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Old 08-13-2018, 09:28 PM   #50
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Originally Posted by particlewave View Post
I get it. I just think the $2k per year that a lot of people quote is very high.
Just pointing out the other side of the coin.
I agree 1000%. 2k per year is just crazy, there was a previous thread that had some outrageous “per year” quote as well. Sure, is it possible that a 16-20 yr old car is going to need some work. Probably. But, unless you fry an engine even over a 10yr period is one going to average 2k annually.

BTW, there really is only one other major thing to consider. Boxsters have “The Badge” it simply comes down to this. And “The Badge” can be had for reasonable money for a great little car. Do it now, before things change and prices start to rise.
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