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Old 02-09-2017, 02:42 PM   #101
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Originally Posted by Nine8Six View Post
What a sad twat... there some air speed downforce, pumpkin

Amazing. Great people, great style. Seems we have a total winner. Congrats!

And good N8

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Last edited by Smallblock454; 02-10-2017 at 02:56 AM.
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Old 02-10-2017, 02:02 AM   #102
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Hands up, weapon down, I surrender to the Internet idiots!

So lesson learned here; anyone thinking that he/she can alter my Artwork for his/her own pleasure, or paint-away the seriousness out of my work (LOL), will be in for a good game.

I will hunt you down with the Virtual IMS Peacemaker Ver 2017

'97 Boxster base model 2.5L, Guards Red/Tan leather, with a new but old Alpine am/fm radio.
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Old 02-10-2017, 02:08 AM   #103
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^^^ There... some new ideas for sweet t-shirts lollll

Originally Posted by rs10 View Post
Very cool thread!

I even I registered for the forum because of it, and I don’t even hava a 986 (yet).

If I may ask a silly question, is it correct that the software – or at least the 986 model, doesn’t take into account the air passing through the radiators, nor what happens in the wheel wells when the wheels are turning?

And in addition to showing what the air is doing, can your software estimate the drag or drag coefficient? And the lift over each axle? It would be quite interesting to see how close that is to reported figures. (Since lift figures are usually at 200 kmph, it would help to do it at that speed, though one can make a pretty good estimate based on the lift at 180.)

I’m sure someone on the forum can tell you the reported figures for the 986. I can at least tell you them for the 996.2: 24 kg of lift at the front, 6 at the rear. And yes, it would be great if you could put that nice 996 you showed in an earlier post into your virtual wind tunnel!

Please also add me to the list of people who’d love to see what a duck tail does. I’m interested in putting an immitation of the 997 Sport Classic on my car (a 996.2), and it’s one of the great mysteries of the Porsche forum universe what effect they have, if any.

I've seen your note and thanks! I'll get back to you once you've introduced yourself bud. Let us know where you are from, what you do! If student what uni ect etc. I'll be happy to get back on the subject and pass on all the Intel I got back to you

In a meantime I am doing a whole new kind of CFD Analysis. My wife (aka-therapist) suggested below:

'97 Boxster base model 2.5L, Guards Red/Tan leather, with a new but old Alpine am/fm radio.
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Old 02-10-2017, 02:52 AM   #104
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And don't forget the good things:


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Last edited by Smallblock454; 02-10-2017 at 02:55 AM.
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Old 02-10-2017, 06:23 AM   #105
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Well last night I placed an order using Fred's picture and a Navy blue Gildan Long Sleeve T. I had to do it that way to get a long sleeve T in a color other than black for an order of only 1 shirt. Thought everything was fine and then I got an email from the company telling me the order couldn't be completed because I was trying to use Porsche protected materials without their permission.

Thanks for setting this up Fred!
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Old 02-10-2017, 06:46 AM   #106
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Assuming you've resubmitted it without the trademark? Did that go well?

In case yourself or other don't have PS installed locally, here goes the one w/out the TM. Mind you the 986 is also a TM, I think. But not that your t-shirt co is aware I'm sure (try!)

EDIT: Pay attention, you need to click on the visual below and dwload the 1600 HD version of it to get the resolution to stick well to your shirt!

'97 Boxster base model 2.5L, Guards Red/Tan leather, with a new but old Alpine am/fm radio.

Last edited by Nine8Six; 02-10-2017 at 06:51 AM.
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Old 02-10-2017, 06:52 AM   #107
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Teespring.com is another one that does runs of t-shirts like this - I'm not sure if you can only get 1 though...
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Old 02-10-2017, 12:30 PM   #108
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Originally Posted by Nine8Six View Post
Assuming you've resubmitted it without the trademark? Did that go well?

EDIT: Pay attention, you need to click on the visual below and dwload the 1600 HD version of it to get the resolution to stick well to your shirt!
No go. They turned down "986" with Porsche deleted.

"We wouldn't be able to proceed with the 986 text unless the design had further personalization because the focus would still be on Porsche."

Perhaps try "Prosche"!
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Old 02-10-2017, 12:52 PM   #109
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They're wimps
Try Café Express
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Old 02-10-2017, 01:19 PM   #110
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Originally Posted by b55er View Post
No go. They turned down "986" with Porsche deleted.

