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Old 08-14-2013, 05:35 PM   #1
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Question: Wrecked my 99 and tryign to figure out if worth keeping

Hello, While i'm a lurker here on a regular basis I dont post much but in this situation i need some advice.
Story: was hit in the right rear quarter, lost control and smashed into a sedan, Pics at bottom.

My car isnt worth fixing IMO and would cost to much but it does still start and run fine. So my question is how much does a "roller" usually cost? and is it worth it or just buy another outright.

The insurance offering em to buy mine back for $1,500 which seems worth it for engine and trans alone

My car:
99 base red triptronic
black leather, no frills like heated seats or light washers but still B+ on all interior with only slight crackign on the drivers leather seat.
Engine is original 2.5l 78,000
Trans original triptronic 78,000 no ims done

The Damage:
The front is smashed as you can see
The right rear quarter has some scraps
The window is broken
The control arms on the rear and front wheel sare broke from idiots towing and moving
The right door is shoved back into the rear quarter
the convertible top does not close all the way so im thinkink frame damage in the middle somewhere

I really loved this car and def want another, I dont car about rebuilt titles and was thinking if i can fine another that had the IMS problem i could save a lot of money vs. buying one i know nothing about. I'm just out of college so i dont have tons of money. My family works on cars and knows mechanics so an engine swap is possible very cheap.

Is this just wishful thinking :ah: or is it worth the 1500 to buy the car back

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Old 08-14-2013, 05:40 PM   #2
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Wow that thing is just gone, sorry!

If you have a space to work on the car it might be worth considering buying back and sell parts.

Good luck!
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Old 08-14-2013, 05:46 PM   #3
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It depends on the condition of your engine in the wrecked car.

If the engine and transmission is in great shape and if you can find a similar year vehicle with a broken engine or transmission, then I might consider buying the wreck back given you can get the engine swap done cheaply. You might even try seeing to see if you can negotiate getting the wreck back for free.

On the other hand, you could buy the car back and sell the parts. The engine alone might go for several thousand.
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Old 08-14-2013, 06:42 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by thom4782 View Post
It depends on the condition of your engine in the wrecked car.

If the engine and transmission is in great shape and if you can find a similar year vehicle with a broken engine or transmission, then I might consider buying the wreck back given you can get the engine swap done cheaply. You might even try seeing to see if you can negotiate getting the wreck back for free.

On the other hand, you could buy the car back and sell the parts. The engine alone might go for several thousand.
The engine and trans are perfect, never an issue.

In my reasoning i was thinking of buying it back, parting it out and keeping the engine and trans and waiting for a donor car, given the interior, left side and other internal parts i should be able to get around 1k to 1.5k in parts with little work so in the end the engine and trans would be free other then the effort in selling the parts and storing the car

What does a donor car sell for? in decent shape, just no engine or trans. Anyone have any idea? I know to fix the ims can be around 10k which would total some cars and be close to others.

Edit: if i keep the 2.5l engin and trans it will only work with 97-99 right? or are the 00-04 axels ect. the same?

Last edited by Brian0icu812; 08-14-2013 at 06:51 PM.
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Old 08-14-2013, 06:54 PM   #5
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A post 2000 roller should cost 3-4k. Maybe you can get a 97-99 cheaper.
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Old 08-14-2013, 07:08 PM   #6
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IMS is much less than 10K to fix. All other IMS parts cost $750 or less. It takes about 10 hours labor. Many people also replace the clutch and rear main seal at the same time. Add another $700 plus to the parts price tag.
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Old 08-14-2013, 07:31 PM   #7
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Brian worst case scenario if you can start the car so someone can hear it run, your engine should sell for at least $3,500 so if you have somewhere to park your Box you should buy it back. 97-99s came with the 2.5 so that's the years you should look for. A roller in need of a engine should be around $3,000.
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Old 08-14-2013, 09:29 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by thom4782 View Post
IMS is much less than 10K to fix. All other IMS parts cost $750 or less. It takes about 10 hours labor. Many people also replace the clutch and rear main seal at the same time. Add another $700 plus to the parts price tag.
I was talking about someone who had it fail and has to buy a new engine, I saw some saying from a dealer to have a new engine and put in was somewhere around 10k

But i think you guys answered my question, I think i'll keep the car, part it out and keep the 2.5 and tran for later use.

This was my daily driver and doing on site IT, i put 4k miles a month on it so it will be on the back burner for now. But i'll be posting in the parts section soon and im located in Columbus OH if anyone in the surrounding area needs anything lmk.

