06-05-2014, 08:38 AM
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First encounter with a cop in my boxster!
Had my first encounter with a cop today!
My son and I filled up gas and headed out of the parking lot and gunned the boxster to merge onto the service road. I noticed in the corner of my eye a Plano Police Tahoe parked on the side-street. Immediately slowed down (thanks Porsche brakes) but was still above the 45mph speed limit. I realized he will stop me when I saw his wheels turn as I passed him and lo and behold, I saw the lights in my rear view mirror. Pulled over to the side street and he followed me in.
Waited for the officer to come up to me, rolled down the window and he asked me if there was an emergency that prompted me to be driving over speed limit. I said "No officer" and had my License in my hand for him. He took the same, went back to his cruiser, checked something while my son reached out for the glove box for the Insurance card.
Seconds later, he comes back with just my licence in hand, and asks me if I knew what the speed limit was - I said 45 and he advised me to follow the same, handed me my licence and just let me go - did not even issue a warning note!
Perhaps he did not really have a radar/laser gun to clock me or it was my lucky day!
Lesson learnt - don't gun your car as soon as you exit a gas station! You will stand out in the crowd - Not that you will not when you have a lovely ride
2009 Boxster Metallic Blue
06-05-2014, 09:30 AM
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Best response (that I have used many a time):
I am 100% guilty.... officer.
I can argue about actual guilt or innocence with the municipal court judge later if five-O decides to write me up. My record is 8-0 at last count, they all take the money in lieu of points. Muni courts are cheap dates...
But most times cops are in a bad mood and even giving the whiff of innocence is merely reeling out bait for a fight. Don't do that. And get a Valentine One. Although this one statie followed me for a mile when I had my top down and just as I was going to merge onto the parkway he gets on the loudspeaker and says "Porsche guy.... radar detectors make you look guilty". To which I mentally replied.... I think you mean driving a Porsche makes you look guilty, hence the V1. I'm watching you too smokie!!
GT3 Recaro Seats - Boxster Red
GT3 Aero / Carrera 18" 5 spoke / Potenza RE-11
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Last edited by Perfectlap; 06-05-2014 at 09:41 AM.
06-05-2014, 09:38 AM
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Say bye bye!
06-05-2014, 10:09 AM
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I've been pulled over three times now in the boxster. Not once for speeding though, which is odd because I always drive it like I just stole it!
All three stops were for not having a front license plate. And all three resulted in verbal warnings. One from a Texas Dept. of Public Safety guy; the other two were from Houston PD officers.
Of course, now the Houston area fine for not having a front plate is something like $200 so it's officially a money-maker even though it's not a moving violation.
06-05-2014, 02:22 PM
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Originally Posted by RandallNeighbour
I've been pulled over three times now in the boxster. Not once for speeding though, which is odd because I always drive it like I just stole it!
All three stops were for not having a front license plate. And all three resulted in verbal warnings. One from a Texas Dept. of Public Safety guy; the other two were from Houston PD officers.
Of course, now the Houston area fine for not having a front plate is something like $200 so it's officially a money-maker even though it's not a moving violation.
I drive mine pretty hard too here in Houston and no cops yet. Still running without the front plate too. What did you say to the cops about the plate?
DD summer/winter: 2000 Boxster S
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06-05-2014, 07:05 PM
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Several years ago, my dad and I were returning with In-N-Out for the the whole fam in his Bentley (Continental Flying Spur) through some roads that had just been built but the area was not developed so they were always empty. Cop clocked us doing 60 turning right in an intersection - yes, 60 from the right hand turn lane, and we had been braking hard. He told us how fast he got us on radar, and my dad's response was "60?!? You gotta admit, that's impressive."
He was got off guard, laughed, and told us to get home before our burgers were cold.
06-05-2014, 10:16 AM
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I never argue and immediately admit guilt.
The only citations I've had in almost 15 years were two recent speeding violations
06-05-2014, 11:00 AM
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I spent 30 years as a cop and I will tell you that attitude is everything. A belligerent or hostile one will get you a ticket every time and you would be surprised how many people exhibit one when they are stopped. If you give him a reason to write you, he can find something to write you for. On the other side, if you are courteous and more or less honest with him he has more incentive to let you go. I personally pretty much did not write anyone for less than 15 over....Unless he was a smarta$$. I was also very willing to accept a really good excuse.
06-05-2014, 01:36 PM
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Originally Posted by mountainman
I spent 30 years as a cop and I will tell you that attitude is everything. A belligerent or hostile one will get you a ticket every time and you would be surprised how many people exhibit one when they are stopped. If you give him a reason to write you, he can find something to write you for. On the other side, if you are courteous and more or less honest with him he has more incentive to let you go..
Here's the thing, I always roll down all the windows, keep my hands high, have my docs ready, admit guilt, shut up, and say yes sir with no attitude.
Yet the number of cops who right off the bat come with what I would objectively call a "major A-hole" attitude i.e. belligerent as you put it, is very high. I see right away, it's nearly always the small town cops, the guys who've been on the job for a few years and are pissed about some political crap in their department so once they get in the black and white the crap rolls down hill on the first guy to get in his sights. I told one lady passenger "these guys are stress time bombs". She started laughing but I wasn't joking, after a certain amount of time I don't think cops should be on daily patrol. They need to cycle them in and out of desk duty for long stints.
Originally Posted by RandallNeighbour
Of course, now the Houston area fine for not having a front plate is something like $200 so it's officially a money-maker even though it's not a moving violation.
Montclair NJ have this one main street, on a Saturday night when all the locals are out going to bars and restaurants they'll set up check point right smack in the middle of the road. They re-direct all the cars off the main road into a parking lot where the cops start writing up all the tickets for the front plate, inspection stickers, seat belts, and anything else they can jack up some revenue with. I must have counted a dozen cops.
