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Old 09-24-2006, 05:56 AM   #1
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2006 Boxster S discounting?

Hello all!!

Great forum you all have here. I've been reading it for a few hours now and have learned a lot.

I'm seriously considering a Boxster S as I took one out for a test drive yesterday. I have a couple of questions and was wondering if you all might be able to help.

1) With the Cayman and the '07 boxsters out, what kind of deal can I work out with the dealer on an '06 boxster S? Is invoice too low/much to ask for an '06? The car I'm looking at is priced around $59k msrp.

2) I like to do my own maintenance (ie oil changes etc). How hard would it be. Reading the forum, it seems like it shouldn't be that bad but it seems the sales person insists that a dealer do the oil change.

Any advice in purchasing a boxster would be greatly appreciated!!

Oh, and let me just say, if the Cayman S was within my price range...wow, there would be no hesitation. That is one nice car.


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Old 09-24-2006, 06:07 AM   #2
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MotoFanatic, welcome. I hope you get your new car.

You should be able to get 15% off a 2006. So that car you are looking at for $59K could be purchased for about $50,150. That would be a very good deal.

You should be able to do your own oil changes. Just save your receipts for the oil and parts and use Mobil 0W40.
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Old 09-24-2006, 06:20 AM   #3
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Well, maybe you would want a loaded Cayman S that would take it out of your range, but if not...an 06 Cayman S that stickers for 62-63 could probably be had for 10K less than that - right in your range no - based on the Boxster S you want? If you can't find a dealer willing to go that low yet, they probably will in another month or so...up here in NY, every dealer has at least a couple of left over 06 Cayman S', and I saw that one dealer still lists as many as 14 in inventory! Guess they got a little over zealous when ordering...
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Old 09-24-2006, 08:14 AM   #4
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Thanks everyone for the replies. I'd be interested in that dealer that has 14 Cayman S in inventory. I'm in the MD/VA/DC area and NY is not that far for the car I want at the right price.


Originally Posted by John Y
Well, maybe you would want a loaded Cayman S that would take it out of your range, but if not...an 06 Cayman S that stickers for 62-63 could probably be had for 10K less than that - right in your range no - based on the Boxster S you want? If you can't find a dealer willing to go that low yet, they probably will in another month or so...up here in NY, every dealer has at least a couple of left over 06 Cayman S', and I saw that one dealer still lists as many as 14 in inventory! Guess they got a little over zealous when ordering...
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Old 09-24-2006, 08:33 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by MotoFanatic
Thanks everyone for the replies. I'd be interested in that dealer that has 14 Cayman S in inventory. I'm in the MD/VA/DC area and NY is not that far for the car I want at the right price.

Moto, you can see all dealer's inventory with this link:

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Old 09-24-2006, 03:57 PM   #6
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"Oh, and let me just say, if the Cayman S was within my price range...wow, there would be no hesitation. That is one nice car."

If you're going to spend $50k+ then get the car that you really want. Considering the discounts you can get on 06 Box S and Cayman S and depending on options, we're really talking the same price range here. That's a lot of money, either way so make sure you get what will really make you happy.

And yes, you should be able to get the $59k MSRP 06 Box S for around $51k right now. In December perhaps even for less than $50k.

Or you can just let the market tell you what the prices are. Study the inventories of the dealers in your area (or wider). Send them faxes or emails with a "request for quotes" for an 06 Box S with preferred options and color combos see what they respond with.

Finally, if you're not going to do more than 80% track driving (i.e. if you're going to do, say, 2-3 DE events per year, which I highly recommend) I'd say get the Box S and forget the Cayman. The 4k+ rpm growl with the top down is phenomenal. But I'm biased . I drive my Box S 90% of the time with the top down. It's a motorcycle on 4 wheels, really.

'06 Boxster S, 6sp, triple-black
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Old 09-24-2006, 04:18 PM   #7
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Again, thanks for the advice.

Yeah, I agree to a certain extent that if I'm going to spend that kind of money, I should get what I like. Unfortunately, I'm more of the bang for the buck kind of guy and if the price difference between the Boxster and Cayman is too great, I can't see myself justifying the Cayman. (I really like the lines of the Cayman but the Boxster isn't bad either)

We'll see, I got link to dealer inventories and will be making some calls tomorrow to see how much they'd be willing to deal.

Thanks all!! Great forum!

Originally Posted by z12358
"Oh, and let me just say, if the Cayman S was within my price range...wow, there would be no hesitation. That is one nice car."

If you're going to spend $50k+ then get the car that you really want. Considering the discounts you can get on 06 Box S and Cayman S and depending on options, we're really talking the same price range here. That's a lot of money, either way so make sure you get what will really make you happy.

And yes, you should be able to get the $59k MSRP 06 Box S for around $51k right now. In December perhaps even for less than $50k.

Or you can just let the market tell you what the prices are. Study the inventories of the dealers in your area (or wider). Send them faxes or emails with a "request for quotes" for an 06 Box S with preferred options and color combos see what they respond with.

Finally, if you're not going to do more than 80% track driving (i.e. if you're going to do, say, 2-3 DE events per year, which I highly recommend) I'd say get the Box S and forget the Cayman. The 4k+ rpm growl with the top down is phenomenal. But I'm biased . I drive my Box S 90% of the time with the top down. It's a motorcycle on 4 wheels, really.

