02-11-2025, 07:34 PM
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Originally Posted by LoneWolfGal
Not quite finished but getting there. Unfortunately, I have to go out to dinner, so finishing touches will have to wait until tomorrow.
Wow! that looks great! Judging by how the socket fits in there I'd oversize it a bit in case the fitting sits at an angle. Maybe you can try a dry fit to make sure?
2002 Boxster Base - Arctic Silver - Tiptronic
2010 Subaru Forester
1980 Ford C-8000 Custom Cab Emergency-One Fire Truck
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02-11-2025, 09:10 PM
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Originally Posted by piper6909
Wow! that looks great! Judging by how the socket fits in there I'd oversize it a bit in case the fitting sits at an angle. Maybe you can try a dry fit to make sure?
I'll definitely dry fit it, Al. The notch needs a little work on the left side, which will open it up another millimeter. You mentioned the angle; I've been considering making the notch's sides the same angle as the oil fitting. It's only five degrees or so off vertical...
Wait a minute... angling the sides strays into the kind of obsessiveness I'm trying to subdue these days. It could be done, sure, and it would turn out nice, but it makes more sense (and would take a whole lot less time) to simply open up the un-angled notch until it has clearance enough to accommodate the angle.
The dry fitting will tell the tale.
2000 986 base
Arctic Silver/black
2.7 liter
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Last edited by LoneWolfGal; 02-11-2025 at 09:16 PM.
02-12-2025, 04:52 AM
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Originally Posted by LoneWolfGal
I'll definitely dry fit it, Al. The notch needs a little work on the left side, which will open it up another millimeter. You mentioned the angle; I've been considering making the notch's sides the same angle as the oil fitting. It's only five degrees or so off vertical...
Wait a minute... angling the sides strays into the kind of obsessiveness I'm trying to subdue these days. It could be done, sure, and it would turn out nice, but it makes more sense (and would take a whole lot less time) to simply open up the un-angled notch until it has clearance enough to accommodate the angle.
The dry fitting will tell the tale.
Don't worry, you're not OCD enough unless you try to devise some sort of dust boot to seal the hole you just made! Until you try that, I'd say you already have it under control.🤣
02-12-2025, 08:06 AM
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Originally Posted by piper6909
Don't worry, you're not OCD enough unless you try to devise some sort of dust boot to seal the hole you just made! Until you try that, I'd say you already have it under control.🤣
Go ahead and laugh, Al, but a dust boot did cross my mind! I've got some 1/4"-thick scrap rubber that could be pressed (literally) into service.
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02-12-2025, 08:14 AM
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Wow! It is very impressive how clean the radius of the cut came out, if you file the sharp points a bit, it could pass as a factory made notch :-)
02-12-2025, 09:05 AM
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After I returned from my dinner engagement last night I headed out to the shop. Whereupon I promptly destroyed my last sanding/grinding drum. So I had Amazon overnight these replacements at $7.99 for 210 drums. (And nighttime is over, so where are my drums?!)
A drum sander/grinder is all you need to grind the notch. Aluminum burr bits are massive overkill; they don't provide the fine control you need. It's like using a bulldozer when you really need a shovel. Intended for Dremels, the drums have 1/8" shanks, but my Ryobi right-angle grinder can accommodate them. The drums' 80-grit aluminum oxide cuts through the crankcase's aluminum with no problem. Forget drills, forget hacksaws, and especially forget aluminum burr bits — drums are the answer.
2000 986 base
Arctic Silver/black
2.7 liter
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Last edited by LoneWolfGal; 02-12-2025 at 08:23 PM.
02-12-2025, 09:16 AM
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Originally Posted by Gilles
Wow! It is very impressive how clean the radius of the cut came out, if you file the sharp points a bit, it could pass as a factory made notch :-)
Great minds, Gilles. My metal-fabricator friend Mark told me the same thing. According to him, sharp edges combined with vibration tends to promote cracks. "Soften them edges," he said. Good looking out, you guys. But I intended to hit those edges anyway. The goal is to make the notch look factory.
