06-05-2014, 02:27 PM
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Leave a potato on your top. Cats are terrified of potatoes.
One of the many uses...
06-05-2014, 06:10 PM
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Seems there are a few "cat lovers" on the forum, not that there's anything wrong with that!
'99 black 986
06-05-2014, 06:31 PM
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I may have to move to the 911 forum. I hear there are fewer cat lovers and PETA members that drive 911's...
06-05-2014, 11:18 PM
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Originally Posted by BrokenLinkage
I may have to move to the 911 forum. I hear there are fewer cat lovers and PETA members that drive 911's...
Lol. I had the same thought.
06-05-2014, 08:47 PM
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I guess if someone instinctively swerves to miss a stray cat that darts out in front of them and that driver ends up wrapping their car around a telephone pole, and dies as a result of their injuries, well THAT would also be considered just an "act of god", right? Awesome, just whatever you do or whatever happens, do NOT blame the owner of the cat.
06-07-2014, 01:32 PM
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Originally Posted by TypeA
I guess if someone instinctively swerves to miss a stray cat that darts out in front of them and that driver ends up wrapping their car around a telephone pole, and dies as a result of their injuries, well THAT would also be considered just an "act of god", right? Awesome, just whatever you do or whatever happens, do NOT blame the owner of the cat.
Better yet, take an emergency skid- control course or participate in autocrossing or car racing and become skilled enough to brilliantly HANDLEan emergency- situation and forget the telephone post all together.
PS Don't look at the pole or the ravine-- eyes up, looking where you WANT to go...
THERE! Now you don't have to blame kittie! You're a big boy now!!!!
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06-06-2014, 12:29 AM
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Consider the suffering of an intelligent & complex social animal: the abducted cat
a family pet used to sleeping in warmth, fed free & loved
will live about 2 years feral (but not in Winnipeg)
soon starving, emaciated, dirty, cold, hunted, injured
dies alone and in pain
probably doesn't wonder what it did to deserve this
the poisoned cat
I wish I hadn't read about it
Consider the suffering of those intelligent & complex social animals: the human family of the cat
Will the widow who sleeps with the cat in her arms be hurt? Is that your mom?
How do you explain to a child that someone poisoned her cat on purpose?
Our overriding moral purpose should be to reduce suffering.
2006 Boxster S (987), Lapis blue, blue soft top, detachable hardtop, sand full leather, bi-xeon, 19" Carrera S wheels, 11 spk Bose & windstop, 6-CD changer, heated power seats
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06-06-2014, 03:04 AM
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Reduce one's own suffering or the suffering of others? I would choose others. Dissenting opinions?
2003 S manual
06-06-2014, 03:41 AM
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Originally Posted by pierre shags
Consider the suffering of an intelligent & complex social animal: the abducted cat
a family pet used to sleeping in warmth, fed free & loved
will live about 2 years feral (but not in Winnipeg)
soon starving, emaciated, dirty, cold, hunted, injured
dies alone and in pain
probably doesn't wonder what it did to deserve this
the poisoned cat
I wish I hadn't read about it
Consider the suffering of those intelligent & complex social animals: the human family of the cat
Will the widow who sleeps with the cat in her arms be hurt? Is that your mom?
How do you explain to a child that someone poisoned her cat on purpose?
Our overriding moral purpose should be to reduce suffering.
Consider the pain and trauma a finch feels after it's been welcomed to my yard by a feeder only to have its wings and head ripped off by a neighbor's trespassing cat.
And what of the psychological pain a person feels (some, anyway) after running over this cat who was allowed to stray freely by day and night and decided to cross the street? And to be the owner, and know it was YOUR very own action that made this tragedy possible by letting it out?
Consider my blood pressure rising to unsafe levels and my frustration and the desperation of wondering why me when I dig my flower bed only to find someone's cat's shat?
Agreed, the poisoning comment is disgusting. No room for that. Be a man and talk to the neighbor or remove it and take it to a shelter. Or take some non lethal steps to repel it.
I swear...some cat people.............  Everyone else should love having my cat in their yards just because I sure do!!!
'04 Boxster S 50 Jahre 550 Spyder Anniversary Special Edition, 851 of 1953, 6-sp, IMS/RMS, GT Metallic silver, cocoa brown leather SOLD to member Broken Linkage.
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Last edited by Timco; 06-06-2014 at 03:49 AM.
06-06-2014, 03:45 AM
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My neighborhood has a couple of outdoor cats. I really don't see what any of the fuss is about. A couple shot with the hose has kept them away from the cars and we used a bulk size container of cayenne pepper to keep all animals out of flower beds.
I'm not a cat person (allergic). When I was a kid I had a cat that was shot by a neighbor. That was pretty upsetting.
06-06-2014, 04:25 AM
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You do know what animal annoys me? Geese. Those f**kers crap all over the driveway and sidewalks, tear up the yard. Cats haven't done that to me. It's also an issue at uni, too, as one has to dodge the crap all over the sidewalks. But, admittedly it is fun to get them riled up by walking too close to their young.
