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Old 10-03-2014, 09:15 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by Perfectlap View Post
Hit the brakes.... What??? Were you referring only to drivers that were driving WELL ABOVE the flow of traffic?
Unless you're in a state that bans them they are 1000% LEGAL.

A motorist has every right to know when he is being watched.
In fact I wish they sold N SA detectors so I would hook up all my phones to them. And it may surprise but I don't object to being surveilled from either a patrolman or big brother. Both have a job to do and all my friends are cops state and federal. I just want to know when I'm being eye-balled. Why? Because the speed limit is set well below the average speed of traffic nearly every where I travel no matter the jurisdiction. The local police can pop whomever they wish, which in itself creates some "interesting" looking court rooms when I go in to fight a ticket, it looks as subtle as a brick wall when you first enter.

I use a detector and 99.9% of the time everyone else in SUVs and sedans are blowing past me. And although I'm still traveling 5-10 over the limit, it still doesn't make me imune from getting singled out because of whatever opinions that a cop may carry about fancy car drivers. Put it this way I used to drive a lot faster in my Miata than I do in this Porsche and in the same amount of time I was only pulled over a fraction of the times in the Miata vs. the Porsche. In these parts driving a Porsche gets you unsolicitied "police escort" on your tail a lot more often than any previous car I ever had.
Just make sure you know the laws of the land where you are driving. In most Canadian provinces, Radar Detectors are 1000% illegal. Having one (if detected) is an immediate ticket. And while most states vary on this - there are plenty where it is illegal and you will want to check before doing a cross-country trip or something.
If they aren't illegal, have at 'er!

Better yet - slow down! There are lots of legal ways to drive fast. But going more than a few MPH over the speed limit in a residential area is just dumb. You're putting lives at risk for no reason.

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Old 10-03-2014, 10:04 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by Giller View Post

Better yet - slow down! There are lots of legal ways to drive fast...
I don't think having a radar detector is tantamount to speeding.
This seems to be a popular misconception that I've heard a million times whenever someone sees my Valentine One. "speed demon eh?".
Having a radar detector simply let's you know when you are being monitored.

OTOH, if someone abuses the function of a radar detector they still run the risk of getting caught because few radar detectors can escape lazer detection most of the time. So if I did decide to drive like a A-hole everywhere the radar detector is very far from fool proof. And in some states like Virginia simply doing more than 80 jumps from traffic offense to criminal offense.
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Old 10-03-2014, 10:36 AM   #23
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Perfectlap, let me clarify. If I stop a car for speeding and I see a radar detector, there's no warning being issued. My thought is that they are designed for most people to get them out of tickets. I can beat most radar detectors with some careful I/O instant on radar and have a speed reading before you can hit your brakes. So therefore, if I can still catch you speeding to the point where i'd stop you regardless of what you're driving, and you have a radar detector, I pretty much fogure that it's gotten you out of some tickets in the past so now that I beat it, you get yours.

If you're going 5-10 over you aren't getting a second look from me unless you pass a marked car. Although it is pretty funny when I see them driving around and I hit my radar just to see the driver jump and slam on his brakes.
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Old 10-03-2014, 10:50 AM   #24
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Worst ticket I ever got was going 70 in 35 zone. In a Celica.

It wasn't a 35 zone the day before. They had changed it the night before, to prep for construction. Which didn't even start until 6 months later.

And it's really hard to read those speed limit signs when you're going 70.

What I learned; never be at the back of the pack of speeders. Be the driver in the front.
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Old 10-03-2014, 11:42 AM   #25
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Originally Posted by Porsche Chick View Post

What I learned; never be at the back of the pack of speeders. Be the driver in the front.

I have always heard the opposite, around here we call them bate rednecks. Lifted dodge, in the left lane and no where else plowing at 90 until there is a car, they get right on its tail until it moves then speed back to 90, as long as you send a bait redneck ahead you are pretty well off.

On the topic of radar detectors, I think it is rightful to have one, however, I agree that you are unlikely to get a warning with one which is exactly why I have no interest in one.
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Old 10-03-2014, 11:56 AM   #26
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Originally Posted by Perfectlap View Post
I don't think having a radar detector is tantamount to speeding.
This seems to be a popular misconception that I've heard a million times whenever someone sees my Valentine One. "speed demon eh?".
Having a radar detector simply let's you know when you are being monitored.
I didn't say having a radar detector means you are more likely to speed.

And having a radar detector simply to know when you are being monitored....I have to ask...why does it matter? What value is there in knowing someone is trying to utilize a radar gun on you, other than to know you need to slow down? Am I missing something on that point?
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Old 10-03-2014, 01:53 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by Giller View Post
What value is there in knowing someone is trying to utilize a radar gun on you, other than to know you need to slow down? Am I missing something on that point?
Because it's very rare that anyone at any time is observing the speed limit on any busy road. Even if you are going 5 mph over the limit the police have every right to cite you. It's entirely up to them, and with a radar dectector you know when this goes from hypothetical to actually happening right now.