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Old 09-24-2006, 06:39 PM   #8
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RE: 14 Caymans - check the Manhattan dealership; I believe that was the one where I saw that...
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Old 09-25-2006, 01:26 AM   #9
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Found it. Thanks! Looks like they've got quite a few. I'll have to see what local dealers are doing and work my way to NY.

Originally Posted by John Y
RE: 14 Caymans - check the Manhattan dealership; I believe that was the one where I saw that...
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Old 09-25-2006, 02:43 AM   #10
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"I'll have to see what local dealers are doing and work my way to NY."

Moto, I don't know about the others but looks like the Manhattan dealer is loaded with Caymans S. Not that I encourage you to go for the Cayman (I'd pay a premium for the Box over the Cayman, myself, so I too believe that the Box gives much more bang for the buck) but you may be able to get the car you want, after all.

You probably have bought cars before and may not welcome advice on technique, but I would minimize haggling and negotiations with salespeople. Just broadcast your "request for quotes" to ALL dealers (making each aware that it's going to a lot of them at the same time) and ask them for their single best price on every car in their inventory that comes close to your requirements. Of course, the ones with largest inventories will be the most aggressive ones. To keep a level playing field, ask them not to include demo cars.

'06 Boxster S, 6sp, triple-black
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Old 09-25-2006, 06:46 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by MotoFanatic
Found it. Thanks! Looks like they've got quite a few. I'll have to see what local dealers are doing and work my way to NY.
No prob, good luck; I hope to be able to find as good a deal as possible myself when the time comes next year - hopefully by then I will actually have decided betwen a Cayman S and a Boxster!
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Old 09-25-2006, 01:19 PM   #12
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cayman vs. boxster

The truth of the matter is convertibles are sexier than hard tops. IMO, caymans look like hard top boxsters. SInce your in the MD/VA/DC area you'll have your fair share of sunny days. Stick with a Boxster. Just an opinion.
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Old 09-25-2006, 03:44 PM   #13
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Yeah, I wish a thought the same. For some reason, I'm attracted to the hardtop. Trust me, I wish I wasn't.

Basically, I've found that dealers in the area want ~$400 above invoice. The clincher, though, is that they told me invoice went up about $1800 versus what is reported by edmunds. Is that true?

Basically I can get PPB package and front lip spoiler for $58k (taxes and tags not included) Is that a good deal for an '06 Cayman S? I don't know...


Originally Posted by jeffsquire
The truth of the matter is convertibles are sexier than hard tops. IMO, caymans look like hard top boxsters. SInce your in the MD/VA/DC area you'll have your fair share of sunny days. Stick with a Boxster. Just an opinion.
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Old 09-25-2006, 04:09 PM   #14
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"invoice went up about $1800 versus what is reported by edmunds. Is that true?"

What do you mean it "went up"? Invoice can't just "go up" like that. Even if it did "go up", edmunds is usually pretty good at keeping abreast. It smells like bulls**t to me. If you give them a chance, they'll use it, so don't. Refer to the suggestion I gave previously.

Oh, and on the coupe vs convertible thing... The Cayman doesn't even come with a sunroof to open up on a nice day. So dark, so claustrofobic. The "open skies" option provided for free in the Box is worth thousands... to me.
'06 Boxster S, 6sp, triple-black

Last edited by z12358; 09-25-2006 at 04:12 PM.
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Old 09-25-2006, 06:27 PM   #15
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I feel claustrophobic in a Cayman....
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Old 09-26-2006, 07:50 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by z12358
"invoice went up about $1800 versus what is reported by edmunds. Is that true?".
Unlikely but possible. The easiest resolution is to just ask them to see the invoice. I have bought my last three cars at prices negotiated relative to invoice and the dealers have never had a problem showing me the actual invoice during the process. If they find excuses why they can't show it to you, then its safe to assume the change is BS.
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Old 09-28-2006, 12:36 AM   #17
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Well, all is done now. I drove home with a new '06 Cayman S in "pull me over" red. I'll post pics as soon as I take some. I have never spent so much on a vehicle (not even half as much) but it seems worth it. What an awesome car and thanks everyone here on the forum for all your help.

Now my next question is, are there any other good websites I should know about that has good Boxster/Cayman info like this one?? I can't seem to get enough of reading about it!

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Old 09-28-2006, 02:23 AM   #18
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Moto, congratulations and enjoy it!
What colors, options, and price did you get?

This forum is probably the best one that's Boxster specific. You can also try:
rennlist.org (Porsche forum)
pca.org (PCA website)
autopia.org (car detailing forum)
'06 Boxster S, 6sp, triple-black
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Old 09-28-2006, 10:59 AM   #19
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Old 09-28-2006, 04:21 PM   #20
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I went with the basics (stone grey interior and guard red exterior). The only real options it has is the PPB package and body colored spoiler. I haven't calculated what the cost of the car was as I only negotiated OTD pricing (ie. all inclusive taxes, tags etc). By my estimates though, I'd say I paid ~$500 above edmunds invoice. It didn't seem like anybody was willing to go further except a few bucks and I wasn't planning on doing the nickle and dime thing. Some dealers were willing to offer bigger discounts if it had more optional equipment but it was still beyond my price range.

I can't wait to break the sucker in!!!! My g/f said she hates the color. She said there was too much orange in it. I was thinking, I guess I'll be the only one driving then....eheh....

Thanks for the links! I guess I have some reading to do!


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