"I'll have to see what local dealers are doing and work my way to NY."
Moto, I don't know about the others but looks like the Manhattan dealer is loaded with Caymans S. Not that I encourage you to go for the Cayman (I'd pay a premium for the Box over the Cayman, myself, so I too believe that the Box gives much more bang for the buck) but you may be able to get the car you want, after all.
You probably have bought cars before and may not welcome advice on technique, but I would minimize haggling and negotiations with salespeople. Just broadcast your "request for quotes" to ALL dealers (making each aware that it's going to a lot of them at the same time) and ask them for their single best price on every car in their inventory that comes close to your requirements. Of course, the ones with largest inventories will be the most aggressive ones. To keep a level playing field, ask them not to include demo cars.