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Old 07-08-2010, 10:18 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by lbrown2009
Adam, if you want to use your karate skills on me that is fine.... I wonder if you are in the wrong field professionally, Disney seems like it would be a good fit for you as you appear to have many stories to tell. I'm not a detective nor do I work in law enforcement at all but I do know that if I tugged at the thread a little more it would unravel at lightning speed and I would have you admitting your guilt within 10 minutes, refer to my earlier post and keep your mouth closed. I have enclosed a post from January 2010 by you in regards to your girlfriend, it appears to me you are speaking of her in the post as your are currently in a relationship. In a recent post dated 06/2010 you are saying you haven't had a relationship for over two years? which is it? you have to understand that when you tell 1 lie you need to tell 2 more just to cover your first lie... it's not worth it. People like yourself are a big part of why my insurance is so high and it disgusts me that you can come here and act like you did nothing wrong. I am hoping you are smart enough to know when to quit and I look forward to you removing yourself from this forum.


01-30-2010, 04:25
Registered User Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Chicago, Illinois
Posts: 181

The good thing about my girlfriend is just that. A girlfriend. If she leaves me... I'll still get to keep the other half of my pants if you know what I mean. She loves my car, sometimes I think she likes it more than myself, when I let her drive it.

06-01-2010, 07:56
Registered User Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Chicago, Illinois
Posts: 182

As me and my friend Shawn pulled into his drive way it was pouring rain so I didnt stop and lock the car with the key (Both of my remote heads dont work, one is missing the chip, the other isnt coded to the car.) at 12am.

I came out at 2am to leave, it had stopped raining about 30 minutes earlier and I found the car with both doors slightly ajar and my cabin light on.

The only problem I have is thinking about who would do that to me. I haven't had any problems with anyone for over 2 years, I left all the high school drama behind as a rational adult should. I've been single and haven't dated in 2 years since my ex of 3 years broke my heart and the best thing about that is she lives 36 miles away on the other side of Chicago.

You are correct, I did make those statement. And both those statements are correct, and they both are correct. The girl I was referring to on 1-30 is my best girl friend Jamie, we ended up having a "flig" as some close friends do. The friendship and the bennefits for a short time. We were close like that for awhile, we never were "officially dating" or were together. I just refered to her as my girlfriend as it was easier to explain the situation to everyone. We were both distraught over our LTR break ups, for lack of better word what would you call a relationship like that? Friends with benefits? No you wouldnt call it that because thats not how it was, and it makes her seem like a skank which she isn't. There for in lieu of explaining our complicated relationship, it was easier to call her a gf.

So yes, I never technically dated since my ex fiance broke my heart, yet I had a flig with my best girl friend that was mutual but never talked about. You do the stuff friends do, you dont go out on date, but in the end here and there there were some physical activites involved. And btw she just got engaged to one of our other close friends.

Now after giving you the satisfaction of an explaination, as I said before I need not justify myself to any one, but I oblige because you amuse me to no extent. Now would you also like me to delve into my sexuall concourses and how large my manhood is too in graphic detail? Would you like to know when I had my first kiss too while your at it? Lmao

To sound like a broken record, it is people like you that make this world a worse, and less happy place to live. Leave this forum? I think not. If you so choose you yourself can leave whenever you wish.

Now how does your random bs have anything to do with the original post to this topic????

My tombstone will read "I spent 90% of my money on women, cars, and booze. The other 10% I wasted."

Last edited by PlayersExpress; 07-08-2010 at 01:13 PM.
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