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Old 05-20-2013, 03:39 PM   #1
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How to Fix Broken Lock Cylinder for 20 Dollars

A few days ago, I tried to manually unlock my 2001 986 and the key
turned with no resistance. A quick online search mentions that the
solution is usually one of the following two issues:

1. A broken plastic piece (Part 12 Here (Porsche Boxster Door In White Parts))

2. A broken metal piece in the lock cylinder, which requires replacing this piece (Part 15 Here (Porsche Boxster Door In White Parts))

You can easily replace (1), as the part is available online. After disassembling my door
panel, I realized I have problem (2). Of course, Porsche doesn't sell the $0.50 piece of
metal by itself - you need to replace the lock support for $350. Tons of dealerships and
junkyards sell the entire handle (with lock cylinder) for ~$100 to profit from this fairly
common problem. Again, this is a suboptimal solution for replacing a very inexpensive

Here's how to fix it for ~$20:

Porsche and Volkswagon share many parts, and as it turns out, Volkswagon is
much more reasonable about repairing a lock cylinder.

1. Order RegulatorFix VW Passat Audi A4 (B5) Door Lock Repair Kit
(RegulatorFix VW Passat Audi A4 (B5) Door Lock Repair Kit - Front (left or right) : Amazon.com : Automotive) from Amazon.

2. Disassemble the door panel and remove the "back" (support) for the handle
and lock cylinder (bring a torx wrench set).

3. Remove the lock cylinder, and (by pressing down on the paddle/screwdriver piece)
slide the quick release washer off.

4. Replace the inner metal part (if broken) shown in this Porsche Lock Replacement - Imgur
photo (duplicated at bottom of post). The old broken piece is yellow, next to the
identical silver new piece.

5. Save $300.

Hopefully this will help others save money in the future!

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Old 05-23-2013, 09:44 AM   #2
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Thumbs up

Had issue number 2 just happen to my driver's side door. Thank you very much for posting this information, it really saved me a ton of time and money.
1975 Porsche 914
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Old 10-13-2013, 04:15 PM   #3
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Great info thank you for posting this!
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Old 09-23-2014, 06:19 AM   #4
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Boxster 986 lock repair DIY

The 'paddle' used in the 986 appears to be much different from the one of the Audi A4. There may be a part number on that paddle. Can someone post?
Also if possible, get the overall length of the paddle?

Boxster paddle:

Audi paddle:
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Old 03-01-2015, 04:20 PM   #5
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Peraspera and Others,

I have the same problem that many of you have described. When I put the key in the door lock it would turn freely. I took off the door panel, removed the door lock and the gray mechanism behind it. Exactly as described the disc like part (the rightmost part in my pictures below) is broken. The ears have broken and hence the key is not able the turn the spade.

Question is: If I was to order the VW Kit from Amazon will the similar part from VW kit work? I have a feeling not. Check out the third pic which is the repeat from below and the same part (bottom left in 3rd picture) does not have the slotted segment in it to be able to turn when the key is turned (it has a circular center hole). I could get it and use a small file to file the small slots on both sides of the bore.

Is that what you'll did or did you'll replace the other parts too? My spade is not broken (unlike what I thought before I opened it up).

Any thoughts?

Last edited by PorscheFan5; 03-01-2015 at 04:22 PM.
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Old 03-01-2015, 05:32 PM   #6
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I found the solution to my problem. The VW Golf IV Jetta part on Amazon has the specific part with the slotting that I need.

"RegulatorFix VW Golf IV Jetta Door Lock Repair Kit - Front (left or right)"

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Old 03-25-2015, 09:30 PM   #7
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Hello Peraspera19, PorscheFan5, and to the rest of you great folks on this thread. I have the EXACT same problem as you guys, the Lock Cylinder on the drivers sude just keeps turning


I noticed that you wrote that the problem with these lock situations is usually two things.

On the first link that you posted from ******************************************** I noticed that you said that: Part 12 on the diagram is a very common plastic piece that breaks. The problem is that there is no part number listed on that website nor any price...it just says "closing element" and that the quantity needed as "2"

What do I search for to find this part? Please any help would be greatly appreciated !!

