 AM   #2
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Congrats, PW! That's very inspiring! I need to shed a few myself.
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Old 03-27-2020, 05:18 AM   #3
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That rocks, great work!
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Old 03-27-2020, 05:24 AM   #4
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Great diet. Congrats on your results.

Doing it now. 50 years old in a few weeks. Six feet tall, was 225 February 1st now 200. Need to keep the calories up for work. Will go as low as 190-195 but any lower and I start looking too thin for my build.

New favourite way of doing low carb vegetables is baking them for 15 to 20 minutes at 425F in the oven smothered in avocado oil, seasoning, and parmesan. Try the low Carb microwave bread recipe using almond flour. Pizza night using low Carb pizza dough made out of cheese, butter, almond flour, and coconut flour. Try a bulletproof coffee for breakfast, it really cuts your hunger and fuels your morning. These things make it easy for me.

Instead of alcohol I use CBD to relax, a bit of thc takes the edge off when needed and helps sleep.
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Old 03-27-2020, 07:34 AM   #5
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Well done Charles!!

I started a combination of Paleo diet and CrossFit 3-5 times a week a few years ago at age 60. I lost 55 lbs and am in the best shape I have been since my 20's. I went from a XXL to L shirt and dropped 4 in from my waist. I had to buy all new clothes.\

On top of that my cholesterol and triglycerides dropped in half and I eat 2 eggs and 4 slices of bacon every day for breakfast

We all eat tons of bad stuff. A high protein low carb diet with exercise is the way to go. Basically don't eat processed food and keep sugar to a minimum

It's a lifestyle change for the better

Keep up the good work, its worth it
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Old 03-27-2020, 08:38 AM   #6
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Good work and congratulations! Now you have to address that spider attacking your nipple.
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Old 03-27-2020, 08:51 AM   #7
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DOOD! PW! That's AWESOME!!! Well done.

I once won Gold's Gym's "Body-Transformation" contest. I won;t hijack your thread with my own photos, but I bring it up to say that I know how much work this represents. You probably heard from all sorts of people (my wife was the worst! haha) who say "I wish I could lose weight like you". That misses the point entirely of how much effort this required. Self-mastery is the number one thing this represents.

Well-Done. (whoops... no beer..... )
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Old 03-27-2020, 10:44 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by paulofto View Post
Good work and congratulations! Now you have to address that spider attacking your nipple.
We all do stupid things when we’re young...youth + beer + a friend with a tattoo gun who thinks he’s an artist = I’m stuck with it
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Old 03-27-2020, 11:03 AM   #9
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Thanks Jay, Will, Steve, Paul, Dan and piper.

Please post away if you’d like, Dan.
I still need inspiration from time to time!
My wife still says that. It was definitely not easy, but she is right: it is easier for me. She did the diet with me for the 3 months and lost about 15 lbs, though she did have quite a bit more carbs per day than I.
I also told her that I really didn’t want her to loose too much (not into the rail thin look ).

That’s great, Jay! I’m definitely thinking more about my health. We think we’re immortal when young, but it catches up to you fast.

Will, one of my favorite takeaways from this diet has been pizza
I do a strict cheese crust, though (fry it up in a non-stick skillet until thin and crispy). I tried a few things with almond flour, but never mastered cooking with it and gave up.
I did the CBD thing last summer in Missouri to ease the suffering, then switched to the occasional THC when I moved to WA last October, but gave all that up a couple months ago. I still have some tincture, but have found that I really don’t need anything anymore. This muscle ache may change my mind down the road, though
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Old 03-27-2020, 12:09 PM   #10
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Looking great man I got a promotion to a management position at work. More money, but less physical labor. I'm turning into a fat ass. I may have to try this.
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Old 03-27-2020, 12:31 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by particlewave View Post
Thanks Jay, Will, Steve, Paul, Dan and piper.

Please post away if you’d like, Dan.
I still need inspiration from time to time!
See how you had to ask me twice? haha

My wife actually took 2nd in her division in this same contest. She killed it too. But she's a hotey anyway.... so the transformation was less dramatic. :dance:

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Old 03-27-2020, 02:59 PM   #12
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Righteous! I entered some of those body for life etc... challenges some time back but never got past the "before" picture stage I know that it's hard work, but i don't know how much since I haven't successfully done it. Yet! This will be the time!

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Old 03-27-2020, 06:52 PM   #13
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Nice work, Dan!
Very impressive...even more so now that I know what it takes
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Old 03-27-2020, 07:56 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by particlewave View Post
Thanks Jay, Will, Steve, Paul, Dan and piper.

