Originally Posted by mikesz
I am trying to de-amber with a belt sander. I tried Particlewave's technique with a dremel but didn't work for me.
I have just done the same thing. started out with a 'MOUSE' sander and resorted to a belt sander with 80grit. what a job! that amber stuff has to be the toughest plastic I have ever had the misfortune of dealing with.
I then gradually worked up with finer and finer grit until 600. I used this all over the light as there was a lot of yellowing and some scratches that I wanted to remove.
The trouble is that the standard indicator it not 'smoked' so it doesn't match the cleared/ smoked headlight corners.
I am going to have to split the lens from the housing now and then spraypaint he insides black/ gun metal.
I have taken pics of this process and will post them when I have completed the job.
This is not a job for the fainthearted