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Old 07-08-2010, 09:47 AM   #21
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IMO, You will never keep a stereo of that value in a convertible unless it's always in your sight.

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Old 07-08-2010, 10:18 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by lbrown2009
Adam, if you want to use your karate skills on me that is fine.... I wonder if you are in the wrong field professionally, Disney seems like it would be a good fit for you as you appear to have many stories to tell. I'm not a detective nor do I work in law enforcement at all but I do know that if I tugged at the thread a little more it would unravel at lightning speed and I would have you admitting your guilt within 10 minutes, refer to my earlier post and keep your mouth closed. I have enclosed a post from January 2010 by you in regards to your girlfriend, it appears to me you are speaking of her in the post as your are currently in a relationship. In a recent post dated 06/2010 you are saying you haven't had a relationship for over two years? which is it? you have to understand that when you tell 1 lie you need to tell 2 more just to cover your first lie... it's not worth it. People like yourself are a big part of why my insurance is so high and it disgusts me that you can come here and act like you did nothing wrong. I am hoping you are smart enough to know when to quit and I look forward to you removing yourself from this forum.


01-30-2010, 04:25
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The good thing about my girlfriend is just that. A girlfriend. If she leaves me... I'll still get to keep the other half of my pants if you know what I mean. She loves my car, sometimes I think she likes it more than myself, when I let her drive it.

06-01-2010, 07:56
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As me and my friend Shawn pulled into his drive way it was pouring rain so I didnt stop and lock the car with the key (Both of my remote heads dont work, one is missing the chip, the other isnt coded to the car.) at 12am.

I came out at 2am to leave, it had stopped raining about 30 minutes earlier and I found the car with both doors slightly ajar and my cabin light on.

The only problem I have is thinking about who would do that to me. I haven't had any problems with anyone for over 2 years, I left all the high school drama behind as a rational adult should. I've been single and haven't dated in 2 years since my ex of 3 years broke my heart and the best thing about that is she lives 36 miles away on the other side of Chicago.

You are correct, I did make those statement. And both those statements are correct, and they both are correct. The girl I was referring to on 1-30 is my best girl friend Jamie, we ended up having a "flig" as some close friends do. The friendship and the bennefits for a short time. We were close like that for awhile, we never were "officially dating" or were together. I just refered to her as my girlfriend as it was easier to explain the situation to everyone. We were both distraught over our LTR break ups, for lack of better word what would you call a relationship like that? Friends with benefits? No you wouldnt call it that because thats not how it was, and it makes her seem like a skank which she isn't. There for in lieu of explaining our complicated relationship, it was easier to call her a gf.

So yes, I never technically dated since my ex fiance broke my heart, yet I had a flig with my best girl friend that was mutual but never talked about. You do the stuff friends do, you dont go out on date, but in the end here and there there were some physical activites involved. And btw she just got engaged to one of our other close friends.

Now after giving you the satisfaction of an explaination, as I said before I need not justify myself to any one, but I oblige because you amuse me to no extent. Now would you also like me to delve into my sexuall concourses and how large my manhood is too in graphic detail? Would you like to know when I had my first kiss too while your at it? Lmao

To sound like a broken record, it is people like you that make this world a worse, and less happy place to live. Leave this forum? I think not. If you so choose you yourself can leave whenever you wish.

Now how does your random bs have anything to do with the original post to this topic????

My tombstone will read "I spent 90% of my money on women, cars, and booze. The other 10% I wasted."


Last edited by PlayersExpress; 07-08-2010 at 01:13 PM.
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Old 07-08-2010, 01:20 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by lbrown2009
you are following the pattern to a T ... the mind exaggerated details stage. How many pawn tickets are stuffed under your mattress? I put the over / under at 30 lol Just an FYI , I study liars as a second job and I am pretty good at it <------this is me telling you to give up .. you can't win

Ok, "Lance" each and every one of your posts have been personal attacks against me, for reasons beyond me. I am telling you here in this post is where I draw the line. It's a simple philosophy: Don't do it again. And I'm asking you nicely.

If you choose to opt the other way I shall personally see to it the Brucelee bans you and your IP address. If you read the fine print in the forum itself, attacks made against other forum members will not be tolerated.

I have tolerated them enough, figuring you would be the wiser and would stop. Simply put, enough is enough.

My tombstone will read "I spent 90% of my money on women, cars, and booze. The other 10% I wasted."

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Old 07-08-2010, 02:16 PM   #24
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All drama aside, the situation is pretty simple... except I'm betting you're not gonna like the realities of it.

1. Your Agent told you something.

2. You chose to act on what your Agent said, without any verification from the insurance co. that what he said was correct (either a call to them or a perusal of your existing policy). Maybe because of your longterm relationship with him you trusted him, or maybe because it was the answer you wanted to hear - that you wouldn't have to pay increased premiums, or any number of other reasons. Then there is the possibility that the Agent, though well-intentioned, may have just been plain wrong (which now appears may be the case).

