Originally Posted by lbrown2009
If I want to part the car out after I buy it for nothing from the insurance company how can I get the most money for the parts? hmmm make up a sob story on the 986 forum about how much I love my car and how it sucks to be everyone is F'n me ... the suckers will pay me what I'm asking for and a little extra if I play it right.
There, I just saved you some money and I don't even care to know you. Did that cross your mind? I doubt it as you can only see what's in front of you, while I on the otherhand, holding down 2 jobs can see 3 steps ahead haha save your applause thank you now go kiss your wife/sister good night l8r
haha that is the best you can come up with! that hes going through all this typing and story telling to play our emotional strings when he goes to part it out lol. love it!
please keep the free advice, save it for your paying customers.
PE watch out hes onto your big plan.

and no offense by this but ive seen pics of your car after the vandalism there isnt really anything in there that I would want they cut up pretty much everything.