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Old 08-03-2013, 12:57 PM   #1
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"New" Black Boxster Owner

So, I'm a "new" boxster owner, I say "new" cos I've had it since last December, but this is my official post as an owner in this forum.
I gotta admit that I don't know anything about cars and the reason I decided on a Boxster was because I asked a coworker which out of my options (Mercedez SLK, Nissan 350Z, Porsche Boxster) would get me laid with her.
I also wanted a car that looked like a Batmobile (don't we all?)
As my knowledge of cars was close to null, I didn't know what to look for at the time of purchase and I bought it on a whim w/o doing my homework.
But ever since then I've fallen deeply in love with my car.
Within the first months I had to change the brakes and 2 rotors ($900) and had to change the rear tires ($425) the expenses started piling up and I had a CEL that scared me to even ask what it was as The Collection charges $150 just to tell you what's wrong with it.
That's when the lightbulb turned on and after a couple searches I ended up in this forum.
Boy, has it helped! It has made my love for the car grow and now I see it with different eyes.
Now I've been able to see what the previous owner did to it. Something tells me it could have belonged to a woman (at least the last owner) as I found the air filter completely toast, as the air intake with more leaves than NY in autumn. That's why the car was giving me so much hesitation in the acceleration.
The car is deambered and the side markers are clear too. It no longer has the stock radio but a Pioneer radio that must have costed 1200 at time of purchase.
This is what i've done to the car since I found this forum:
Desnorkeled the air intake
Modded the side armrests with leather
Changed the air filter and cabin air filter
Washed the engine
Recharged the A/C
Mind you, I have NEVER done any kind of work in a car before in my life, all of this is making me feel so handy, lol.
I just placed an order for the things i'll need to change the oil, I also bought new center caps (black and chrome) and I'll Plasti Dip the wheels as well.
I also bought the brushed titanium emblem from Wheel Dynamics
After watching the Drive Clean channel I've realized the paint is full of chips, dings and swirl marks.
I also scratched (please don't kill me) the car and i found that it already had Bondo there, so one of the previous owners already had an accident there.
Or should I just get that part fixed and try to restore the rest? I'm not even sure that the rest is the original paint.
If so, how much should I expect to pay?
Thanks for your input and shout out to Johnny Danger and DrBodzin for the inspiration.
(wow that was a long post)
Here's some pics:

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Old 08-03-2013, 02:25 PM   #2
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First things first, did the Boxster help you get laid?

What's the year (I assume 2002 or older) and mileage?

I'm a new Boxster owner myself, so I think I can relate to the love you start to have for the car over time.

If there's a One Day Paint shop in your area, you might get a better deal painting the whole car than painting parts of it.

Again, congrats on the "new" Boxster.
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Old 08-03-2013, 02:56 PM   #3
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Welcome and grats on your new- to- you- Box! Got my new- to -me car last year and have been s l o w l y taking care of all this stuff.

Don't freak about anything and take your time and plan on the mechanical stuff while checking out the cosmetic dent repair.
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Old 08-04-2013, 10:06 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by hancock1701 View Post
First things first, did the Boxster help you get laid?

What's the year (I assume 2002 or older) and mileage?

I'm a new Boxster owner myself, so I think I can relate to the love you start to have for the car over time.

If there's a One Day Paint shop in your area, you might get a better deal painting the whole car than painting parts of it.

Again, congrats on the "new" Boxster.
Did it help? Why'd you think i KEPT it? lol
2002 Boxster 2.7
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Old 08-04-2013, 10:47 AM   #5
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i have a black boxster as well and can sympathize with the swirlies and chips. for best results, you'll want to do the whole thing, not just parts since you won't get a perfect match (especially between shops/time frames).

what color black?

for a simple "little better looking" treatment, grab some paint chip repair. as long as it's close in color match, and the chips are not big, you'll get decent 10-foot results.

for wash and shine, i like the turtle wax black box and the black detail spray polish. again, good results unless you're up close.

sadly, swirlies and spider webs are a part of the joy in owning a black car.
"Speed has never killed anyone, suddenly becoming stationary... that's what gets you."
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Old 08-05-2013, 06:35 AM   #6
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also, looks like you're ready to replace the climate control display...

read-up on it here:
AC LCD panel repair kit
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Old 08-05-2013, 06:59 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by tonycarreon View Post
for wash and shine, i like the turtle wax black box and the black detail spray polish. again, good results unless you're up close.

sadly, swirlies and spider webs are a part of the joy in owning a black car.
+1 on the Turtle Black. Although the body rash you have will only be fixed by a shop. Afterwards try the Maguire's clay with the black detail spray then the polish then the wax. Caution first off --use some gloves the black product will stain you hands. I'm very satisfied with the results
2003 Black 986. modified for Advanced level HPDE and open track days.
* 3.6L LN block, 06 heads, Carrillo H rods, IDP with 987 intake, Oil mods, LN IMS. * Spec II Clutch, 3.2L S Spec P-P FW. * D2 shocks, GT3 arms & and links, Spacers front and rear * Weight reduced, No carpet, AC deleted, Remote PS pump, PS pump deleted. Recaro Pole position seats, Brey crouse ext. 5 point harness, NHP sport exhaust
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Old 08-05-2013, 07:40 AM   #8
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Yup, the Turtle Black Box kit is awesome and a required product for black Porsches.

I put some shopping cart scuffs on my rear bumper and this weekend I used the black box on it and the scuffs polished right out...amazing.

Deep scratches will be more difficult but the black wax does not turn white in the scratch and make it more visible, like regular wax, it actually stays dark and will hide the scratches better.

PS: If you drive around top down wearing a black suit and bow tie, you'll have them lining up to get in your car, and when other hotties see hotties riding in your car it will be like a nuclear reaction and all the guys in town will HATE you, which brings it full circle and your need for a fast car that can lose your competition in the canyons. You may then discover the World Command League and the JD connection.

They'll also call you JB....James or double-O-seven for short

Owning a Porsche is a Journey from Mediocrity to Excellence.
"It broke because it wants to be Upgraded "
2012 Porsche Performance Driving School - SanDiego region
2001 Boxster S, Top Speed muffler, (Fred's) Mini Morimotto Projectors, Tarret UDP,
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Last edited by jb92563; 08-05-2013 at 07:50 AM.
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Old 08-05-2013, 08:09 AM   #9
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Congrats and welcome to the forums!!!
I too have a black box and in your situation if I had the time and $$$ I probably would have to get the whole car painted. It will also depend on who's going to do the job as well. You'll want to research that as the saying goes "you get what you pay for". I live in Chi-town and there are a lot of shady painters out there that will paint it/repair it for cheap but the quality is really low.

In terms of wax and polish I would recommend Zaino "http://zainostore.com/". They may be a bit pricey but with that said, they are the best polish I have ever used. Likewise, it's been 2 years since I bought the "total protection show car kit" and I still haven't used all of it. Not only will it make your car shine.....it will also protect it pretty good. Every time I've used it....it makes my box look like a mirror and when it rains, water just runs off of it without any issues. Heres a demo of a water test 6 weeks after it has been applied.....Zaino Z5 water test--6 weeks after application - YouTube
1999 black boxster
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Old 08-08-2013, 07:30 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by tonycarreon View Post
also, looks like you're ready to replace the climate control display...

read-up on it here:
AC LCD panel repair kit
Yeah, I need to fix that display.
One of the first things I bought was the Black Box, all in all I think its just another good wax, the only advantage its no white streaks.

I plastidipped my wheels yesterday and my back is killing me!
Pics to come!

2002 Boxster 2.7
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