Originally Posted by Nine8Six
I've seen your note and thanks! I'll get back to you once you've introduced yourself bud. Let us know where you are from, what you do! If student what uni ect etc. I'll be happy to get back on the subject and pass on all the Intel I got back to you
Sorry for the long radio silence! I got some double-nasty cold or flue, and with the wife sick too, I still have to take care of the kids, so not a lot of time for things Porche related :-(.
Anyway, I’m happy to say hi and a few words about myself. I’m new to this forum as I don’t actually have a 986, though I do have the good fortune of driving one a couple times a year. I’m not quite so new to Porsche forums though, and if you’ve seen my user name on another forum, it’s probably me. My PCar is a 996 Targa. And one of the reasons this thread really caught my attention is that I spend a fair amount of time driving it on the autobahn, so before messing with the aero on my car, I’d kind of like to have an idea what it is going to do.
And Nine8Six, thanks again for the very cool thread!