Thread: First ticket
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Old 10-03-2014, 01:53 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by Giller View Post
What value is there in knowing someone is trying to utilize a radar gun on you, other than to know you need to slow down? Am I missing something on that point?
Because it's very rare that anyone at any time is observing the speed limit on any busy road. Even if you are going 5 mph over the limit the police have every right to cite you. It's entirely up to them, and with a radar dectector you know when this goes from hypothetical to actually happening right now.

If the police wanted you to observe the speed limit they would simply set up cameras like they do in Europe. There's no pleading with the cop for a warning ticket because there's no leaving up to the patrolman in the first place. You speed, you get points. Enough points you're suspended. Result: people STFD.

This system that we have here makes it arbitrary, and any regime where enforcement is arbitrary is never as effective if the end goal is reduce vehicular accidents and deaths. Now if the end goal is to raise revenue while complicitly allowing traffic to flow at a rate above what the letter of the law allows, because that's what makes the voter happy, then we end up with this less effective, and some might say cynical, sytem of catch me if you can. As you can see by any major highway everyone ignores 55 or 65, more of a suggestion while carnage ensues. Frankly the police imho should be stopping people for cars that are not properly maintained, running plates of drivers to see if their on suspension. as these are often the cars transporting drugs, weapons, etc. and usually by people with warrants. Obedience to speed limits would be much better served by toll both timing, cameras or some other technology that runs 24/7.
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Last edited by Perfectlap; 10-03-2014 at 02:25 PM.
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