Hi PorscheFan5,
Nice to hear from you my friend. Yea it was definitely a pita to put it back together. But when you think about the cost to get something like this fixed...forget about it! I ordered your "kit" from amazon and it was like $5-$6 compared to the hundreds that would be spent at a dealership. I figured out just now how to put the spring on correctly so that the lock has tension when you turn it both ways. All good as far as that. The spring itself though has two parts that stick out so that they can latch onto the oar and keep the cylinder centered...one of the sides that sticks out is actually touching slightly I just noticed and causing it to get stuck just enough. Im gonna try to remove it and file it down so that it doesnt make the key get stuck while turning the cylinder. Despite that, before installing the spring in question, I put it together and it was still not a "smooth" turn on either side, thats why I asked about adding grease and also if I need to file down the "ears". It was a VERY tight fit for all those pieces when I installed the new "ears" piece...you think I should file it down a bit or no since everything fits? I think I should probably leave it the way it is..I dont know..you know better...please guide me! Thank you so much PorscheFan5 for the quick reply and all the info. As well as to all the people on this forum and specifically this thread for contributing this info. Everyone thought I was crazy when I told them that I was gonna try to fix the door lock myself, turns out is was pretty darn easy and thats because of all you guys. I THANK YOU ALL. Hope the reassembly onto the door will go just as smoothly

PS...thanks for the tools heads up too, I bought an alteranative 100 piece bit set from Amazon for just under $20 and it had all the M bits I needed for disassembly!