Again, thanks for the advice.
Yeah, I agree to a certain extent that if I'm going to spend that kind of money, I should get what I like. Unfortunately, I'm more of the bang for the buck kind of guy and if the price difference between the Boxster and Cayman is too great, I can't see myself justifying the Cayman. (I really like the lines of the Cayman but the Boxster isn't bad either)
We'll see, I got link to dealer inventories and will be making some calls tomorrow to see how much they'd be willing to deal.
Thanks all!! Great forum!
Originally Posted by z12358
"Oh, and let me just say, if the Cayman S was within my price, there would be no hesitation. That is one nice car."
If you're going to spend $50k+ then get the car that you really want. Considering the discounts you can get on 06 Box S and Cayman S and depending on options, we're really talking the same price range here. That's a lot of money, either way so make sure you get what will really make you happy.
And yes, you should be able to get the $59k MSRP 06 Box S for around $51k right now. In December perhaps even for less than $50k.
Or you can just let the market tell you what the prices are. Study the inventories of the dealers in your area (or wider). Send them faxes or emails with a "request for quotes" for an 06 Box S with preferred options and color combos see what they respond with.
Finally, if you're not going to do more than 80% track driving (i.e. if you're going to do, say, 2-3 DE events per year, which I highly recommend) I'd say get the Box S and forget the Cayman. The 4k+ rpm growl with the top down is phenomenal. But I'm biased  . I drive my Box S 90% of the time with the top down. It's a motorcycle on 4 wheels, really.