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02-12-2025, 06:17 PM
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Before making further alterations to the notch I tried a dry fit. I vacuumed aluminum particles from the inside of the bell housing and used a tack cloth to catch any stragglers. Then I peeled off the opening's seal and set the flange in the opening, taking care not to push it in, which could damage the flange's triple seal. I used a bolt to hold the flange in place. The notch had enough clearance to put a socket on the fitting, but it was tight. So I replaced the seal over the opening (it had more than enough stickum left) and opened the notch a couple millimeters. I also made the notch a millimeter or so deeper so that, when bolted to the bell housing, the transmission case won't interfere with the socket. Finally, I "softened" the notch's edges with a flat bastard file (and no need to use a round motherflipper). The end result looked as though the factory had machined it, which was my objective.
I'm glad that's done. Now I'm waiting for the Supplemental kit to get here so I can install the Solution. LN shipped the kit today and it's scheduled to arrive on 2/17, a welcome break that will allow me to attend to some things I've been putting off, things that actually bring in money rather than consume it.
2000 986 base
Arctic Silver/black
2.7 liter
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Last edited by LoneWolfGal; 02-13-2025 at 07:50 AM.
02-13-2025, 07:49 AM
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Originally Posted by piper6909
Thanks, Al. I'll keep those in mind.
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02-14-2025, 04:24 PM
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After the Solution is installed, and before I tackle the cam chain wear pads, I'll replace the rear main seal. Ordered one from LN and also bought the tool to set the new RMS's depth (RMS: $39.52, Seal Tool: $45.00, both sensibly priced). Installation seems fairly straightforward, not much different from other rear main seals.

2000 986 base
Arctic Silver/black
2.7 liter
5-speed manual
Last edited by LoneWolfGal; 02-15-2025 at 02:58 PM.
02-15-2025, 08:26 AM
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You might or might not have noticed that nearly every one of my posts has been edited. I take pains to make sure that each post says what I set out to say as clearly as humanly possible. Why do I go to the trouble? OCD-LIte would be a good guess, but that's not the primary reason. I do it because folks will be reading this forum for decades. Everyone's posts will be read hundreds, possibly thousands, of times. I regard these words as my progeny. From the here and now I say, "Hello, future people! Hope you find something of value in my contributions. Good luck with your 986 DIYing. As every DIYer learns, it requires caution, guts, and lots of swearing."
2000 986 base
Arctic Silver/black
2.7 liter
5-speed manual
Last edited by LoneWolfGal; 02-15-2025 at 03:02 PM.
02-18-2025, 07:11 PM
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Barring unforeseen circumstances, I'm going to install the Solution bushing — I mean, bearing — tomorrow. Reaching a point where I understood the process turned out to involve a modicum of head scratching. LN's engineering's IMS Solution Installation Manual, supplied with every Solution, is sorely in need of revision, one with clearer photos. Written by Jake Raby, the current manual is unclear in spots, skips over crucial steps, and relies on assumptions, although it makes perfect sense if you already know how to do it. Jake, being the inventor of the Solution, could probably install one in his sleep.
But then, Jake's a brilliant engineer, not a professional writer. For about three seconds I considered offering LN my services, but I'm currently stretched too thin with other projects, not including the engine swap. However, I think I'll start a new thread and create the kind of concise Solution installation how-to I wish had been available from the get-go. I'll do it for the DIYers of the future.
Above: IMS Solution Supplemental Tool Kit (L.), IMS Pro Tool Kit (R.). (And toolkit is one word, but let's not go schoolmarm on LN.) The Solution's bush... bearing and its installation tool and the IMS tube plug are beside the manual (but not beside the point). Some of the Pro kit's tools are in use, thus the empty foam pockets.
2000 986 base
Arctic Silver/black
2.7 liter
5-speed manual
Last edited by LoneWolfGal; 02-20-2025 at 09:41 AM.
02-19-2025, 05:18 PM
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Best laid plans... I'd forgotten I had promised to help a friend remove the starter from his Isuzu Rodeo and rebuild the solenoid, since I had done it on mine a couple months ago. Needless to say, the IMS bearing will not be going in today. I want to be rested and fresh for the procedure.