The other common cause you said can be fixed by using the parts from:

RegulatorFix VW Passat Door Lock Repair Kit - Front (left or right)

I noticed that PorscheFan5 wrote that he needed another piece to fix his problem and did it by using the parts from:

"RegulatorFix VW Golf IV Jetta Door Lock Repair Kit - Front (left or right)"

The reason I write all this is because I would actually like to order BOTH lock repair kits AS WELL as the Part 12 PLASTIC piece so that I can have everything available in front of me on the day that I decide to tackle this annoying problem/repair. I will return whatever I dont need once I figure out what part of my lock mechanism has actually broken.

So if anyone knows where I can get the Part 12 Plastic piece that ******************************************** lists as the "closing element"...I WOULD GREATLY APPRECIATE IT !!

You guys are right...it is so ridiculous that Porsche just doesn't offer these pieces so that they could be sold separately

Last question, would buying a used Left Drivers side door assembly like the one listed here on eBay actually solve the problem ?


It says it has 9 pins and that it works on 99-05 Boxsters....I have a '99. Or am I completely off about this part...sorry guys, I am not too parts savvy when it comes to this stuff, which is the reason that I am asking if this door assembly would actually work, to make it easier for me.

Any more help or guides on how to install this stuff would be great too!!

PS1....You guys are awesome, thank you so much for your time !!!!

PS2....Awaiting your responses and guidance anxiously !!
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Old 03-26-2015, 04:54 PM   #8
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The item you attached a link to from eBay is the assy at the back of the handle and lock cylinder assy. If you are able to pull on your handle and open the door the plastic piece in the eBay assy (I have marked with arrow in the attached picture) is probably ok. If you are not able to open the door by pulling the handle then that black plastic piece is broken and you could perhaps get it from Porsche or another place.

My guess is that you are able to open the door with the handle (since you have not mentioned that as a problem). In that case and in my mind you either have the paddle broken, or the round metal piece with ears is broken. There could be other things but that would be my guess. In my case the round piece with ears was broken and my paddle was good. If you order the item I ordered you will be able to replace the round piece (with some slight filing to the base of the piece with the paddle). If your paddle is broken, I don't have a source for you from which to get the paddle. Perhaps someone else on the forum may be able to help you.

Hope that helps.

Last edited by PorscheFan5; 03-26-2015 at 04:57 PM.
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Old 03-27-2015, 06:19 AM   #9
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Thanks for the quick reply PorscheFan5, I really appreciate it !!

My door handle has no problem what so ever. I am able to pull the handle and open the door just fine. The actual lock cylinder spins when I put the key in with no resistance.

Will the ebay item I posted allow me to fix this problem ? Im assuming its a "NO" from your last post - just double checking.

PorscheFan5, I see exactly what you are talking about as far as the "round metal piece with ears" is concerned. The one you got by purchasing the:

"RegulatorFix VW Golf IV Jetta Door Lock Repair Kit - Front (left or right)"

...looks like it has almost an exact match with your version of the "round metal piece with ears" that was originally on your boxster and probably currently on mine.

I will definitely purchase this "kit" so that I can be sure to have that as it seems like a good possibility that my problem could be the same as yours !! (Ears Broken off). Did you have to file that piece at all btw ?

I also acknowledge from your last post that the actual "Paddle" could be broken, something which nobody seems know where to get, and which none of the VW/Audi "kits" mentioned in the earlier posts seem to match in length and general specifications to our Boxsters. I will have to research around for that piece as well I guess....any help from anyone reading this would be much appreciated btw !!

PorscheFan5, I will need your recent expertise to help me understand Perasperas original post in this thread. He hasnt posted in a little while on this thread so I am not sure if he will get on to see this himself any time soon. Specifically, I would like to know what you think about the pieces he mentions that are "usually" the TWO issues that cause this problem:

1. A broken plastic piece (Part 12 on the Auto Atlanta Diagram) <---this looks like a circular piece on the diagram thats listed as part 12. If that is actually the plastic piece that he mentions...where would I get one?

2. A broken metal piece in the lock cylinder, which requires replacing this piece (Part 15 on the Auto Atlanta Diagram) <---Is this the same metal piece with the "ears" that we have been talking about ? I ask because on the link he has posted...the diagram shows this as a screw of some sort?

