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Old 08-13-2018, 04:59 PM   #41
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For guys that dont work on there own cars goes without saying. With 5000 plus posts you have plenty of time to dedicate to the car. Just wondering how much your tools and lift cost as well as the actual garage not to mention your time which from listening to you to guys an hour of your time is not worth much....actually nothing according to your accounting.Mazada Miata is a good recommendation and 2k is not unreasonable....maybe he wants a stereo or some tools, a lift. mmmmmmmm. I have changed my own oil once it was ok but didnt save gobs of money.I have found some jobs satisfying but I feel that diy is the only way to own the car within a budget is not a good car for a person.

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Old 08-13-2018, 05:02 PM   #42
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Just wondering, How much does a track day cost or track tires? Bottom line Porsche costs money period.
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Old 08-13-2018, 05:11 PM   #43
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Why exclude tires and oil changes? These cars are notorious for chewing thru rear tires in no time even when aligned properly which has to be done more than every 2 years. You are fooling yourself if you think you are not spending money.You would tell a person that your house will only cost the mortgage in your budget just exclude elec. and water.Like I told the OP earlier start a 2k + or - . Or 10k in time tools etc... PARTS! I guess those are excluded too!
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Old 08-13-2018, 05:16 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by nicecar View Post
For guys that dont work on there own cars goes without saying. With 5000 plus posts you have plenty of time to dedicate to the car. Just wondering how much your tools and lift cost as well as the actual garage not to mention your time which from listening to you to guys an hour of your time is not worth much....actually nothing according to your accounting.Mazada Miata is a good recommendation and 2k is not unreasonable....maybe he wants a stereo or some tools, a lift. mmmmmmmm. I have changed my own oil once it was ok but didnt save gobs of money.I have found some jobs satisfying but I feel that diy is the only way to own the car within a budget is not a good car for a person.
Could not disagree more with this. (I think. It's honestly tough to tell exactly what you're trying to say)
In my experience, Most car "enthusiasts" like to tinker, and turn wrenches. So while my time during the day at work bills at a couple hundred bucks per hour, my time at home is spent doing what I enjoy. If that happens to also save me from having to pay somebody a couple hundred bucks an hour, so much the better.

Growing up, I always had "fun" cars. Cars that were different from what everyone else had. Buying cars with "character" opens a wealth of learning opportunities. But just as importantly, it teaches the value of money, because if I can do something (as a 20 yr old kid) that somebody else would charge me $100/hr to do, then I'm making $100/hr while I'm doing it, right?

If you don't enjoy wrenching, then this may seem foreign to you..... just as your post does to me, haha.

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Old 08-13-2018, 06:18 PM   #45
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2 sets of tires in 8 years for a total of about $1100.

I actually like working on my car. It's a hobby. I don't figure in cost of my time.

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Old 08-13-2018, 06:47 PM   #46
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I am trying to say that these cars average about 2k year in maintenance. Trying to help the original post tell his wife the truth so there wont be problems down the line when the box needs a couple grand. I apologize for the hard to understand post. I get hot under the collar reading that these cars dont cost money, they do because they are old not because they are Porsche. My Pristine near perfect 1980 280zx just gave me a 7500 dollar kiss from replacing wear items from being old. I think I have had a couple maintenance free Porsche years and some real dooozies as well.The most important thing is his WIFE said BUDGET of 7k. Someone needs to tell here that gets you in the game but he might want a burger and a beer so can he have 40$ more?( I just heard beers are 15 dollars at the Jags game) Cheers! Remember ..... wife and budget
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Old 08-13-2018, 06:58 PM   #47
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I have tools...they dont make the man. You have helped me plenty. Both of you guys know what i am saying.Tools I did not have before a
Porsche ..Torque wrench ...Brake bleeder....good air tools....jacks stands .....low profilejack . again one way or another it will cost you.
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Old 08-13-2018, 07:38 PM   #48
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I get it. I just think the $2k per year that a lot of people quote is very high.
Just pointing out the other side of the coin.
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Old 08-13-2018, 09:06 PM   #49
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Originally Posted by nicecar View Post
Just wondering, How much does a track day cost or track tires? Bottom line Porsche costs money period.
All cars cost money, Porsches just make it worth it........ period.

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Old 08-13-2018, 09:28 PM   #50
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Originally Posted by particlewave View Post
I get it. I just think the $2k per year that a lot of people quote is very high.
Just pointing out the other side of the coin.
I agree 1000%. 2k per year is just crazy, there was a previous thread that had some outrageous “per year” quote as well. Sure, is it possible that a 16-20 yr old car is going to need some work. Probably. But, unless you fry an engine even over a 10yr period is one going to average 2k annually.

