I bought my first P-car in '95. An '85 1/2 944. I loved that car! It had all the goodies! Too bad a guy in a Chevy Cavalier crashed into me and totaled it. I the bought an '86 944 and traded it in for a Honda 3 years later. In 2001 I bought an '88 944. I sold it 3 years later to a friend at work.
In 2010 He sold the car back to me. I kept it for a year. I was looking for a nicer daily driver and during the shopping process, came upon some boxsters. I test drove one, and upon realizing that it was ALOT nicer that my 944, promptly traded it in!
'99 Boxster Artic Silver/Red
'14 Subaru Outback
'06 EG Classic
'05 Sportster