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Old 08-14-2018, 04:30 AM   #52
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Waves, the expenses typically come in waves
This year I had to break down and get the evap monitoring system working so I could pass inspection. I could have farted around and maybe fixed under the $950 I paid to have an indie do it.
I need a new top and new rear tires and front pads.
So this year I could have spent the $2k (I haven't done top or rear tires)
But unless something else broke (Always a turn of the key away), next couple years would only see a pair of front tires. So yes the $2k is an overestimate.
Figure that if you saveed up the $2k each year, you could buy a new (used) boxster about every 3.5-4 years, just don't do anything to the car
2002 S - old school third pedal
Seal Grey
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