Cell phone jammers and Auto Braking cars are the solution.
Some dumb Cell yapper twisted up my Wranglers rear bumper that way, but I was quite pleased to see that my Trailer hitch ball went clear through her radiator. She was not driving away from that Cell etiquette lesson.
Deers are Performance Driving School practice, no sweat to avoid those when you know what to do.
I cringed when I thought of what could have happened to your new Raby Build.
I'd say you have been drained of all your good luck credits and need to be extra vigilant now.
People don't get that lucky twice unless they have a significant amount of good Karma amassed from a lifetime of good deeds.
"It broke because it wants to be Upgraded

2012 Porsche Performance Driving School - SanDiego region
2001 Boxster S, Top Speed muffler, (Fred's) Mini Morimotto Projectors, Tarret UDP,
Short Shifter, Touch Screen Dual Din Radio, 03 4 Bow glass Top (DD & Auto-X since May 17,2012)