Do you think he may have mentioned the parts backwards? I just want to clear up any confusion.

I am trying to get these two pieces (if one of them doesnt happen to be the same "ears" piece that we have been talking about, if so...then just one piece. I would also like to get the Lock Repair Kit, and possibly an original "Paddle", now that you mentioned it, so that I can have ALL the possible culprits to this problem on hand when I decide to do the repair. I dont think I would like to open it up and then have to close it again and wait for the parts to come in, I would rather just have everything there, and return anything that I dont end up using. Thats why I was asking about an easier solution for the repair when I was trying to find out if I could just buy the entire unit on its own for a good price and avoid doing the smaller repairs myself, in case I messed anything up.

And lastly, if there is any extra advice anyone can give, whether its where to find a Boxster "Paddle" or even any kind of diy tips, door removal tips, airbag removal tips, etc....they would all be GREATLY APPRECIATED !!!!

Sorry for the long posts guys.

PorscheFan5, thank you for everything, you're really great !! Im waiting for your advice and guidance, as well as anyone else who may be able to contribute.

Thanks everyone !!

Last edited by HELLAS59; 03-27-2015 at 06:21 AM.
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Old 03-27-2015, 11:00 AM   #10
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A bunch of questions there, lets see if I can answer all of them. I am pasting your last response below and inserting my comments preceded by -->

"My door handle has no problem what so ever. I am able to pull the handle and open the door just fine. The actual lock cylinder spins when I put the key in with no resistance.

Will the ebay item I posted allow me to fix this problem ? Im assuming its a "NO" from your last post - just double checking.

--> Correct. Based on the fact that you can open the door the eBay item wont help you as your lock and plastic piece seem to be ok.

PorscheFan5, I see exactly what you are talking about as far as the "round metal piece with ears" is concerned. The one you got by purchasing the:

"RegulatorFix VW Golf IV Jetta Door Lock Repair Kit - Front (left or right)"

...looks like it has almost an exact match with your version of the "round metal piece with ears" that was originally on your boxster and probably currently on mine.

I will definitely purchase this "kit" so that I can be sure to have that as it seems like a good possibility that my problem could be the same as yours !! (Ears Broken off). Did you have to file that piece at all btw ?

--> No I had to file the base of the paddle piece that mates into this round piece. You will have to check for yourself. My paddle piece would not go in easily (and the spring did not help either!). Please go slowly and document each part where it goes or you will have a tough time putting it together. It is anyways tough.

I also acknowledge from your last post that the actual "Paddle" could be broken, something which nobody seems know where to get, and which none of the VW/Audi "kits" mentioned in the earlier posts seem to match in length and general specifications to our Boxsters. I will have to research around for that piece as well I guess....any help from anyone reading this would be much appreciated btw !!

--> You can cross that bridge when you come to it...:-)

PorscheFan5, I will need your recent expertise to help me understand Perasperas original post in this thread. He hasn't posted in a little while on this thread so I am not sure if he will get on to see this himself any time soon. Specifically, I would like to know what you think about the pieces he mentions that are "usually" the TWO issues that cause this problem:

1. A broken plastic piece (Part 12 on the Auto Atlanta Diagram) <---this looks like a circular piece on the diagram thats listed as part 12. If that is actually the plastic piece that he mentions...where would I get one?

--> This is the plastic piece we have talked about above and the one I showed with the arrow in the picture in my last post. We have established above that you most likely don't need this.

2. A broken metal piece in the lock cylinder, which requires replacing this piece (Part 15 on the Auto Atlanta Diagram) <---Is this the same metal piece with the "ears" that we have been talking about ? I ask because on the link he has posted...the diagram shows this as a screw of some sort?

--> I don't know exactly which piece he meant but I think it will be one of the two pieces most likely - paddle or round piece with ears. If it is the flat washer that slides in, you could also 'fenegle' something using the piece from the kit.

Do you think he may have mentioned the parts backwards? I just want to clear up any confusion.