BTW, there really is only one other major thing to consider. Boxsters have “The Badge” it simply comes down to this. And “The Badge” can be had for reasonable money for a great little car. Do it now, before things change and prices start to rise.
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Old 08-14-2018, 12:27 AM   #51
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I agree $2K per year is not realistic, maybe some years where you have $2K but I say normal maintenance including averaging out the wear items $1K or less. I have a 2007 Euro Ford Mondeo Turbo, cost me more on maintenance.
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Old 08-14-2018, 04:30 AM   #52
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Waves, the expenses typically come in waves
This year I had to break down and get the evap monitoring system working so I could pass inspection. I could have farted around and maybe fixed under the $950 I paid to have an indie do it.
I need a new top and new rear tires and front pads.
So this year I could have spent the $2k (I haven't done top or rear tires)
But unless something else broke (Always a turn of the key away), next couple years would only see a pair of front tires. So yes the $2k is an overestimate.
Figure that if you saveed up the $2k each year, you could buy a new (used) boxster about every 3.5-4 years, just don't do anything to the car
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Old 08-14-2018, 05:08 AM   #53
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Originally Posted by kk2002s View Post
Waves, the expenses typically come in waves
This year I had to break down and get the evap monitoring system working so I could pass inspection. I could have farted around and maybe fixed under the $950 I paid to have an indie do it.
I need a new top and new rear tires and front pads.
So this year I could have spent the $2k (I haven't done top or rear tires)
But unless something else broke (Always a turn of the key away), next couple years would only see a pair of front tires. So yes the $2k is an overestimate.
Figure that if you saveed up the $2k each year, you could buy a new (used) boxster about every 3.5-4 years, just don't do anything to the car
Good way to explain it, comes in waves! Some of those waves are because of it just being an old car, some just typical wear.
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Old 08-14-2018, 05:27 AM   #54
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first year my car needed a clutch and ims 1800 . this year 7 years later i put clutch and short shift almost 2k... so not counting anything else there is 2 years 2 grand. totally rebuilt front end at 100k miles ,cv joints ,car cover spyder humps ,aos muffler 3 sets rear tires and the list goes on,I can scan the receipts. My car is as perfect as I can get it and it costs money.How bout a 1k year maintenance or do you want to deny that as well. Bought the car with 88k from brumos Porsche , guess I am an exception. At least 3 times I have been told that they had a box but got rid of it because of cost. Probably these guys never have to change there clutch and if they do they just DIY. So MINE has cost 2 grand average. Last week I pulled up to the office and a worker said I was wondering who was in the 100k dollar car.It didnt stay that way with no car care products either...which add up.If you honestly started to add it ALL up you may be suprised
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Old 08-14-2018, 05:37 AM   #55
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Quality dual action polisher 200 bucks or get someone else to cut you car at least 200 bucks.yes washing, waxing is maintenance!
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Old 08-14-2018, 06:12 AM   #56
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Originally Posted by nicecar View Post
My car is as perfect as I can get it and it costs money.
That's not what we're talking about here, and you know it. Very few people would look at the 986 as a car worthy of making "perfect". There are some of you, and that's awesome. And y'all will spend your fortunes doing so. (Especially since you seem to have some disregard for DIY'ers)

But for most people, it's a fun used car. It needs maintenance and upkeep like any other used car.

$200/yr in oil changes. A coolant flush and brake job every couple of years. Ties every 3 years, depending on how you drive. A clutch every 10 years. These are the same expenses you'll have with ANY car, and we're not taking anywhere NEAR $2k/yr.

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Old 08-14-2018, 06:26 AM   #57
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Just to keep it on the road.......next to nothing. shake rattle and roll
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Old 08-14-2018, 07:02 AM   #58
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Originally Posted by nicecar View Post
Just to keep it on the road.......next to nothing. shake rattle and roll
Ha! It seems like you have a pretty low opinion of your fellow forum members, and of the Porsche build quality in general?

You think that there are two options, "perfect", and "Shake Rattle and Roll Down the Road"? Nothing in between those two options?
I would invite you to take a ride in any of my used cars. Some of them may be older than you are? Each of them has its own use, and show each of them has a different level of attention given to it. None of them, however, "Shake Rattle and Roll". That you do not know how to care for your own vehicle yourself, and therefore must spend extra money paying someone else to do things for you, does not make it so for the rest of us.

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Old 08-14-2018, 07:22 AM   #59
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actually the only reason I chimed in is because of YOUR post to the guy that suggested a Miata and 10k...which you called a snob.I should have minded my own buisness.
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Old 08-14-2018, 07:43 AM   #60
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Originally Posted by nicecar View Post
I should have minded my own buisness.
Not at all. It's on a public forum, it's your business same as it is mine. But don't expect to be able to throw out garbage and not get called on it.

A $10k annual maintenance budget is garbage. 10/10ths (who originally said it) even conceded that it was merely tossed out to try to make a point.

A $2k annual maintenance budget is also excessive, in most cases. Again, 10/10ths (who said it first) conceded it was unnecessarily high for most owners.

You seem to be the only one hanging-on to the number, and won't let go of the bone.

Look... even my relatively "catastrophic" clutch failure at the racetrack last week didn't have to get to your $2k number, if I had just buttoned it up with stock components. (I didn't: I'm upgrading, haha)

I think you'd need to suffer a catastrophe of large magnitude to reach $2k, if you DIY.

Now, COULD I spend $2k annually? In a heartbeat. New headlights. New shifter cables. New leather interior. Respray the hood and front bumper. New top.
But must i? Nope. Headlights are fine. Shifter cables find the right gear each time. The paint looks great from 15 feet. The leather driver's seat looks like it's got 50k miles on it, which is pretty good, since it's got 150k miles on it.

I don't know why you'd try to discourage a new enthusiast with an inflated "worse than worst case" estimate? Ego?

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