Please post away if you’d like, Dan.
I still need inspiration from time to time!
My wife still says that. It was definitely not easy, but she is right: it is easier for me. She did the diet with me for the 3 months and lost about 15 lbs, though she did have quite a bit more carbs per day than I.
I also told her that I really didn’t want her to loose too much (not into the rail thin look ).

That’s great, Jay! I’m definitely thinking more about my health. We think we’re immortal when young, but it catches up to you fast.

Will, one of my favorite takeaways from this diet has been pizza
I do a strict cheese crust, though (fry it up in a non-stick skillet until thin and crispy). I tried a few things with almond flour, but never mastered cooking with it and gave up.
I did the CBD thing last summer in Missouri to ease the suffering, then switched to the occasional THC when I moved to WA last October, but gave all that up a couple months ago. I still have some tincture, but have found that I really don’t need anything anymore. This muscle ache may change my mind down the road, though
Cauliflower crust pizza is great. If you didn't know what it was made of you would not know the difference. Lots of places have it now, Pieology, Pizza Studio and even Calif pizza Kitchen. Also the frozen Miltons ones at Costco are good. Nothing wrong with having a "cheat" meal every now and then.

Another benefit from losing weight is a second or two (maybe) at the track
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Old 03-28-2020, 04:59 AM   #15
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Dukan diet...

Tried it for S&G about 5 years ago. Lost 16 pounds the first week. Lost another ~25 over the next 3 weeks.

I was a chick magnet.
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Old 03-28-2020, 07:55 AM   #16
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My Oncologist strongly recommended I try a Paleo diet. and recommended the "Plant Paradox" and 2 volume book by Dr Grundy of California, ay one of the Med centers.

I lost 72 pound while on Hormone depletion therapies and Prednizone. Over 4 months. This is directed to people with compromised immune system. It is not easy. and requires a complete change in the diet. No grain! No vegetable from the night shade family! Lectins are forbidden! Hormone and antibiotic free meets, grass fed and humanely raised only. Wide caught seafood only no farm raised. No sugar, or synthetic sweeteners.
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Old 03-29-2020, 07:47 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by jsceash View Post
My Oncologist strongly recommended I try a Paleo diet. and recommended the "Plant Paradox" and 2 volume book by Dr Grundy of California, ay one of the Med centers.
these are completely contradictory recommendations coming from an oncologist.

Dr. Gundry now recommends eating as little animal based protein as possible. He's embraced the view that most of your protein should be coming from plants as he now says that the hormonal overload of animal products is not significantly diminished if you rely on grass fed or grass finished meat vs supermarket type meats.

A long term study of vegetarians found that "liquid meats" (eggs and dairy) basically nullify the advantages of a vegetarian diet as cancer, stroke, heart disease and dementia/ Alzheimers risks are not any lower in vegetarians who consume dairy as opposed to full on meat eaters. For this reason Dr. Gundry recommends NEITHER. He's basically saying try to be as vegan as your palate will tolerate by reducing the frequency and portion size of all anmimal products. He feels the hormonal risk of animal meats and dairy outweigh the protein benefits. In his view antioxidant deficiency is a far bigger concern than protein deficiency and puts you at greater risk of metastatic cancers. bottom line you have to stick with fruits, vegetables, and the grains that are on his low lectins list. It's a pretty limiting universe granted but if you understand the basic fuel source of cancer cells you realize that the higher the level of IGF-1 in your diet the more cancer cells will take advantage of this to fuel their own growth at all four stages.

50 years ago there was a study that found Europe's shortage of meat immediately after World War II resulted in a significant decline in cancer diagnosis. As meat came back into the food supply the cancer rates began to tick up. These studies were not followed up aggressively because the end game of recommending people eat more fruits and vegetables is not nearly the profit opportunity of developing a cancer drug. it is virtually impossible to link any meat product to a specific cancer because of the variation in people's genetics and activity levels. But the one thing all blue zones (where people live well into their 90s and 100s WITHOUT cancer, stroke, heart disease, dementia and Alzheimers) is that most of their diets are plant based and they avoid a great deal of processed carbohydrates (breads and cereals) and cut out sugar as much as possible (a well known fuel for cancer). Another big factor is the strength of their 'micro circulation'. This is the ability of your small vessels to transport blood to every vital part of your heart and brain. Eating a certain acid found in rosemary plant and a few others apparently clears out these blockages in these tiny vessels that get worse over time and lead to inflammation which is basically the entry point of dementia, hypertension and stroke. This micro circulation can be measured and in certain populations like the Aciorolla Italians the micro circulation of the population over 80 years old is on par with a 20 year old. Allegedly these Italians are sexually active well into their 80s and few wear eye glasses... pretty amazing.