I am trying to get these two pieces (if one of them doesnt happen to be the same "ears" piece that we have been talking about, if so...then just one piece. I would also like to get the Lock Repair Kit, and possibly an original "Paddle", now that you mentioned it, so that I can have ALL the possible culprits to this problem on hand when I decide to do the repair. I dont think I would like to open it up and then have to close it again and wait for the parts to come in, I would rather just have everything there, and return anything that I dont end up using. Thats why I was asking about an easier solution for the repair when I was trying to find out if I could just buy the entire unit on its own for a good price and avoid doing the smaller repairs myself, in case I messed anything up.

--> I understand where you are coming from and you are preparing the best you can. Note in my case I did not pull the protective cover (stuck with real sticky glue) all the way but only as much as was needed for me to mange my lock repair. Didn't want to add new glue all around. I also did not take out the lock mechanism (your eBay photo) and left it in there while I repaired the lock cylinder mechanism.

And lastly, if there is any extra advice anyone can give, whether its where to find a Boxster "Paddle" or even any kind of diy tips, door removal tips, airbag removal tips, etc....they would all be GREATLY APPRECIATED !!!!

--> Couple of tips from my side:

  • Take pictures and make notes throughout so you can go back and check
  • Refer to the Pelican articles and photos. They are very helpful.
  • My suggestion is to slide glass window all the way down so you don't have that coming in your way. But check for yourself. Do this before you disconnect battery.
  • Disconnect Battery first! And do not connect is back until you have connected your airbag. Just to avoid a trip to the dealer for removing airbag light...:-)
  • Order couple of the plastic tabs from Porsche. The tabs that hold the door panel to the metal door. You will find some broken or some will break. I had to replace 2 and had procured 3 in advance.
  • Take a patience pill or two...:-)
  • Go get a triple square bit set Item # W1395 from O'Reilly Auto Parts. You will need this to remove the bolts of the lock mechnism (eBay picture). It is not a star bolt. This bit set can be useful at many other places in the Boxster and is a great value for money!
  • Be careful while removing the side airbag. remove the connector first. It is tricky and you don't want to be doing this while the airbag is dangling...:-)
  • You will need a 2nd set of hands in many of the steps.

Sorry for the long posts guys.

PorscheFan5, thank you for everything, you're really great !! Im waiting for your advice and guidance, as well as anyone else who may be able to contribute.

--> Hope it helps. Keep us posted. PM me if you have other questions.

Thanks everyone !!"

Last edited by PorscheFan5; 03-27-2015 at 12:21 PM.
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Old 03-28-2015, 01:09 PM   #11
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PorscheFan5....THANK YOU so much for all those answers. Everything seems so much clearer now. Its people like you in this forum that make it a really really GREAT place !! I will be ordering the parts and tools soon. Hope everything goes well....will keep you guys updated. In the meantime, I really hope this thread continues to help others with the same problem...soooo much great information on this thread !!!
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Old 05-21-2015, 06:40 AM   #12
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I am going to order that tools and parts soon and going to repair the door lock of mine.One of friend has also same problem with his lock and get assisted by a locksmith and got it repaired. But i am not going to sell my money on a locksmith, instead i will buy the tool set and get the lifetime assistance of myself.

Thanks for sharing the details of parts and tools required.But try to post threat with some universal tools which can be used for other repair works also.
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Old 11-02-2015, 04:03 AM   #13
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Porsche door lock repair paddle

Originally Posted by RegulatorFix View Post
The 'paddle' used in the 986 appears to be much different from the one of the Audi A4. There may be a part number on that paddle. Can someone post?
Also if possible, get the overall length of the paddle?

Boxster paddle:

Audi paddle:
Can someone provide detail (overall length, detailed photos, part number?) of the Porsche paddle?

I would try to find a manufacturer.
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Old 01-18-2016, 09:57 PM   #14
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If you have locksmith tools , you can use it for long locks repair purposes. But if you don't know how to use the tools , you can't repair the locks for once. So keep this thing in mind before buying the locksmith tools kit for you.
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Old 01-19-2016, 04:45 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by PorscheFan5 View Post
I found the solution to my problem. The VW Golf IV Jetta part on Amazon has the specific part with the slotting that I need.

