Originally Posted by lbrown2009
you are following the pattern to a T ... the mind exaggerated details stage. How many pawn tickets are stuffed under your mattress? I put the over / under at 30 lol Just an FYI , I study liars as a second job and I am pretty good at it <------this is me telling you to give up .. you can't win
Ok, "Lance" each and every one of your posts have been personal attacks against me, for reasons beyond me. I am telling you here in this post is where I draw the line. It's a simple philosophy: Don't do it again. And I'm asking you nicely.
If you choose to opt the other way I shall personally see to it the Brucelee bans you and your IP address. If you read the fine print in the forum itself, attacks made against other forum members will not be tolerated.
I have tolerated them enough, figuring you would be the wiser and would stop. Simply put, enough is enough.