"We wouldn't be able to proceed with the 986 text unless the design had further personalization because the focus would still be on Porsche."

Perhaps try "Prosche"!

Not sure where is that t-shirt company located, perhaps try another company in the state right next to them?! If that still(still) doesn't work, then you have no choice but to buy yourself an affordable fabric printer with blank tees my friends (DIY!)

My lovely wife here got me a print Co locally to do my hoody. First try/call... took her 20min to crack the deal I mean... a t-shirt jeez-zus christ()&&()_%^

funny stuff...
'97 Boxster base model 2.5L, Guards Red/Tan leather, with a new but old Alpine am/fm radio.
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Old 02-10-2017, 01:21 PM   #111
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Hum, maybe just ask them if they would accept a PROCSHE Nine 8 Six?

Or just look for another t-shirt shop. Maybe a local shop where you can ask in person.

Regards, Markus
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Last edited by Smallblock454; 02-10-2017 at 01:27 PM.
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Old 02-10-2017, 01:32 PM   #112
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this f n twat, again LOLOLOLOL

now that is some funny stuff right there. I'm out of here LOLLLLLL

Luck with the T's guys
'97 Boxster base model 2.5L, Guards Red/Tan leather, with a new but old Alpine am/fm radio.
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Old 02-13-2017, 06:00 AM   #113
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Originally Posted by JayG View Post
That's because a spoiler does not create down force, it reduces lift
aerodynamics 101
Oh....Duh, I should have known that!

Glider pilot, so I'm very familiar with spoilers and how they effect lift on wings.

Those charts help explain why Boxster racers have big wings above the roof line as the air below that is turbulent and less effective for wings.

I'd have to say that any low trunk mounted wing is only probably useful as a drag producing device as its in the "dirty" air and be not be very effective in creating any down force.

Shirts with these graphics...cool idea. I'll need one of those.
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Old 02-13-2017, 06:22 AM   #114
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I didn't read all of this. Love the shirt idea. If it happens and available, I will take two of whatever you guys come up with.

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Old 02-13-2017, 06:44 AM   #115
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@jb92563 - So if you're running top down, would it make more sense to mount a wing on top of the rollbars?
Rigged up something like this:
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Old 02-20-2017, 02:05 PM   #116
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Originally Posted by Nine8Six View Post
I've seen your note and thanks! I'll get back to you once you've introduced yourself bud. Let us know where you are from, what you do! If student what uni ect etc. I'll be happy to get back on the subject and pass on all the Intel I got back to you
Sorry for the long radio silence! I got some double-nasty cold or flue, and with the wife sick too, I still have to take care of the kids, so not a lot of time for things Porche related :-(.

Anyway, I’m happy to say hi and a few words about myself. I’m new to this forum as I don’t actually have a 986, though I do have the good fortune of driving one a couple times a year. I’m not quite so new to Porsche forums though, and if you’ve seen my user name on another forum, it’s probably me. My PCar is a 996 Targa. And one of the reasons this thread really caught my attention is that I spend a fair amount of time driving it on the autobahn, so before messing with the aero on my car, I’d kind of like to have an idea what it is going to do.

And Nine8Six, thanks again for the very cool thread!
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Old 02-20-2017, 05:47 PM   #117
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Bad news, BlipShift rejected the design. Too complicated and too many colors
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Old 02-20-2017, 05:49 PM   #118
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I'll try it on TeeSpring and see if they accept it.
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Old 02-21-2017, 01:23 AM   #119
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Originally Posted by rs10 View Post
And Nine8Six, thanks again for the very cool thread!
No worries for the silence and hope you and your second-half get better soon. Apologies for forcing an introduction from you btw (forum rules, not mine!). So welcome to 986forum bud, great place and great people as you've already noticed I'm sure!

You are welcome for those 'genreric' air flow visuals! I plan on doing the 996 but will post using my RL account under the same alias. I'll shoot you a PM to let you know where to find those. As for messing-up with aero; I think it is fair to say that Porsche have carried out this work and have designed the car to safety limits already Any modification can be costly if not validated indeed. So best to stick to what the pro (Porsche) recommends loll

E.g. in another coupled-CFD-vs-structural analisys that I've carried, i.e. by exporting node-to-node pressure/force from one mesh to another, I was able to carry a static (down)force analisys using the nastran SOL101 solver for each independent wheels (using a pressure plate/sensor under each wheel). This is how I've noticed that my rear-end was in-fact lifting at speed greater than 80km. Ran this at different velocity increments to then acknowledge that 120km/h is pretty much the 'safety limit' for my current set-up. Go Go eBay.com!!!