The reason I've read about Dr. Gundry, Dr. Dean Ornish, Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, Dr. Joel Fuhrman, Dr. Michael Gregger, Dr. Neal Barnard is that my father has late stage prostate cancer. He also has advanced dementia and hypertension. These have all been dropped balls by his physicians so I research literally every course of treatment and dietary recommendation. I'm frankly dismayed half the time by what I'm told. Nutrition shockingly is not an intensive part of their curriculum. Shocking because nutrition plays a huge role in all your health risks. the last straw for me was after his primary physician and several other well known specialists failed to detect a DVT bloodclot in his right leg that had been mainfesting symptoms for a lengthy period. which led to a stroke a year and half ago and he slowly lost the ability to walk and is now incontinent. He's been on Lurpon hormone deprivation (continuous not intermittent) since his very well known urologist mistook a benign enlargement for a malignant one and didnt realize until AFTER his BPH prostate surgery where the part of the prostate not removed was the part with aggressive cancer cells (Gleason 7-10). Two years later the PSA started shooting through the roof.

But his physical strength is impressive. He's never been iron deficient. His bloodpressure is like a swiss timepiece in its regularlity. His physical strength is the first thing healthcare workers comment on. He was taken out of hospice despite being on a full time urinary catheter bag with multiple comorbidities. His PSA test has been bullseye on the money after now five years of the hormonal treatments. For those who arent familiar with prostate cancer, the more testosterone you make the more the cancer cells have to feed them essentially. So for the last many years we have avoided animal products, or kept them to bite sized portions and satisfied his protein with brocolli, beans, lentils, sweet potatoes, (any vegetable with an edible skin is cooked in Instant Pot to remove the lectins) and and never leave out the raw vegetables antioxidant powerhouses like red cabbage, red onion spinach and pressed garlic. Just to repeat, Lupron as a cancer medication is basically like chemical castration. You are not making any testosterone in the traditional way your body produces it. Yet my father, who has been stuck in a bed for a year and half, has maintained his baseline of physical strength, particularly in his core and upper body on a largely plant based diet.

At any rate keto diets can be done and are with plant sources for protein. which makes it a win win for weight loss and disease prevention. There is no debating that animal proteins offer far quicker effect in the body and you'll have to do a lot less plant chewing by piling on the meat. but understand that these quick results have a doubled edged sword quality. First your sodium intake will ramp up and that is the real danger not really the fat. In fact carbohydrates are deadlier in the long run than dietary fats and a far better predictor of heart disease and stroke. But sodium is still the leading killer, a country mile ahead of high cholesterol. Excessive sodium's destruction to the heart's mechanics are much harder to repair with medications than the damage of cholesterol which is easily remedied with diet and exercise and statin medications as a last resort. Another big risk not often discussed are all the pesticides fed to livestock vs what you find in fruits and vegetables. A single serving of beef can have 12 times the pesticides of fruits and vegetables. That's because you're consuming a lifetime's worth of pesticides fed to the animal on that one portion vs. the pesticide found in a single crop cycle for the broccoli right next to it. Consuming a significantly higher amount of pesticides will not show up on your standard blood tests ordered by your primary physician. Nor will increasing your hormonal levels beyond your specific genetic breaking point (where dormant cancer cells start to use the excess hormone as a fuel source) become visible as an early stage cancer in these blood tests. Separate specific tests are required. My view is that meat based keto diet can be useful to get you to a certain point if you've been struggling to shed weight. But once the weight is off move towards eliminating the meat drastically and move towards intermittent fasting to burn through your glycogen stores during the day so you are fat burning while you sleep and all the way up towards lunch. Dr. David Sinclair of Harvard University who is a well known researcher on ageing seems to believe that (assuming you are otherwise healthy) you should not eat until you feel a hunger pain as this in his view seems to rev up your body's immune system.
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Old 03-30-2020, 05:33 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by Perfectlap View Post
these are completely contradictory recommendations coming from an oncologist.

Dr. Gundry now recommends eating as little animal based protein as possible. He's embraced the view that most of your protein should be coming from plants as he now says that the hormonal overload of animal products is not significantly diminished if you rely on grass fed or grass finished meat vs supermarket type meats.

