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Old 08-13-2018, 04:59 PM   #41
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Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: florida
Posts: 487
For guys that dont work on there own cars goes without saying. With 5000 plus posts you have plenty of time to dedicate to the car. Just wondering how much your tools and lift cost as well as the actual garage not to mention your time which from listening to you to guys an hour of your time is not worth much....actually nothing according to your accounting.Mazada Miata is a good recommendation and 2k is not unreasonable....maybe he wants a stereo or some tools, a lift. mmmmmmmm. I have changed my own oil once it was ok but didnt save gobs of money.I have found some jobs satisfying but I feel that diy is the only way to own the car within a budget is not a good car for a person.
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