Originally Posted by Perfectlap
Hit the brakes.... What??? Were you referring only to drivers that were driving WELL ABOVE the flow of traffic?
Unless you're in a state that bans them they are 1000% LEGAL.
A motorist has every right to know when he is being watched.
In fact I wish they sold N SA detectors so I would hook up all my phones to them. And it may surprise but I don't object to being surveilled from either a patrolman or big brother. Both have a job to do and all my friends are cops state and federal. I just want to know when I'm being eye-balled. Why? Because the speed limit is set well below the average speed of traffic nearly every where I travel no matter the jurisdiction. The local police can pop whomever they wish, which in itself creates some "interesting" looking court rooms when I go in to fight a ticket, it looks as subtle as a brick wall when you first enter.
I use a detector and 99.9% of the time everyone else in SUVs and sedans are blowing past me. And although I'm still traveling 5-10 over the limit, it still doesn't make me imune from getting singled out because of whatever opinions that a cop may carry about fancy car drivers. Put it this way I used to drive a lot faster in my Miata than I do in this Porsche and in the same amount of time I was only pulled over a fraction of the times in the Miata vs. the Porsche. In these parts driving a Porsche gets you unsolicitied "police escort" on your tail a lot more often than any previous car I ever had.
Just make sure you know the laws of the land where you are driving. In most Canadian provinces, Radar Detectors are 1000% illegal. Having one (if detected) is an immediate ticket. And while most states vary on this - there are plenty where it is illegal and you will want to check before doing a cross-country trip or something.
If they aren't illegal, have at 'er!
Better yet - slow down! There are lots of legal ways to drive fast. But going more than a few MPH over the speed limit in a residential area is just dumb. You're putting lives at risk for no reason.