3. Insurance cos. are not gift houses and are not responsible for losses they are unaware of - you NEVER informed the Insurance Co. of the added equipment or the increased value of the vehicle because of that equipment. If you thought the Agent was responsible for informing them, again, you failed to follow-up and see that it was done (such as getting a copy of his report to them for your records, etc.). If he was responsible, or agreed to inform the ins. co. and didn't, then again, he's the responsible party, not the ins. co.

4. The insurance co., rightfully, is offering you the 'normal' value of a vandalized audio system - they are in business for profit and will naturally try to settle claims for the minimum - if you were one of their stockholders, that's exactly what you'd want and expect them to do.

5. Insurance contracts, by necessity, are filled with indemnity clauses. Every auto policy I have ever had includes one to the effect that: 'No other representations, oral or written are valid unless included in the declarations page of the policy'.

6. You were foolish to take your Agent at his word without any other confirmation, or documentation of your conversation with him. You now want to hold the Insurance co. responsible for his errors and your foolishness. People makes mistakes, such as not documenting conversations with Agents, we learn from these. But we also have to bear the responsibility for our own mistakes, and in your case, this may be $2k+.

7. Your beef for the difference between the ins. cos.' settlement and the actual value of your loss is with your trusted longstanding Agent, not the insurance co. If he truly is a longstanding and trusted Agent as you say, he will admit to the erroneous advice he gave you and cover the loss out-of-pocket (He carries Errors and Omissions Insurance too to cover this, though may not have reached his deductible for only a couple grand - his problem, not yours). Or, if you have documentation of your conversation with him, such as follow-up emails, a witness, etc., then you have evidence to use against him in a Civil action, incl. Small Claims Court. But, you essentially have no claim against the insurance co. except for any representations made by them in your policy which were not honored.

8. The Ins. Co. is covering the loss on those things they agreed to cover. They are not agreeing, after the fact, to cover losses they were not aware of, nor should they be.

9. If you wish to seek relief for your loss, it is the Agent who is responsible for part of it, but you too are responsible for not getting everything in writing and having something from the insurance co. stating they would cover the lost items.

See, I knew you wouldn't like it, but these are the realities.

GL on whatever solution comes out of all this!

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Last edited by Lil bastard; 07-08-2010 at 09:29 PM.
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Old 07-08-2010, 02:24 PM   #25
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Draw the line wherever you want

I don't even know what to say to your dribble of having me banned, I really don't ... you are not worth my time ... I just felt like busting some chops today and you are an easy mark.
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Old 07-08-2010, 03:38 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by lbrown2009
you are following the pattern to a T ... the mind exaggerated details stage. How many pawn tickets are stuffed under your mattress? I put the over / under at 30 lol Just an FYI , I study liars as a second job and I am pretty good at it <------this is me telling you to give up .. you can't win

if its a second job this means you are either not good at it enough for it to be a first job. or you aren't good enough at your first job to make a living... or you aren't good at either hence two half assed jobs. but I digress.

the point is even if he was lying and making all of this up. what is the point. he isnt getting money from us there is no benefit in getting us to buy his story. on the other hand it seems a normal member without ulterior motives of some kind would just read what he is saying agree that the situation sucks help if possible and then move on.

for some reason from the get go you have been a turd in the punch bowl. it blows my mind.

(feel free to insult me and or try to hurt my feelings. after that please by all means search my previous posts and then proceed to attack me through what I have written. and when that has not satiated your thirst go back to your troll handbook and flip to a new chapter and find something new.)

and playerexpress, this situation sucks I hate insurance companies. used to work at one when I was younger, and its pretty much true they try everything they can not to pay. but like LB said its a business.

hope it all works out.
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Old 07-08-2010, 04:43 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by lbrown2009
If I want to part the car out after I buy it for nothing from the insurance company how can I get the most money for the parts? hmmm make up a sob story on the 986 forum about how much I love my car and how it sucks to be everyone is F'n me ... the suckers will pay me what I'm asking for and a little extra if I play it right.

There, I just saved you some money and I don't even care to know you. Did that cross your mind? I doubt it as you can only see what's in front of you, while I on the otherhand, holding down 2 jobs can see 3 steps ahead haha save your applause thank you now go kiss your wife/sister good night l8r

haha that is the best you can come up with! that hes going through all this typing and story telling to play our emotional strings when he goes to part it out lol. love it!

please keep the free advice, save it for your paying customers.

PE watch out hes onto your big plan. and no offense by this but ive seen pics of your car after the vandalism there isnt really anything in there that I would want they cut up pretty much everything.
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Old 07-08-2010, 08:16 PM   #28
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I agree lobo, it's not even worth the $2800 to buy the car back if I so choose to, the amount of work to the interior and top would cost me more than the difference they would give me if I bought it back.

Lance, I don't even think there are $2800 worth of parts on it. I would have to take up more of my time, my garage space, and time to list and pull everything, then find out what LA Dismantlers and other sellers are selling the same parts for, under cut their prices, and HOPE someone needs a new HOOD or FENDER in my cars color. And on top of that, the emotional stance of tearing my car apart. I think not.