A long term study of vegetarians found that "liquid meats" (eggs and dairy) basically nullify the advantages of a vegetarian diet as cancer, stroke, heart disease and dementia/ Alzheimers risks are not any lower in vegetarians who consume dairy as opposed to full on meat eaters. For this reason Dr. Gundry recommends NEITHER. He's basically saying try to be as vegan as your palate will tolerate by reducing the frequency and portion size of all anmimal products. He feels the hormonal risk of animal meats and dairy outweigh the protein benefits. In his view antioxidant deficiency is a far bigger concern than protein deficiency and puts you at greater risk of metastatic cancers. bottom line you have to stick with fruits, vegetables, and the grains that are on his low lectins list. It's a pretty limiting universe granted but if you understand the basic fuel source of cancer cells you realize that the higher the level of IGF-1 in your diet the more cancer cells will take advantage of this to fuel their own growth at all four stages.

50 years ago there was a study that found Europe's shortage of meat immediately after World War II resulted in a significant decline in cancer diagnosis. As meat came back into the food supply the cancer rates began to tick up. These studies were not followed up aggressively because the end game of recommending people eat more fruits and vegetables is not nearly the profit opportunity of developing a cancer drug. it is virtually impossible to link any meat product to a specific cancer because of the variation in people's genetics and activity levels. But the one thing all blue zones (where people live well into their 90s and 100s WITHOUT cancer, stroke, heart disease, dementia and Alzheimers) is that most of their diets are plant based and they avoid a great deal of processed carbohydrates (breads and cereals) and cut out sugar as much as possible (a well known fuel for cancer). Another big factor is the strength of their 'micro circulation'. This is the ability of your small vessels to transport blood to every vital part of your heart and brain. Eating a certain acid found in rosemary plant and a few others apparently clears out these blockages in these tiny vessels that get worse over time and lead to inflammation which is basically the entry point of dementia, hypertension and stroke. This micro circulation can be measured and in certain populations like the Aciorolla Italians the micro circulation of the population over 80 years old is on par with a 20 year old. Allegedly these Italians are sexually active well into their 80s and few wear eye glasses... pretty amazing.

The reason I've read about Dr. Gundry, Dr. Dean Ornish, Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, Dr. Joel Fuhrman, Dr. Michael Gregger, Dr. Neal Barnard is that my father has late stage prostate cancer. He also has advanced dementia and hypertension. These have all been dropped balls by his physicians so I research literally every course of treatment and dietary recommendation. I'm frankly dismayed half the time by what I'm told. Nutrition shockingly is not an intensive part of their curriculum. Shocking because nutrition plays a huge role in all your health risks. the last straw for me was after his primary physician and several other well known specialists failed to detect a DVT bloodclot in his right leg that had been mainfesting symptoms for a lengthy period. which led to a stroke a year and half ago and he slowly lost the ability to walk and is now incontinent. He's been on Lurpon hormone deprivation (continuous not intermittent) since his very well known urologist mistook a benign enlargement for a malignant one and didnt realize until AFTER his BPH prostate surgery where the part of the prostate not removed was the part with aggressive cancer cells (Gleason 7-10). Two years later the PSA started shooting through the roof.

But his physical strength is impressive. He's never been iron deficient. His bloodpressure is like a swiss timepiece in its regularlity. His physical strength is the first thing healthcare workers comment on. He was taken out of hospice despite being on a full time urinary catheter bag with multiple comorbidities. His PSA test has been bullseye on the money after now five years of the hormonal treatments. For those who arent familiar with prostate cancer, the more testosterone you make the more the cancer cells have to feed them essentially. So for the last many years we have avoided animal products, or kept them to bite sized portions and satisfied his protein with brocolli, beans, lentils, sweet potatoes, (any vegetable with an edible skin is cooked in Instant Pot to remove the lectins) and and never leave out the raw vegetables antioxidant powerhouses like red cabbage, red onion spinach and pressed garlic. Just to repeat, Lupron as a cancer medication is basically like chemical castration. You are not making any testosterone in the traditional way your body produces it. Yet my father, who has been stuck in a bed for a year and half, has maintained his baseline of physical strength, particularly in his core and upper body on a largely plant based diet.

