look at before you bought your Box?
-I tried a '99 911 first and found it underwhelming.
-Next I tried a 2000 Boxster base but it was in JD yellow - thought wifey would not like that. I was right. No offence JD!
-Next I tried a 2001 Box base in black. A PPI and a few minor problems, test drove it. Private sale. Well and truly hooked!

Would like to hear from you your experiences.
-Bought the first car you looked at?
-Bought a Box with no PPI!?? Did it turn out okay or not?
-How many Porsches did you check out before you committed to your present one?
-Any other trivia you think we might be interested in? Bought privately or dealer etc?
If you got a CPO Box with extended warranty I am green with envy!
G. Have a good day.