GT3 Recaro Seats - Boxster Red
GT3 Aero / Carrera 18" 5 spoke / Potenza RE-11
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Last edited by Perfectlap; 06-05-2014 at 01:43 PM.
06-05-2014, 02:20 PM
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Only one encounter so far
I had had my S a few weeks..still getting used to it. I was driving through a small town in TN and noticed a SUV with blue lights behind me. I stopped and got out my license , the officer came to the window and said...do you know how fast you were going ?
I said , No actually I dont I just got this car and I have been used to driving a ford explorer...he said I was doing 78 in a 45 zone....my heart sank ....reckless driving if he wanted to press it.
He said to be more careful and I had a beautiful car.....and that was it...he didn't even run my license.
I still see him from time to time as my fiance lives just above that town, I always wave and watch the speed limit.
Truly good Community Service
06-05-2014, 11:23 AM
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Can we turn this into: "What is a really good excuse?" thread???
06-05-2014, 11:50 AM
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Originally Posted by aneal000
Can we turn this into: "What is a really good excuse?" thread???
Stopped a very nice older lady doing about 15 over who looked at me with a pained expression and said "I have to pee really bad ". Was it true? ?? I fell for it.
Stopped another one doing about 20 over in a school zone that pointed at her 4 kids and said " I have to hurry and get these kids to school on time". She got a ticket.
06-05-2014, 01:34 PM
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Sometimes you just get lucky. I was driving on a hilly road at something like 90+ in one of my 911s when a trooper came at me over the crest of the hill. My detector hit immediately, but it was too late. I slowed, but saw the officer turn a louie and was right on my a$$ for miles. Never hit the lights and finally turned around. Maybe he/she was a Porsche fan?
Last one was in my Grand Cherokee...78 in a 55 zone. Female officer gave me a warning and said I have an excellent driving record...let's keep it that way. My wallet was in the back of the truck, right next to the cooler full of beer (pretty empty, but lots of dead ones) from the day at the racetrack. Yes, good to be lucky, admit guilt and also apologize for the brief moment of loss of control.
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06-05-2014, 07:28 PM
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Ok, so I went through a stop sign one time "rolling" and got pulled over. My three year old daughter was in a car seat in the back and I tell her we are getting pulled over by the police - she says, why? I thought we only got pulled over for going fast. (at 3 she knew this well - don't ask) I said, nope, they can pull you over for lots of other things. So the cop is at the window and reading me the riot act about neighborhoods and kids and coming to a complete stop and my daughter says from the back seat, "Daddy, we just like going fast!" To which I lost it and was like... thanks kid. The cop didn't hear it and was noticeably offset by my laughing. So I told him exactly what she said and he laughed and gave us a warning...
So I'm pretty convinced that cute and funny 3 year old girls can help...
Of course every time I'm doing 90 in a 55 she is no where to be found.
06-06-2014, 03:54 AM
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Had a young cop walk by my car at a gas station. He asked how fast I had that thing??
I replied: you mean here, on city streets?
He made a huge pause. Then laughed.
Only time I was pulled over was small town cop. 49 in a 40. Abeyance plea, not on record.
'04 Boxster S 50 Jahre 550 Spyder Anniversary Special Edition, 851 of 1953, 6-sp, IMS/RMS, GT Metallic silver, cocoa brown leather SOLD to member Broken Linkage.
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06-06-2014, 04:57 AM
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I've been lucky so far in this car. Two stop both were warnings. Both were between 7 and 10 over. I believe my exhaust is loud enough they think that its a kid. Then they changes when they see an older driver.
2003 Black 986. modified for Advanced level HPDE and open track days.
* 3.6L LN block, 06 heads, Carrillo H rods, IDP with 987 intake, Oil mods, LN IMS. * Spec II Clutch, 3.2L S Spec P-P FW. * D2 shocks, GT3 arms & and links, Spacers front and rear * Weight reduced, No carpet, AC deleted, Remote PS pump, PS pump deleted. Recaro Pole position seats, Brey crouse ext. 5 point harness, NHP sport exhaust
06-06-2014, 06:06 AM
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1987 i was 15 years old and did not even have a license when I was stopped by a female cop at a multicop speed trap.I came up on the speed trap doing about 60 in a 40. I begged her not to ticket me for fear of my mother. See I had taken the keys to my mothers 944 while she was busy with customers. The lady gave me a ticket and swore she would have the car towed if she ever saw me on the road again and then sent me on my way. Unbelievable, I know. But wait it gets better! So I'm sh tting bricks that I got a ticket but lucky as hell that she let an unlicensed driver go. Instead of going directly back to moms shop,I go home to sh t a brick. Still in shock and in fear for my life ,I leave the house to take back moms car to her and on the way I see a police car in on coming traffic. No way it can be the same cop I'm telling my self but it is ,and again she pulles me over. She lets me have. Yelling at me for not doing as I was told and then the strangest thing happened. She asked for the citation and as I handed it to her she promised me that if she ever saw me again that she would throw the book at me and tore the ticket up and again sent me on my way.
06-06-2014, 07:48 AM
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Originally Posted by Philo beddo
She asked for the citation and as I handed it to her she promised me that if she ever saw me again that she would throw the book at me and tore the ticket up and again sent me on my way.
Was she hot?
GT3 Recaro Seats - Boxster Red
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06-06-2014, 08:28 AM
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Originally Posted by Perfectlap
Was she hot?
Haha, after that the first question you have is was she hot. 
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06-06-2014, 10:19 AM
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7.5 from what I remember .
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