Thread: First ticket
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Old 10-04-2014, 01:12 AM   #32
husker boxster
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I have to agree with PL to some extent that there is profiling because of driving a Porsche. At my age I'm not out late at night much anymore, but a few yrs ago there was a 6 mo stretch where I was pulled over twice after midnight. Once for rolling thru a stop sign and the other for making a left hand turn and rather than completing that turn into the left hand lane, I slid over to the right hand lane. Both times they were trolling for bigger fish than these two minor infractions. Even had to do the full sobriety test once. I'm OK with them trying to get drunks off the street as I was almost killed by a drunk 27 yrs ago and the only reason I'm here today typing this is because I wasn't drinking that night and took life saving manuvers. As long as they're not jerks when they pull me over and they're not pulling me over every time I'm out late, I can go along with some inconvenience. But they're watching for us. I live with that and adjust accordingly.

I also don't have a radar detector and as previously stated only have a few wks to go to my 25th anniversary w/o a ticket. That doesn't mean there aren't places where I speed, but for the most part I keep it 5-7 over during the day and I'm not a big enough fish for them at that speed. I also know if I get stopped I deserve a ticket because I'm breaking the law. One that the officer didn't make but is supposed to enforce. The responsibility is mine.

And thanks Jager! I'm double nickels and your comment got me thinking - I'm 6 mo from being 56, which means I'll have been driving for 40 yrs. Now I feel old. I didn't feel bad when I turned 30, but had a crisis birthday at 32 - it was such a milestone to get to 16 and get a driver's license. At 32, I'd been driving for 1/2 my life. Maybe I am car crazy since traditional milestone birthdays don't affect me but car related ones do.
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Last edited by husker boxster; 10-04-2014 at 09:13 PM.
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