Additionally, and to make my simulation even more complex (bringing it to its knees) I've ran the same CFD but using shifting winds by offsetting the car in an angular X/Y position (15degree) to get a whole new set of data fields. Once ran transient I've noticed force/damping waves in the plots. The bounce was quite pronounced in the X plane (left/right dancing) but nearly invisible in the Z (up/down). Can't imagine what it would feel like cornering my car at 160km/h at my International circuit here (some fast corners on our SIC). Hope the software engineeres of the package I'm using got it all wrong LOL

Fascinating model/solvers; all part of the training that I have to go through. Once we've done enough and graduated this course, and clearly understand the limitiations of the package we have here, we'll start to offer this as a corporate PLM service.

I'd be pleased to help other automotive artists/designers and get "validation" carried out for their concepts. I do have access to pretty much any of the Porsche car's 'solid' models from a 3rd party source, and/or can easily reverse-engineer their design for that matter.

Lift & drag, independantly set down-force points, air-flow, compressed air sources, validating structural fatigue on mounts (e.g wing brakets, mounting points, etc). Just to name a few... We are now geared up to carry those analisys if needed

'97 Boxster base model 2.5L, Guards Red/Tan leather, with a new but old Alpine am/fm radio.
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Old 02-21-2017, 12:29 PM   #120
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Originally Posted by Nine8Six View Post
E.g. in another coupled-CFD-vs-structural analisys that I've carried, i.e. by exporting node-to-node pressure/force from one mesh to another, I was able to carry a static (down)force analisys using the nastran SOL101 solver for each independent wheels (using a pressure plate/sensor under each wheel). This is how I've noticed that my rear-end was in-fact lifting at speed greater than 80km. Ran this at different velocity increments to then acknowledge that 120km/h is pretty much the 'safety limit' for my current set-up. Go Go eBay.com!!!

Additionally, and to make my simulation even more complex (bringing it to its knees) I've ran the same CFD but using shifting winds by offsetting the car in an angular X/Y position (15degree) to get a whole new set of data fields. Once ran transient I've noticed force/damping waves in the plots. The bounce was quite pronounced in the X plane (left/right dancing) but nearly invisible in the Z (up/down). Can't imagine what it would feel like cornering my car at 160km/h at my International circuit here (some fast corners on our SIC). Hope the software engineeres of the package I'm using got it all wrong LOL
Sounds like you have some amazing tools at your disposal! Not that I can follow every detail of course, and I’m particularly puzzled about one thing.

I understand you are doing virtual aero modeling/testing using computational fluid dynamics. But you also mentioned putting a pressure plate/sensor under each wheel. You also have access to a windtunnel? Or … ?

Also, the 15 degree test at 160kmph you mentioned sounds like driving 160 with a 40+ kmph sidewind. That’s rather quick, so no wonder you got a left/right bounce! But I wouldn’t worry about experiencing anything like that when cornering at 160, as what is happening in the air should be quite differernt, no? For instance, suppose that on a 160 kmph corner you cross a line on the track perpendicular to your direction of travel. If your car is cornering neutrally, then the air that passes exactly over the center of your car when the front wheels cross the line will also pass exactly over the center of your car when the rear wheels cross it (Well, ignoring how the air might get pushed to the side or forwards by the car). That’s quite different from a side wind. (And also rather different from going straight. As the front and rear of the car pass the same line, they will be further to the outside. And as the middle passes it, it will be further to the inside.)

Also, even if what happens in the air were the same as with a side wind, 15 degrees is quite a lot. Suppose it was exactly like a side wind (with I can only imagine happening if you have four wheel steering such that the car stays pointing in the same direction, but it moves 15 degrees to the right or left). The wheels would have to be turned at least 15 degrees for that to happen, so your steering wheel would have to be turned, I don’t know, 240+ degrees? I would definitely worry about that at 160!

Last edited by rs10; 02-22-2017 at 01:55 PM.
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