Congrats and welcome to the forums!!!
I too have a black box and in your situation if I had the time and $$$ I probably would have to get the whole car painted. It will also depend on who's going to do the job as well. You'll want to research that as the saying goes "you get what you pay for". I live in Chi-town and there are a lot of shady painters out there that will paint it/repair it for cheap but the quality is really low.
In terms of wax and polish I would recommend Zaino "". They may be a bit pricey but with that said, they are the best polish I have ever used. Likewise, it's been 2 years since I bought the "total protection show car kit" and I still haven't used all of it. Not only will it make your car will also protect it pretty good. Every time I've used makes my box look like a mirror and when it rains, water just runs off of it without any issues. Heres a demo of a water test 6 weeks after it has been applied.....
Zaino Z5 water test--6 weeks after application - YouTube