Thread: First ticket
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Old 10-03-2014, 05:41 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by Perfectlap View Post

... And although I'm still traveling 5-10 over the limit, it still doesn't make me imune from getting singled out because of whatever opinions that a cop may carry about fancy car drivers. Put it this way I used to drive a lot faster in my Miata than I do in this Porsche and in the same amount of time I was only pulled over a fraction of the times in the Miata vs. the Porsche. In these parts driving a Porsche gets you unsolicitied "police escort" on your tail a lot more often than any previous car I ever had.
Huh. Never expected this forum to discuss racial profiling, but there yah go!

When there's time, I'd like to see the 986'ers next tackle ISIS/L and what the US response should be, whether or not Israeli/Arab cross populating in non-dominant neighborhoods is an issue, and whether Derek Jeter's fear of cats stems from having(?) owned a Boxster -- all using cars. Same things should apply -- whether or not it's ok to break laws (because we know better than everyone else), how to get around the language of laws, when it is ok to be fined from breaking laws, or pass judgement on how other towns, states, and countries should govern without going to city council meetings or taking an active role in law/policy making, etc.

Rare footage of how I envision PL (?) speaking out about injustices.

Only kidding. This is not PL, but what did David do?

In the meantime, I think I'll just go shoot guns in my backyard. Don't worry, I'll be responsible and make sure there is no one around before pulling the trigger. I mean, what's a little noise, right? My land. :dance:


2k13 Boxster Amaranth Red/Black

Last edited by cfos; 10-03-2014 at 05:44 PM.
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