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Old 06-05-2014, 07:46 AM   #91
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Originally Posted by TypeA View Post
I own a cat too, have for many years. But heres the catch: MY cat has never trespassed or dug up someones flowerbed. He has never left a coiled pile on the lawn for the next time someone mows, or chased off wildlife by hunting game. Why? Because I am an urban dweller who posses the intelligence and maturity to keep my cat indoors! It is owners (and those who support them) who are "cruel and stupid" for letting their animals roam free and violate other's rights. Want an outdoor cat? Buy yourself a plot of land where I wont catch your cat on my Porsche. Cause otherwise, if Im your neighbor, your cat violating my rights makes him free game sir. I dont have the time to trap and take him to the pound but you can consider yourself lucky I dont do so.
The DNA of a cat is not to be tied down to the four walls of a man-made structure. It's DNA is to go outside and hunt for prey, just like its big cousins the tiger, panther, mountain lion, cheetah,etc.
Keeping a cat indoors its whole life makes about as much sense as putting a 25,000 pound killer whale in a swimming pool. Or a bald eagle in cage. At least let these animals some free time in actual nature. It's not their fault that mankind decided that they should be kept indoors for man's personal amusement!

Secondly, cats and birds and possums and squirrels were part of the suburban landscape before you ever arrived with your award-winning flower bed. You knew that going in. Most likely there are no laws that indicate that you have the right to live in a suburban setting free of the aforementioned creatures, so I'm not sure how you discern that your rights are being violated. And I'm sure there aren't any laws that say cat owners can't let their cats outside or that they must be on a leash like with dogs. Are you going to take a sling shot to all the birds that poop from overhead for deliberately violating your right to a shiny Porsche? Seems like a big stretch to mention 'rights' in this context. If you want to hermetically separate your man-made Porsche from the natural enviorment of a suburb, then the best course of action would be to park in a garage. Sounds better than your suggestion of using a pellet gun, certainly involves less pain and drama.

Originally Posted by Pirate50 View Post
Wow, don't really fit the mindset of most Portlanders do you? I also try to keep the cat inside for various reasons, but if he got out and someone did something to him for crapping in their yard or climbing on their car, they would have far more to worry about than crap in their yard or dirty footprints on their car, if you get my drift.
I have a neighbohr that walks his cat on a leash just like a dog. This person must have the patience of Job to pulled off that training.
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Last edited by Perfectlap; 06-05-2014 at 07:53 AM.
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