Congrats on the best handling Porsche made to today.
I'm assuming this is the six speed manual, how do you compare 1st gear vs. the Boxster? Porsche deliberately made 1st gear a bit taller than necessary in the CaymanS to slow it down just enough to allow the 911 to outrun it from 0-60.
Kind of pathetic but I doubt the average driver could notice such a blink of an eye delay.
A guy in my gated community has a Blue one with grey interior, the guy one block over has a seal grey 986 and one block in the other direction there is black 968 and this morning I saw a fellow pulling out in Cayenne Turbo. Not bad for five square blocks or so.
My advice, don't wash your car too often and keep quick detailing to a minimum.
You may consider a less invasive rinseless wash vs. the standard car wash approach. I like Optimum No Rinse on the recomendation of a luxury car detailer who prefers a more delicate washing treatment when the car is not clean but really not that filthy either.
Ultimately The more you touch black paint the more you will swirl it. And of course with black paint flawes from too much touching are magnified.
Take your towels that you intend to use and brush them on a old or blank CD and see if they scratch the CD. If they do I suggest you buy some top notch towels. Most cheap autostore towels will swirl on contact.
One note on the Zaino, its well known not to be finicky about blending well with non-Zaino products. So you'll have to buy all your stuff from them. But in the end
All waxes Zaino, Klasse, Menzerma, Werkstatt, Clear Kote, 1Z and even some over the counters lines like Duragloss will do a nearly identical job. I defy the most season car detailer to pick out the car with Zaino or 1z or Klasse, they are all indistinguishable.
as for me, I would
HIGHLY recommend using FK 146 imediately after a wash. Use whatever spray wax you prefer like the Zaino Z8 for instance, and FK 425 to finish, it locks in all your past efforts. FK (finishkare) are one of the few products I have ever used that inhibit dust and soot. It leaves a very very slick surface that allows dust to roll off. I've had my car parked outside and after a rain fall the car is cleaner without waterspots because of the teflon nature of the FK antistatic products. Its literally cut my cleaning time by more than half. Wish I had this stuff when I had my old black car. The link for FK is in my signature below.