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Old 01-26-2016, 05:26 PM   #1
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what turned me on to the Porsche Boxster

I was in love with Porsche cars for a LONG time. Always wanted one from an early age. However, My wife and I were watching a movie she rented on the Blockbuster mail program called "The Company Men". It was then that I saw Ben Affleck driving a Porsche Boxster (987) and wondered, "what the hell kind of Porsche is THAT!!!" Then when I realized a few years later I could afford one. Dream come true. My wife is not a car person but I remember her even responding positive while we were watching that movie about like how that Porsche looked? I think I even googled it while watching the movie.
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Old 01-26-2016, 05:57 PM   #2
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post your first passion or interest for the Porsche Boxster

Okay. I thought for sure my posting would stimulate some fun conversation as to why folks were motivated to buy a Porsche Boxster. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm?
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Old 01-26-2016, 06:32 PM   #3
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Don't want to hurt your feelings, but I think your wife was talking about Ben Aflek,not the car.
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Old 01-26-2016, 06:39 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by Meir View Post
Don't want to hurt your feelings, but I think your wife was talking about Ben Aflek,not the car.
nice one, haha! nope, the car.
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Old 01-26-2016, 06:45 PM   #5
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I always liked the way they looked, but never paid them much mind. Five years ago when i started looking for a fun car I still didn't think much about them. But then after accidentally figuring out they were in my price range I started looking around for one. I drove a few 350Z's and a couple RX-8's. Two of the 350Z's were beat, one was really nice. The RX8's sounded like weed wackers and had no power unless red lined. I drove a few Boxsters they had at the local Porsche dealership. I really liked them, but from the dealer with no warranty was too pricey. After a few months I found the car I have now. CL private seller. He drove the car to my work so I could test drive it. To be honest when he was pulling up I was thinking I'm buying this car. So I took it for a drive and the rest is history.

I'd say it was between the Boxster and the nice 350Z in the end. The 350Z had a bit more power, but the Boxster fit me like a glove. Plus it's a convertible and it's a frickin Porsche.

I didn't get a PPI done or know about the IMS issue when I bought it. Thank god for this forum to help me through most of the problems I've encountered. Although this forum has also cost me more money in parts and cool stuff I never knew I needed
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Old 01-26-2016, 06:54 PM   #6
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Your story is much like mine. I did not know about the issues, flew to Denver with about 4 to look at, I looked at the first one at an auto Pawn shop, new replacement Porsche engine in 2010 at 37k miles, bought it with 58k miles. didn't even consider looking at the other option cars. I have never looked back and have enjoyed every mile. Now at 96k miles

Originally Posted by tommy583 View Post
I always liked the way they looked, but never paid them much mind. Five years ago when i started looking for a fun car I still didn't think much about them. But then after accidentally figuring out they were in my price range I started looking around for one. I drove a few 350Z's and a couple RX-8's. Two of the 350Z's were beat, one was really nice. The RX8's sounded like weed wackers and had no power unless red lined. I drove a few Boxsters they had at the local Porsche dealership. I really liked them, but from the dealer with no warranty was too pricey. After a few months I found the car I have now. CL private seller. He drove the car to my work so I could test drive it. To be honest when he was pulling up I was thinking I'm buying this car. So I took it for a drive and the rest is history.

I'd say it was between the Boxster and the nice 350Z in the end. The 350Z had a bit more power, but the Boxster fit me like a glove. Plus it's a convertible and it's a frickin Porsche.

I didn't get a PPI done or know about the IMS issue when I bought it. Thank god for this forum to help me through most of the problems I've encountered. Although this forum has also cost me more money in parts and cool stuff I never knew I needed
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Old 01-26-2016, 06:49 PM   #7
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Never heard of the Boxster before I saw one on AutoTrader.
I had put a $10k down payment on a new Mazda RX8. That night, I went home with some serious buyers remorse, scanned AutoTrader and found the Boxster listed for $12.5k. The following Monday, I went back to the dealer and retrieved my check, drove to KC to look at the Boxster and bought it for the same $10k, knowing nothing about the model.

I've never looked back or regretted my purchase for even a second...until the local redneck harassment started. I got over that and just enjoy the car now.
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Old 01-26-2016, 06:56 PM   #8
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Sweet trade!
Originally Posted by particlewave View Post
Never heard of the Boxster before I saw one on AutoTrader.
I had put a $10k down payment on a new Mazda RX8. That night, I went home with some serious buyers remorse, scanned AutoTrader and found the Boxster listed for $12.5k. The following Monday, I went back to the dealer and retrieved my check, drove to KC to look at the Boxster and bought it for the same $10k, knowing nothing about the model.