"RegulatorFix VW Golf IV Jetta Door Lock Repair Kit - Front (left or right)"

Still looking for a photo of the 'paddle' (long piece in the photo of the Golf kit) and length.
Can someone provide?
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Old 02-17-2016, 12:09 PM   #16
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I will try and find and post a pic if you still need it...
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Old 04-07-2016, 10:17 AM   #17
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Hi PorscheFan5 and everyone else. Its been a long time coming but I finally got around to fixing my door lock cylinder. I ordered the VW Kit that you mentioned PorscheFan5 and sure enough once I took apart the lock it was the circular round piece with the "ears" that had broken. It definitely works, but it seems like the whole mechanism is a little stiff when I turn the key and it gets a little jammed. Do you guys think that the fitment might be a tad too tight and thats whats causing the problem? I remember someone mentioning about filing the VW piece down just a little, even though it looks ifentical! Im thinking of reopening it before I install it back in the door so that I can put some grease in there. Any recommendations if that will help and whats the best kind of grease for the lock cylinder? Also, the clamp spring on top gave me some trouble, but I believe I installed it correctly after spending over an hour trying to figure it out, it doesnt seem to work too well and the two ends of the clamp spring get caught on the side metal when I turn the ket sometimes. I looked at the spring more closely and it seems that it has warped. Is there any place for me to buy that spring? Im talking about the one that gives tension/resistence when you turn the key, not the one that pushes up and down deeper inside.

So does anyone know where I can buy that exact spring that tensions the key?

Does anyone have a picture of how they reinstalled that tension spring so I can make sure I did it correctly?

And does anyone know what the best grease is for the cylinder housing/assembly to make the key turn easier and not get stuck/jammed?

I appreciate all the help. I still have the lock cylinder out of the car and the handle hanging. Had to put a tarp over the car because its raining over here, so Im trying to get the part as soon as possible. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance guys! Waiting for your replies!!!
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Old 04-07-2016, 10:52 AM   #18
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Other than the aforementioned filing of the ears I did not have to do much. I would just check the fitment. Yes getting the whole thing together again was a, as some people say it, a pita! Definitely needed a second set of hands...

Any shop grease will do. This is not that critical...

Sorry no detailed pictures of the install, but not sure if those would help you...

Hope I answered all the questions...


Sorry missed on uploading the pic you asked...here it is...

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Old 04-07-2016, 11:36 AM   #19
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Hi PorscheFan5,

Nice to hear from you my friend. Yea it was definitely a pita to put it back together. But when you think about the cost to get something like this fixed...forget about it! I ordered your "kit" from amazon and it was like $5-$6 compared to the hundreds that would be spent at a dealership. I figured out just now how to put the spring on correctly so that the lock has tension when you turn it both ways. All good as far as that. The spring itself though has two parts that stick out so that they can latch onto the oar and keep the cylinder centered...one of the sides that sticks out is actually touching slightly I just noticed and causing it to get stuck just enough. Im gonna try to remove it and file it down so that it doesnt make the key get stuck while turning the cylinder. Despite that, before installing the spring in question, I put it together and it was still not a "smooth" turn on either side, thats why I asked about adding grease and also if I need to file down the "ears". It was a VERY tight fit for all those pieces when I installed the new "ears" piece...you think I should file it down a bit or no since everything fits? I think I should probably leave it the way it is..I dont know..you know better...please guide me! Thank you so much PorscheFan5 for the quick reply and all the info. As well as to all the people on this forum and specifically this thread for contributing this info. Everyone thought I was crazy when I told them that I was gonna try to fix the door lock myself, turns out is was pretty darn easy and thats because of all you guys. I THANK YOU ALL. Hope the reassembly onto the door will go just as smoothly PS...thanks for the tools heads up too, I bought an alteranative 100 piece bit set from Amazon for just under $20 and it had all the M bits I needed for disassembly!
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Old 04-07-2016, 02:16 PM   #20
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You are welcome. I think you should compare the two pieces with the ears visually and you will see where it needs filing. If I remember it correctly I did not have to file the ears down but on the side....Once you do that it will turn smoothly I think, unless there is something else going on. On the spring you don't need to file anything, perhaps you are not putting it together correctly. Try turning it upside down...

I would send you pics if I had mine open...but as I said it may not have been of much help. You have already figured out most of it and you will get the rest done.

Last edited by PorscheFan5; 04-07-2016 at 02:18 PM.
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