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06-06-2014, 11:01 AM
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I've skimmed over this thread and did not see my solution. I had an issue with the neighbors cat on my Boxster and it "fluffing" the top before it laid down. I got one of the disposable snap seal containers and on the sides drilled lots of 1/4 inch holes. I put moth balls in the container and snapped it shut. I put the container on top of my convertible top. The smell keeps the cat away and I don't have to worry about killing or hurting the cat. The container is easily moved when I go out.
PS I do believe that responsible pet owners do not let their animals wander free. I have spoken with my neighbor about the cat but decided not to press the issue because I have solution and don't need a neighbor war.
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06-07-2014, 01:24 PM
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Originally Posted by keysguy
I've skimmed over this thread and did not see my solution. I had an issue with the neighbors cat on my Boxster and it "fluffing" the top before it laid down. I got one of the disposable snap seal containers and on the sides drilled lots of 1/4 inch holes. I put moth balls in the container and snapped it shut. I put the container on top of my convertible top. The smell keeps the cat away and I don't have to worry about killing or hurting the cat. The container is easily moved when I go out.
PS I do believe that responsible pet owners do not let their animals wander free. I have spoken with my neighbor about the cat but decided not to press the issue because I have solution and don't need a neighbor war.
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06-06-2014, 04:31 PM
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I ended up using a lint roller. Works very well!
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06-06-2014, 07:33 PM
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BB guns, especially old, underpowered ones are the bane of the sniper's art. When stalking the wily Box-cat, the operator needs a compact weapon capable of dispensing overwhelming force. The S&W Model 27-2 .357 magnum is just the tool.
One shot, and the mangy little litterbox loser will be an oversized ball of red fluff. Neighbors, you ask? We don't need no stinkin' neighbors. Say, why do you think God invented black plastic garbage bags, anyway?
06-06-2014, 07:49 PM
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My mom was terribly allergic to cats, so of course we never owned one ourselves. The problem was we didn't need to because many of our neighbors had them. She constantly suffered from congestion and had to take numerous medications just to get through the day. About 8 years ago she died. We can't say that it was an allergic reaction to cats, but we know that there were two cats that seemed to hang out in her garden and that was where she died. We begged the neighbors to keep their cats indoors, but all of them. almost without exception, thought that their cats deserved to roam freely. I will always hate cats because of that.
Of course that whole story is all BS, just like most stories on this thread. The point is, if you love cats that's great, just keep them on your property. I love my grandkids but I'm pretty sure you won't think they're so cute if they're sitting on your porsche.
06-07-2014, 01:05 PM
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I've always proven I'm smart enough to control various animal's behaviour without harming them except the human variety. Humans have so many drives that sometimes pain is required in order to get their attention.
The top of the food change has thought, before action, except those with a " socialopathic personality complex" and they're simplistic, apathetic knee-jerk, violent reaction makes them stand out in a crowd....shooting, poisoning and drowning animals is 'anti-social' and cowardly behaviour- next time you want to harm an animal come look me up and I'll teach you things you never wanted to know. :dance:
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06-07-2014, 01:19 PM
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And then there's the over-zealous Americans and their worship of their ' property rights', blah, blah. "You come on my property and I'll shoot you ********************!". Hey how's that work'in for ya folks? I watch 'cops' and ' the first 48 hrs' and it seems America is by far the most dangerous 'peaceful' country in the world. (Hey Mark T will you move 200 miles south please- you'll fit in there real well). All your precious false pretentions to violence are just like a dragon eating its own tail. Shoot away 'cause you have 'a right to'!
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06-07-2014, 05:42 PM
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Originally Posted by woodsman
And then there's the over-zealous Americans and their worship of their ' property rights', blah, blah. "You come on my property and I'll shoot you ********************!". Hey how's that work'in for ya folks? I watch 'cops' and ' the first 48 hrs' and it seems America is by far the most dangerous 'peaceful' country in the world. (Hey Mark T will you move 200 miles south please- you'll fit in there real well). All your precious false pretentions to violence are just like a dragon eating its own tail. Shoot away 'cause you have 'a right to'!
Hey Woodsman, "over zealous Americans"! you should be saying that in German! Though you wouldn't be here to do so because your parents would have been lined up and shot or worked to death. Yeah, there, I said it. I had a father and and 2 uncles in WWII and two bit low lifes ragging on Americans make me want to puke. The very thing you despise makes you and your families life possible. And before replying to this, know that is was right wing crazy Americans like me that made it happen for you and your entire country, and would do so again. I know, I was raised by them, hold their values, and respect them immeasurably.
2003 S manual
06-07-2014, 01:56 PM
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I have a similar but worse problem with the local roaming outdoor cats - they really like to piss inside a car if you happen to leave a window down overnight - and remember that the Spec Boxster has no windows at all. My race car would be the local cat urinal without any preventative measures.
My solution - car cover. My car is easily and affordably protected and the cats go piss or sleep on someone else's car.
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