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Old 06-05-2014, 08:00 AM   #92
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Originally Posted by Perfectlap View Post
And I'm sure there aren't any laws that say cat owners can't let their cats outside or that they must be on a leash like with dogs.
Actually, in this city, that is the law. Cats are not allowed to run loose. If you have problem cats (problem owners actually) in your area you can borrow a live trap from animal control, trap the cat, and turn it in. The owner then has to pay big bucks to get his damn cat back.

Where this becomes an issue is that the animal control office is about a 40 minute drive for me, whereas the river is only a couple of blocks away. I wouldn't make that 40 minute drive twice for the same cat.

It's interesting that, since the implementation of the cat law, the inner-city bunny population has increased dramatically. Personally, I'd rather have the bunnies. Bunnies don't crap in my grandkid's sandbox.
'99 black 986
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