Thread: Cayman S
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Old 07-27-2006, 02:15 PM   #23
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its truly an amazing product. No suds or foam.
you have to use two buckets really but oddly enough the high end detailer
I spoke to uses only one with a grit guard at hte bottom of the bucket and has done the same cars over and over with zero marring. We're talking about Ferraris, Maseratis etc.
One 'clean' bucket for the mere one ounce of No Rinse and another bucket to ring
out the sponge/MF towel/sheepskin. Chase with a waffle weave towel to dry.

Its sort of like washing your car with silicone vs. dishwashing solution.
I'll first spray the No Rinse solution all over the car (using a one gallon pesiticde sprayer from Home Depot) and let it sit for a few minutes.
I still have to make a trip to the hose to rinse off the canvas top every couple of weeks but for regular washing No Rinse and the sprayer is the way.

Personally I think you are MORE likely to introduce swirls and marring with the traditional suds and car wash approach because you have to use so much more water to clear away the suds which means more rubbing on the paint and most people never remove the nozzle from their hose when shooting the paint which creates allot of swirling.
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