At any rate keto diets can be done and are with plant sources for protein. which makes it a win win for weight loss and disease prevention. There is no debating that animal proteins offer far quicker effect in the body and you'll have to do a lot less plant chewing by piling on the meat. but understand that these quick results have a doubled edged sword quality. First your sodium intake will ramp up and that is the real danger not really the fat. In fact carbohydrates are deadlier in the long run than dietary fats and a far better predictor of heart disease and stroke. But sodium is still the leading killer, a country mile ahead of high cholesterol. Excessive sodium's destruction to the heart's mechanics are much harder to repair with medications than the damage of cholesterol which is easily remedied with diet and exercise and statin medications as a last resort. Another big risk not often discussed are all the pesticides fed to livestock vs what you find in fruits and vegetables. A single serving of beef can have 12 times the pesticides of fruits and vegetables. That's because you're consuming a lifetime's worth of pesticides fed to the animal on that one portion vs. the pesticide found in a single crop cycle for the broccoli right next to it. Consuming a significantly higher amount of pesticides will not show up on your standard blood tests ordered by your primary physician. Nor will increasing your hormonal levels beyond your specific genetic breaking point (where dormant cancer cells start to use the excess hormone as a fuel source) become visible as an early stage cancer in these blood tests. Separate specific tests are required. My view is that meat based keto diet can be useful to get you to a certain point if you've been struggling to shed weight. But once the weight is off move towards eliminating the meat drastically and move towards intermittent fasting to burn through your glycogen stores during the day so you are fat burning while you sleep and all the way up towards lunch. Dr. David Sinclair of Harvard University who is a well known researcher on ageing seems to believe that (assuming you are otherwise healthy) you should not eat until you feel a hunger pain as this in his view seems to rev up your body's immune system.
As a prostate cancer patient, Gleason 7-9, Radical Prostatectomy, Radiation and Lupron, I have an idea of what your father is going though. My thoughts are with him. I was diagnosed and operated on 7 years ago, been off radiation for 6, off Lupron for 5 and my PSA has been undetectable since ending radiation. *Keeping fingers crossed*

I've already eliminated added sugar, but being Italian pasta is my weakness. What you wrote made me realize that I have to be more serious about other things I can do, diet-wise. And I thank you for that. Funny how doctors love to push pills, but don't tell you these things.

Best wishes to your father and mother, as I understand she's going through some things as well.
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Old 03-30-2020, 06:12 AM   #19
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Congrats to everyone!

Here's my story.

A pound of fat is 3500 calories.

Take your weight x 12 if you are kinda active, x 13 if very active, this gives you the calories needed to maintain your current weight.

To lose 1 pound a week: 3500/7 = -500 calories per day.

So if you weigh 200 pounds and you're kinda active:

200x12= 2400 - 500 = 1900 calories per day.

You can wreck your health by eating unhealthy foods, but you could eat nothing but 1900 calories of Twinkies a day and still lose 1 pound a week.

I reduced my calorie intake by 1000 calories per day and in 10 months lost 70 pounds by last October. I'm still at my target weight today.

I use the free version of My Fitness Pal to track my calories and nutrition.
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Old 03-30-2020, 09:06 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by piper6909 View Post
As a prostate cancer patient, Gleason 7-9, Radical Prostatectomy, Radiation and Lupron, I have an idea of what your father is going though. My thoughts are with him. I was diagnosed and operated on 7 years ago, been off radiation for 6, off Lupron for 5 and my PSA has been undetectable since ending radiation. *Keeping fingers crossed*

I've already eliminated added sugar, but being Italian pasta is my weakness. What you wrote made me realize that I have to be more serious about other things I can do, diet-wise. And I thank you for that. Funny how doctors love to push pills, but don't tell you these things.

Best wishes to your father and mother, as I understand she's going through some things as well.
thanks for your will wishes. If you aren't already on it I would strongly recommend you check in with your cardiologist as frequently as he/she sees fit. And get a good one from a top medical school and part of top notch heart institute that is within your best hospital. Cancer patients are prone to coagulation and that needs to be monitored. My father should have been on a low dose blood thinner like Xarelto with his cancer, age, history of stroke and being on a long term hormonal treatment. He was a good candidate for a blood thinner because he was extremely mobile and physically coordinated for someone with so many incurable diseases. At over age 80 he rode an exercise bicycle for over an hour, could walk long distances without the slightest fatigue, which the dog loved and had really remarkable visual coordination for a person with advanced dementia. He would be the first to have his seat belt on and always knew to step over the parking block. No falls whatsoever. But he couldn't tell you his address, flushed his $4k dental bridges down the toilet (bah useless) and he didnt know who his son or wife were...he just thought of us as his roommates. Lol.