It's such a brilliant plan isnt it? Take 8 or 9 months of my time to try and make $200 on parting the car out? Hell I could make that in a night as a male stripper for a bachelor-et party and have more fun at the same time.

Im sure its only good use would be to let someone buy it at the insurance auction and sell it as a dedicated track car with no interior, only problem is that it is a TIP not a 5spd.

My tombstone will read "I spent 90% of my money on women, cars, and booze. The other 10% I wasted."

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Old 07-08-2010, 08:22 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by Lobo1186
haha that is the best you can come up with! that hes going through all this typing and story telling to play our emotional strings when he goes to part it out lol. love it!

please keep the free advice, save it for your paying customers.

PE watch out hes onto your big plan. and no offense by this but ive seen pics of your car after the vandalism there isnt really anything in there that I would want they cut up pretty much everything.

Actually, I still have the original radio, the plexi glass center wind screen, the drivers wind screen (lost the passengers) and the rear soft storage bag that went above the engine compartment. That's about it in regards to parts I'm getting rid of, because those were parts I picked up myself after I bought the car and were not on the car during the time of vandalism. A few weeks before the radio install I installed a new rear window in the top (deinstall top, have window sown in, reinstall) and removed those items so they didnt get in the way.

Hey, maybe Lbrown2009 is looking for a windscreen or two and a storage compartment for his "boxster" if he even has one. I'll give him a sweet deal and save him the shipping, I'll deliver them in person at no extra charge
My tombstone will read "I spent 90% of my money on women, cars, and booze. The other 10% I wasted."

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Old 07-08-2010, 09:06 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by lbrown2009
buying stolen goods... sorry mate, I dont play that game. this dead horse is beat enough.....and if you are inferring something else by delivering it yourself, I would gladly give you a shot at the title and I'll even let you bring your butt buddy lobo

The only thing that was stolen was your dignity a long time ago, and a shot at what title? I'm sorry but I dont throw down for imaginary belts and trophies like you my delusional friend.

On another note, I told you once before, I will not accept personal attacks any more. This is going right to Brucelee.

My tombstone will read "I spent 90% of my money on women, cars, and booze. The other 10% I wasted."

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Old 07-08-2010, 09:55 PM   #31
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Brucelee has already been informed
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Old 07-09-2010, 04:22 AM   #32
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I now have quite the headache from reviewing this thread.

So, lets all just take a deep breath.

I think the thread has served its purpose, which was to provide some input and guidance on the insurance claim.

The rest was rather unfortunate.

Lets move on and stop the personal attacks.

Thanks to all.
Rich Belloff

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Old 07-09-2010, 01:53 PM   #33
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Electrical faults resulting in fire

I'm not sure if this is relevant to this discussion but i was wondering if anyone could give me any help or information regarding technical faults?

My parents bought a Porsche Boxter from new 6 years ago and it has been our pride and joy, we kept it in immaculate condition and it only had done 11,000 miles however last week an electrical fault on the car caused it to ignite burning down our garage and half of our house with it and also destroying our other vehicle. We have no house insurance and have lost thousands but when we contacted the insurance company about this they said they don't pay out for electrical faults unless the car has full service history and is still in warranty which ours unfortunately was not. We will now not be paid out for the porsche and cannot claim for the damages it has caused to our house however we believe this should not have happened to the car and was not our fault, surely no matter how old a car is it should not set itself on fire?

If anyone has heard of any similar stories regarding Porsche engines causing fires or can give us any advice or information I would really appreciate it.

Many thanks
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Old 07-09-2010, 05:27 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by hannah10
I'm not sure if this is relevant to this discussion but i was wondering if anyone could give me any help or information regarding technical faults?
No, its not relevant.
You should, if you haven't already, create your own thread with this information.

Sorry about your losses.

Its not how fast you go, or how expensive your toys are.
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Old 07-09-2010, 08:01 PM   #35
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that is just awful


terd in the punchbowl
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Old 07-10-2010, 07:05 AM   #36
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Originally Posted by hannah10
I'm not sure if this is relevant to this discussion but i was wondering if anyone could give me any help or information regarding technical faults?

My parents bought a Porsche Boxter from new 6 years ago and it has been our pride and joy, we kept it in immaculate condition and it only had done 11,000 miles however last week an electrical fault on the car caused it to ignite burning down our garage and half of our house with it and also destroying our other vehicle. We have no house insurance and have lost thousands but when we contacted the insurance company about this they said they don't pay out for electrical faults unless the car has full service history and is still in warranty which ours unfortunately was not. We will now not be paid out for the porsche and cannot claim for the damages it has caused to our house however we believe this should not have happened to the car and was not our fault, surely no matter how old a car is it should not set itself on fire?

If anyone has heard of any similar stories regarding Porsche engines causing fires or can give us any advice or information I would really appreciate it.

Many thanks
At least consult a lawyer. That's how we roll in America. As for a electrical fault, who determined this was the cause of the fire?

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