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Old 03-14-2014, 06:03 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by recycledsixtie View Post
How could you not consult your wife first before buying?
We don't need each other's permission to buy things. We each have our own money and spend it as we see fit. Likewise, she didn't need to consult me when she bought her Camry. She wanted it, she had the cash, she bought it. Major purchases like houses and big reno jobs we collaborate on.

I really snicker at these guys that post complaining that their wives won't let them buy something they want. I'm thinking "Like, dude, grow a pair!"

Funniest example I saw of this was that sale ad for the motorcycle (I think most of us have seen this ad) where the last line in the ad was "Apparently do whatever the fk you want didn't mean what I thought it did!"
'99 black 986
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