If the police wanted you to observe the speed limit they would simply set up cameras like they do in Europe. There's no pleading with the cop for a warning ticket because there's no leaving up to the patrolman in the first place. You speed, you get points. Enough points you're suspended. Result: people STFD.

This system that we have here makes it arbitrary, and any regime where enforcement is arbitrary is never as effective if the end goal is reduce vehicular accidents and deaths. Now if the end goal is to raise revenue while complicitly allowing traffic to flow at a rate above what the letter of the law allows, because that's what makes the voter happy, then we end up with this less effective, and some might say cynical, sytem of catch me if you can. As you can see by any major highway everyone ignores 55 or 65, more of a suggestion while carnage ensues. Frankly the police imho should be stopping people for cars that are not properly maintained, running plates of drivers to see if their on suspension. as these are often the cars transporting drugs, weapons, etc. and usually by people with warrants. Obedience to speed limits would be much better served by toll both timing, cameras or some other technology that runs 24/7.
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Old 10-03-2014, 02:43 PM   #28
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In Virginia radar detectors are illegal and if you have one in your car you WILL get ticketed even if you weren't speeding. Just having the detector is a major fine all by itself.
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Old 10-03-2014, 04:54 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by husker boxster View Post
If I can make it to the end of this mo, it will be 25 yrs since I've had a speeding ticket.

(Quickly looking for wood)
You're not that old!

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Old 10-03-2014, 05:41 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by Perfectlap View Post

... And although I'm still traveling 5-10 over the limit, it still doesn't make me imune from getting singled out because of whatever opinions that a cop may carry about fancy car drivers. Put it this way I used to drive a lot faster in my Miata than I do in this Porsche and in the same amount of time I was only pulled over a fraction of the times in the Miata vs. the Porsche. In these parts driving a Porsche gets you unsolicitied "police escort" on your tail a lot more often than any previous car I ever had.
Huh. Never expected this forum to discuss racial profiling, but there yah go!

When there's time, I'd like to see the 986'ers next tackle ISIS/L and what the US response should be, whether or not Israeli/Arab cross populating in non-dominant neighborhoods is an issue, and whether Derek Jeter's fear of cats stems from having(?) owned a Boxster -- all using cars. Same things should apply -- whether or not it's ok to break laws (because we know better than everyone else), how to get around the language of laws, when it is ok to be fined from breaking laws, or pass judgement on how other towns, states, and countries should govern without going to city council meetings or taking an active role in law/policy making, etc.

Rare footage of how I envision PL (?) speaking out about injustices.


Only kidding. This is not PL, but what did David do?

In the meantime, I think I'll just go shoot guns in my backyard. Don't worry, I'll be responsible and make sure there is no one around before pulling the trigger. I mean, what's a little noise, right? My land. :dance:


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Old 10-03-2014, 09:51 PM   #31
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I got a ticket two days a row on a road trip for going 80 in a 70. My four speeding tickets I've received in my life were for going 80 in a 70. Funny enough these stopped after getting a Valentine One in 1999. I haven't used it in 8 or so years (due to driving less), but radar detector users are not always reckless people, they simply want to avoid making up the state's budget deficit.
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Old 10-04-2014, 01:12 AM   #32
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I have to agree with PL to some extent that there is profiling because of driving a Porsche. At my age I'm not out late at night much anymore, but a few yrs ago there was a 6 mo stretch where I was pulled over twice after midnight. Once for rolling thru a stop sign and the other for making a left hand turn and rather than completing that turn into the left hand lane, I slid over to the right hand lane. Both times they were trolling for bigger fish than these two minor infractions. Even had to do the full sobriety test once. I'm OK with them trying to get drunks off the street as I was almost killed by a drunk 27 yrs ago and the only reason I'm here today typing this is because I wasn't drinking that night and took life saving manuvers. As long as they're not jerks when they pull me over and they're not pulling me over every time I'm out late, I can go along with some inconvenience. But they're watching for us. I live with that and adjust accordingly.

I also don't have a radar detector and as previously stated only have a few wks to go to my 25th anniversary w/o a ticket. That doesn't mean there aren't places where I speed, but for the most part I keep it 5-7 over during the day and I'm not a big enough fish for them at that speed. I also know if I get stopped I deserve a ticket because I'm breaking the law. One that the officer didn't make but is supposed to enforce. The responsibility is mine.

And thanks Jager! I'm double nickels and your comment got me thinking - I'm 6 mo from being 56, which means I'll have been driving for 40 yrs. Now I feel old. I didn't feel bad when I turned 30, but had a crisis birthday at 32 - it was such a milestone to get to 16 and get a driver's license. At 32, I'd been driving for 1/2 my life. Maybe I am car crazy since traditional milestone birthdays don't affect me but car related ones do.
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Old 10-04-2014, 05:23 AM   #33
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I spend most of my time looking for drunks because I work nights. Most of the drunks I get on the Interstate are cars I pull out after for speeding. Biggest dope bust I've had to date was for a speeding stop. Call the system arbitrary, but it works that way. The goal is to gain voluntary compliance. Some people will realize the goal just by having my lights on in their mirror and do not need a ticket. Some people will only slow down if you hit their wallets. Its my goal to talk to people on stops and figure out which one they are. Sometimes they even fall into a category that requires jail for the things they have in their cars or the things they put in their bodies.