I'm a half full glass type person who is always in fight mode so I watched him closely. But man did the doctors fail to forsee the possibility or mitigate against a major blood clot. Even after his stroke the second rate hosptial he was unfortunately rushed to did not perform a doppler of his arteries the entire week he was in the hospital and it wasnt performed for almost a month as part of his cardiologist follow up. Once the imminent danger had passed I should have transferred him to a hospital that was capable of surgical intervention of blood clots. They would have performed the doppler test right away and found the DVT blood clot. Incredibly not all hospitals can perform interventions of blood clots. They just let you sit there in the bed until your vitals are stable to send you home with a ticking time bomb. This is important to point out because he had what I now believe was a second stroke at the second rate hospial while I was helping him walk around the floor of the hospital. He was simply rushed back to his bed and no further tests performed other than CT scan. Total **************** show.
Once he was back home I had a second doppler performed about 9 months later to confirm that his coagulation was not chronic condition. So better management of this might have prevented my father's bed bound confinement completely. You really have to stay one step ahead of your doctors. The best way is to fire any IMMEDIATELY if they show a lackadaisical, cynical or apathetic demeanor. They should exhibit a sense of urgency or seriousness like a Marine on point. Especially if you live in an area where there is a high senior population and you become like just another can of peas on the production line.

As far as the pasta, I think you can rewire your brain's carb craving by eating more fiber with that particular
carb. My theory is that people have three cravings: sugar, savory and carb. The sugar craving is a result of not eating enough fruit during the day. If you're having enough forest fruits (low sugar) and avoiding tropical fruits (high sugar) the fiber in the fruit will drip feed the sugar into your bloodstream on flattened plane vs a spike. The savory craving is a result of not enough healthy fats which is the strongest urge because calorically its lifting the most weight. So if you eat more avocado and nut varieties (avoid any non-organic nut butters and eat "Natural" peanut butter sparingly), chia puddings (never consume chia seed dry) your fat cravings for bacon, steak and eggs will fall. The bigger your appetite for these meat based fats the more plant based fats you have to replace with. dont worry about the calories at first, you want to make the withdrawal as easy as possible otherwise you'll just quit and go back to the piles of salty meats.

So For the carb cravings the antidote is eating more beans and lentils. These suppress appetite so you can walk past a plate of pasta. You should cook these legumes under pressure (Instant Pot) and wash them after. What I do for my pasta craving, I'm a bucatini fan, is to mix in plenty of spinach, red cabbage, the small lentils that look more like seeds, in with a smaller portion of the pasta and blend into the sauce cooked cauliflower, humus. Use pressed garlic and raw onions for an net antioxidant benefit. The higher fiber content of these addions brings down the net carbs of the pasta so your insulin spike isnt as high and long in duration. Yet you still feel like you ate a plate of pasta. And very important, DO NOT add more than a tiny bit of olive oil. Think teaspoon in stead of tablespoons. If you want the olive oil flavor blend a whole olive into the sauce or dice and mix in with the pasta and vegetables. Omega 3's are vital but not without its original fiber source. Processed oil (aka straight vegetable oil, all kinds) hits your bloodstream all at once just like the sugar in fruit juices except that instead of an insulin spike you get something far more dangerous if you don't have the ability to break down oil quickly: rapid inflammation in places you really dont want that. And this inflammation begins in a remarkably fast process as well, almost as soon as you're done eating. When Samuel L. Jackson went in for his 50th birthday at the Mayo clinic's famous head to toe in a day physical he was told he had a life threatening blockage in a major artery. His options were: A) surgery with one of the highest death rates (moving an artery from an arm to his leg if memory serves). Or option B) an immediate course of medication with an absurdly strict diet that cut out all meats, chicken, fish, etc. and .....cutting out ALL OILS. Why? because they accelerate the inflammation that could dislodge the blockage and trigger a stroke. So he picked option B and within six months his arteries were clear. Jackson's experience was educational for others because it showed the inflammatory risks of fiber-less oils they don't warn you about, and that routine blood tests, the sort a primary physician orders once a year, do NOT show the full picture of what is going on in your arteries.

GT3 Recaro Seats - Boxster Red
GT3 Aero / Carrera 18" 5 spoke / Potenza RE-11
Fabspeed Headers & Noise Maker
BORN: March 2000 - FINLAND

Last edited by Perfectlap; 03-30-2020 at 09:51 PM.
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