2000 986 base
Arctic Silver/black
2.7 liter
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Last edited by LoneWolfGal; 02-19-2025 at 10:27 PM.
02-20-2025, 03:34 AM
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As my mother used to say "Haste makes Waste". Good idea to tackle it with a fresh mind. I find any auto related job to be easier when I think about what I will be doing the night before.
'99 Boxster - Arctic Silver - Tiptronic
02-20-2025, 09:37 AM
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I thought I had viewed all the IMS Solution videos available, but somehow I overlooked this one, in which Jake Raby fills in the holes in LN's installation manual. I was glad to see that the details I'd worked out on my own were correct.
So there's no need for me to write up a how-to, leaving more time for actual wrenching. Speaking of which, I finally have a chance to install the bearing after lunch.
2000 986 base
Arctic Silver/black
2.7 liter
5-speed manual
Last edited by LoneWolfGal; 02-20-2025 at 03:58 PM.
02-20-2025, 08:20 PM
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Take lots of pics, please.
02-20-2025, 09:57 PM
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Jake Raby mentioned that variances in the inside diameter of the intermediate shaft can sometimes result in a tight fit for the bearing, and he wasn't kidding. Forget tapping — seating the bearing required many mighty blows with a heavy rubber mallet. That was a surprise, since I kept the bearing in the freezer and lubricated its outside liberally with assembly lube, as per Step 30 in the IMS Solution Installation Manual. I managed to get it seated before my arm gave out. Next comes a shim, followed by a retainer clip that fits in a groove around the inside of the shaft to keep the bearing in place. Getting it in the groove is a challenge. After a couple of unsuccessful attempts to master the technique, I decided I needed a break. I'm on my break now!
One hour later... I can't think of a single reason why that blankety-blank clip can't wait until tomorrow.

2000 986 base
Arctic Silver/black
2.7 liter
5-speed manual
Last edited by LoneWolfGal; 02-21-2025 at 04:57 PM.
02-21-2025, 03:06 AM
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I wonder why they didn't use a regular internal c-clip that you can install and remove with snap ring pliers. That will be a justifiable cause for some serious curse words if you have to remove it. I can't remember the last time I've seen one of those, but I think I know the trick. You probably do too, but it wouldn't hurt to reiterate it.
Do you see how the clip has a slit at the 8:30 or 9:00 position in the picture? That is not a straight cut for a reason. If you pry it apart there, you'll see that one end comes to a point on the outside and the opposite end has a point on the inside. I think your best chance is to insert the end with the outside point first. It has the best chance of staying in the groove while you go around the horn pushing the rest of the clip in. Good luck!
Last edited by piper6909; 02-21-2025 at 03:25 AM.
02-21-2025, 08:33 AM
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Originally Posted by piper6909
I wonder why they didn't use a regular internal c-clip that you can install and remove with snap ring pliers. That will be a justifiable cause for some serious curse words if you have to remove it. I can't remember the last time I've seen one of those, but I think I know the trick. You probably do too, but it wouldn't hurt to reiterate it.
Do you see how the clip has a slit at the 8:30 or 9:00 position in the picture? That is not a straight cut for a reason. If you pry it apart there, you'll see that one end comes to a point on the outside and the opposite end has a point on the inside. I think your best chance is to insert the end with the outside point first. It has the best chance of staying in the groove while you go around the horn pushing the rest of the clip in. Good luck!
Thanks, Al. And using a small flat-blade screwdriver to guide it around the groove supposedly makes it easier. That's the technique I'm going try to employ after breakfast and I'm properly psyched. LIke you, I wondered why they didn't just use a standard snap ring. But then, I also wondered why they didn't use a standard torx or allen for the transmission fill plug, instead of requiring a triple-square bit.
2000 986 base
Arctic Silver/black
2.7 liter
5-speed manual
Last edited by LoneWolfGal; 02-21-2025 at 03:30 PM.
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