European speed cameras do get people to slow down...When they see cameras. All the local commuters, who are the worst speeding violators I run into, know where the cameras are, slow down for them, then pick it right back up.
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Old 10-04-2014, 10:59 AM   #34
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Nary a Porsche on the list:


Begs the question, of who is truly getting profiled, doesn't it? Or... dare I suggest, who the driver is, and what their actions are...


"What’s more, a surprising number of other truly fast-and-furious sports cars fall way farther down the list than one might otherwise suspect. These include bona fide barn-burners like the Jaguar XJR (#519), Porsche Cayman (#512), Acura NSX (#496), Porsche Panamera (#490), Jaguar XK8 (#486), Honda S2000 (#476) and the Mazda RX-7 (#459), along with two models that are virtually vehicular wanted posters for moving violations, the Porsche 911 (#447) and the Chevrolet Corvette (#420). "

While the Boxster does rank higher... according to this study, Volt owners have more complaints:

So... because Boxsters (986s) are cheaper than other models (and lesssss than a new WRX), and appear available (generally)... does that result in a more aggressive style of driving by the owner...? More shenanigans?

From the Forbes article:

“Cars don’t get tickets, drivers do—but those drivers like the WRX,” Des Toups, the managing editor of Insurance.com, said in a statement. Sports cars—and more expensive cars in general—tend to be owned by older people, who statistically speaking are less likely to be ticketed or, for that matter, crash (look no further than high insurance premiums for young people for evidence). "The Chevrolet Corvette, Dodge Viper and Nissan GT-R rank well below average for tickets even though they can easily double the highest speed limits. But those cars are also costly, so their buyers tend to be older and take fewer risks," Toups said.
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Old 10-04-2014, 12:38 PM   #35
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It's say it isn't down to if the driver has money or not, look at how the jdm crowd tends to drive in comparison to others. Which I will say is why the low place of the gtr is fascinating. However remember where do most get tickets, daily commute on the highway, people drive their sports cars but not as commonly under the cops nose as your average wrx daily. This could be a large factor.
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Old 10-04-2014, 12:43 PM   #36
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Good luck with that...

Originally Posted by husker boxster View Post
If I can make it to the end of this mo, it will be 25 yrs since I've had a speeding ticket.

(Quickly looking for wood)
You've jinxed yourself.
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Old 10-04-2014, 01:24 PM   #37
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Now in my red 914 I got tickets at 27, my silver Boxsters at 60+, never. My bet it had something to do with my driving style.

In the 914, they were right every time.
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Old 10-04-2014, 01:39 PM   #38
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This study is so off. A WRX even though it's pretty mainstream honestly is still something you may not see every day. I've ticked more Civics, Altimas, Camrys and SUVs simply because there's more of them.
Originally Posted by cfos View Post
Nary a Porsche on the list:

Which car to drive if you want to get the most tickets - The Washington Post

Begs the question, of who is truly getting profiled, doesn't it? Or... dare I suggest, who the driver is, and what their actions are...

The Dodge Viper Is The Least Ticketed Car On The Road. Really? - Forbes

"What’s more, a surprising number of other truly fast-and-furious sports cars fall way farther down the list than one might otherwise suspect. These include bona fide barn-burners like the Jaguar XJR (#519), Porsche Cayman (#512), Acura NSX (#496), Porsche Panamera (#490), Jaguar XK8 (#486), Honda S2000 (#476) and the Mazda RX-7 (#459), along with two models that are virtually vehicular wanted posters for moving violations, the Porsche 911 (#447) and the Chevrolet Corvette (#420). "

While the Boxster does rank higher... according to this study, Volt owners have more complaints:

So... because Boxsters (986s) are cheaper than other models (and lesssss than a new WRX), and appear available (generally)... does that result in a more aggressive style of driving by the owner...? More shenanigans?

From the Forbes article:

“Cars don’t get tickets, drivers do—but those drivers like the WRX,” Des Toups, the managing editor of Insurance.com, said in a statement. Sports cars—and more expensive cars in general—tend to be owned by older people, who statistically speaking are less likely to be ticketed or, for that matter, crash (look no further than high insurance premiums for young people for evidence). "The Chevrolet Corvette, Dodge Viper and Nissan GT-R rank well below average for tickets even though they can easily double the highest speed limits. But those cars are also costly, so their buyers tend to be older and take fewer risks," Toups said.
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Old 10-04-2014, 02:01 PM   #39
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Big jake, you hit the nail on the head when you said daily commute. People get so focused on going to work or they run late and rely on going way too fast or they simply get comfortable with the road and think they won't see a cop. I have a rpad I like to work around 5 am and I've stopped people more than once going just as fast as the first time I stopped them. I stop you once and you got a warning, the second time you aren't getting a warning.
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Old 10-04-2014, 07:45 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by bobbeck View Post
This study is so off..
Also, it lists those ticketed and not which are most often stopped. Completely different numbers..

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