One other quick question when parting it out, what are the big ticket items? Seats, calipers, and engine, trans. Is the computer, ac controls or anything like that very valuable?
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Old 08-15-2013, 04:42 AM   #9
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Engine, trans, wheels, top, windscreens -- some big money in easy parts.

You didn't say it, but it sounds like you weren't hurt. Hopefully that is the case.

The car looks really torn up, but the passenger compartment looks solid. Did the airbags deploy? Can you talk more about the collision and the safety of the occupants?

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Old 08-15-2013, 05:24 AM   #10
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To save headaches, you will need to find a 2.5 tiptronic roller and that may be difficult. Apart from the fact that the dual-row IMS bearings rarely failed, the fact that only a relatively small percentage were equipped with Tiptonics will make your search that much more difficult. I suspect that you may be better off buying it back and selling the engine (and other parts) and then look for an intact early Boxster.

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Old 08-15-2013, 06:10 AM   #11
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Wow that hurts to look at, sorry about that. I'd go for another car and part out your car if you have the time or someone to help.
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Old 08-15-2013, 06:50 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by fatmike View Post
Engine, trans, wheels, top, windscreens -- some big money in easy parts.

You didn't say it, but it sounds like you weren't hurt. Hopefully that is the case.

The car looks really torn up, but the passenger compartment looks solid. Did the airbags deploy? Can you talk more about the collision and the safety of the occupants?

Yeah i was going about 85 when someone hit my right rear on wet pavement which caused the front to go right and into a kia armanti no seat belt but no injuries aside from small cut on my elbow and the left knee took the impact and was bruised. Other guy was ok, and the initial guy who hit me drove off.
Was just me in the car, both airbags went off, and some of the plastic covers inside flew off but other then that and airbags, the inside is intact and complete.

I was surprised the cars safety features work really well and the impact was absorbed in the front really well, while it doesnt look pretty it did its job. If the sheet metal was cut away and the towing company didnt break the control arms on the right wheels it would still drive although i doubt steering would be great.

And i thank you guys for your expertise, you've been a great wealth of information. I was on the fence if i should mess with it but i really loved the car and hate to see it crushed
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Old 08-15-2013, 07:37 AM   #13
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Yep, get a roller and move your engine/tranny into it.

At $1,500 I don't see how you can lose if you have the space to work on it, for either transfer into another car or just selling the parts and use the money towards another whole car.

There are so many parts to sell that I have recently read people are looking for; roof, wheels, mirrors, engine, trany, tail lights, side markers, interior dash parts, shifter console, side door pocket lids, seats, hood & trunk logos, etc

You'd probably make $5000+ selling all that stuff.

Glad your ok and that the car protected you even without seat belts.

I have read that the occupant safety record in crashes is very good for Boxsters and survivability is high. How much is that worth?!!!
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Old 08-15-2013, 12:54 PM   #14
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I was in a similar situation - totaled chassis with good engine/trans. I bought another Boxster for $3K and had the good stuff swapped over by a really good shop - then I turned it into a Spec Boxster racecar.

Whether the swap is worth it financially depends on a lot of variables that only you can calculate for your particular situation. Also, whether you have the time, space, and desire to become a used parts seller.
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Old 08-15-2013, 02:42 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by Brian0icu812 View Post
Yeah i was going about 85 when someone hit my right rear on wet pavement which caused the front to go right and into a kia armanti no seat belt but no injuries aside from small cut on my elbow and the left knee took the impact and was bruised. Other guy was ok, and the initial guy who hit me drove off.
Was just me in the car, both airbags went off, and some of the plastic covers inside flew off but other then that and airbags, the inside is intact and complete.

I was surprised the cars safety features work really well and the impact was absorbed in the front really well, while it doesnt look pretty it did its job. If the sheet metal was cut away and the towing company didnt break the control arms on the right wheels it would still drive although i doubt steering would be great.

And i thank you guys for your expertise, you've been a great wealth of information. I was on the fence if i should mess with it but i really loved the car and hate to see it crushed
People who drive RACE cars LOVE their seatbelts and were talking 4 and 5 point belts pulled as tight as possible ! What do they know that you don't????
On a lighter note, I'd part your car out and use the money to pay off a newer S.
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Old 08-15-2013, 03:38 PM   #16
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Buy it back part it out completely. make sure to get video of the engine running and sell it. Use that money and the insurance money for a newer s model. The extra horse power is always nice. That is considering that you have another car to get around in until everything sells. It also is easier to find a full car rather then a donor. But that is my opinion. I don't know how the boxster market is where you live but make sure to peruse the web before making a choice, and from reading all the post there seems to be a consensus on you buying back your car and doing something with it.

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