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Old 03-27-2015, 06:19 AM   #9
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Thanks for the quick reply PorscheFan5, I really appreciate it !!

My door handle has no problem what so ever. I am able to pull the handle and open the door just fine. The actual lock cylinder spins when I put the key in with no resistance.

Will the ebay item I posted allow me to fix this problem ? Im assuming its a "NO" from your last post - just double checking.

PorscheFan5, I see exactly what you are talking about as far as the "round metal piece with ears" is concerned. The one you got by purchasing the:

"RegulatorFix VW Golf IV Jetta Door Lock Repair Kit - Front (left or right)"

...looks like it has almost an exact match with your version of the "round metal piece with ears" that was originally on your boxster and probably currently on mine.

I will definitely purchase this "kit" so that I can be sure to have that as it seems like a good possibility that my problem could be the same as yours !! (Ears Broken off). Did you have to file that piece at all btw ?

I also acknowledge from your last post that the actual "Paddle" could be broken, something which nobody seems know where to get, and which none of the VW/Audi "kits" mentioned in the earlier posts seem to match in length and general specifications to our Boxsters. I will have to research around for that piece as well I guess....any help from anyone reading this would be much appreciated btw !!

PorscheFan5, I will need your recent expertise to help me understand Perasperas original post in this thread. He hasnt posted in a little while on this thread so I am not sure if he will get on to see this himself any time soon. Specifically, I would like to know what you think about the pieces he mentions that are "usually" the TWO issues that cause this problem:

1. A broken plastic piece (Part 12 on the Auto Atlanta Diagram) <---this looks like a circular piece on the diagram thats listed as part 12. If that is actually the plastic piece that he mentions...where would I get one?

2. A broken metal piece in the lock cylinder, which requires replacing this piece (Part 15 on the Auto Atlanta Diagram) <---Is this the same metal piece with the "ears" that we have been talking about ? I ask because on the link he has posted...the diagram shows this as a screw of some sort?

Do you think he may have mentioned the parts backwards? I just want to clear up any confusion.

I am trying to get these two pieces (if one of them doesnt happen to be the same "ears" piece that we have been talking about, if so...then just one piece. I would also like to get the Lock Repair Kit, and possibly an original "Paddle", now that you mentioned it, so that I can have ALL the possible culprits to this problem on hand when I decide to do the repair. I dont think I would like to open it up and then have to close it again and wait for the parts to come in, I would rather just have everything there, and return anything that I dont end up using. Thats why I was asking about an easier solution for the repair when I was trying to find out if I could just buy the entire unit on its own for a good price and avoid doing the smaller repairs myself, in case I messed anything up.

And lastly, if there is any extra advice anyone can give, whether its where to find a Boxster "Paddle" or even any kind of diy tips, door removal tips, airbag removal tips, etc....they would all be GREATLY APPRECIATED !!!!

Sorry for the long posts guys.

PorscheFan5, thank you for everything, you're really great !! Im waiting for your advice and guidance, as well as anyone else who may be able to contribute.

Thanks everyone !!

Last edited by HELLAS59; 03-27-2015 at 06:21 AM.
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