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Old 07-08-2010, 03:38 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by lbrown2009
you are following the pattern to a T ... the mind exaggerated details stage. How many pawn tickets are stuffed under your mattress? I put the over / under at 30 lol Just an FYI , I study liars as a second job and I am pretty good at it <------this is me telling you to give up .. you can't win

if its a second job this means you are either not good at it enough for it to be a first job. or you aren't good enough at your first job to make a living... or you aren't good at either hence two half assed jobs. but I digress.

the point is even if he was lying and making all of this up. what is the point. he isnt getting money from us there is no benefit in getting us to buy his story. on the other hand it seems a normal member without ulterior motives of some kind would just read what he is saying agree that the situation sucks help if possible and then move on.

for some reason from the get go you have been a turd in the punch bowl. it blows my mind.

(feel free to insult me and or try to hurt my feelings. after that please by all means search my previous posts and then proceed to attack me through what I have written. and when that has not satiated your thirst go back to your troll handbook and flip to a new chapter and find something new.)

and playerexpress, this situation sucks I hate insurance companies. used to work at one when I was younger, and its pretty much true they try everything they can not to pay. but like LB said its a business.

hope it all works out.
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