I've never looked back or regretted my purchase for even a second...until the local redneck harassment started. I got over that and just enjoy the car now.
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Old 01-27-2016, 04:40 AM   #9
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My love for Porsche began in the 70's with the 914. I know, I know....it was really a glorified VW. But I loved the funky styling and go-kart handling. Fast forward a few short decades, two marriages, three kids, and three tuition bills and I got the opportunity to drive my wife's cousin's 08 Cayman. If crack was this addicting we'd have much bigger drug problem. The Cayman was a little out of my price range, but these old 986's could be had for song. And they had the PVS - Porsche Ventilation System (rag top). Two years of researching and forum lurking led me to purchase my 03 from Pedro Bonilla. Permagrin achieved!

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Old 01-27-2016, 05:10 AM   #10
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Me I bought it because it's something on the bucket list. I didn't buy it for track or racing or speed as I am too old for this. I really liked the shape of the car I was leaning towards a Corvette but I found this one around Toronto took the train and brought it home and parked it for the winter. I will probably drive it for a couple of summers then sell it and buy something else. I'm really looking forward to April to get it out of storage and get it on the road.
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Old 01-27-2016, 05:20 AM   #11
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Always a Porsche guy since I saw a white 911 as a little kid.

I first saw the Boxster at the 1997 auto show in NY, and instantly liked it. I still have the poster they were handing out, on the wall in my basement since I bought my house in 1999. In 2001 I looked at used models, but went with an NB Miata instead, mostly due to cost. A few years later around 2007 I started looking at 2001's and up , but they were still just a bit too much for a second/weekend car.

I realized in 2010 that I didn't like the 987 restyle, but really liked the facelift 03-04, so started researching and looking seriously. Then I saw one in Seal Gray, and was hooked. It took 2+ years, but finally found a Seal Gray 5-speed with low miles at a good price.

I've never looked back.
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Old 01-27-2016, 05:33 AM   #12
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I live on the edge of a well-heeled community and there are lots of Porsches to be seen driving past my house. I never thought that I could afford one but 3 years ago, when the Canadian dollar was at par with it's US counterpart, I noticed that there were lots of 986s for sale at very reasonable prices in California. So I figured that if I couldn't own one for a long while, I could have one for a little while!
The plan was to buy the car in Cali, drive it home to Montreal importing it into Canada, and sell it here at higher Canadian prices, paying for my road trip.
As my friends told my wife: "He'll never sell it you know"
They were right, of course!
James now has: 2008 987S 6 speed
Crashed: 2010 987.2 pdk in speed yellow!
Sold to a cool racer chick: 2004 986 S
YouTube channel: the PORSCHE as seen by NewArt
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Old 01-27-2016, 07:56 AM   #13
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Always love Porsches since I was a little kid. The 924 and 928's were my favorite, not knowing they were mechanical nightmares. I maintained a 911 fund for many years, which was all my pocket change in a 5 gallon glass water bottle. Cashed all that in for part of a house downpayment when I got married to show my wife I was serious about buying a house and thought "one day I'll start another Porsche fund."

In 1997 I saw one of the first Boxsters sold in Houston on the freeway and was smitten. Mid engine Porsche??? Love it! I had owned a Toyota MR2 so I knew how much fun a mid engine car was, and having a convertible would be even better I thought. I started a Porsche fund that afternoon with $50 in a bank account.

So, in 2004 I bought a 1997 with 84k on it for $15,500 and spent 3-5 years repairing it and upgrading parts of the car to make it look like a much newer S model.

I still enjoy driving the car, but it's not much fun in hot, humid, flat, traffic-laden Houston. It only gets out of the garage for a day or two every other month. But I can say the car is now very dependable and fires up every time I drive it and I'm finally pleased with my purchase.
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Old 01-27-2016, 10:09 AM   #14
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My case was different as I think I was born with the itch, first steps were a zillion vw bugs, my first one at age of 12, it was a 63, then a few 914's then 911, and many other cars in between, then I started to make my own 356 speedster replica and when it was done someone came and flashed a bunch of bills on my face and took it so I made another one and the same thing happened again, several times, now im working on a new one but I will try to keep this one and to make sure it will stay in the family Im going to tell my wife that it brlongs to her, lol.
Anyway, I liked the boxster the fay it was released in the mid late 90's and finally bought one and I must admit, I love the damn thing

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Old 01-27-2016, 03:58 PM   #15
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thanks for sharing your stories. These are great!
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Old 01-27-2016, 05:03 PM   #16
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Fell in love with it the moment I saw it in MT magazine

when it debuted at the car show. I was probably around 13 at the time. I liked porsche to some extent before then but that really put me over the top and I fell equally hard for the 993 a few years afterward. I still have the original production version photo that the dealership was handing out to those pre-ordering prior to launch. The concept car I still think is one of the best looking cars ever produced. I am a z car fan as well and had a few 300zx's (z31 and z32) before the boxster as I tend to hold onto cars for a long time. I was remembering about my dad's MG midget that he had when I was in high school and how much I missed the roadster experience when I checked 986 prices and found they were well within my price range. I shopped for a couple of weeks and had my dad check out a car about 30 minutes from where he was working during the week. He took some photos of the car and I remember being frustrated that about half of them were corrupted files and trying to decipher the options on the car from the pictures that were good. It was 26 degrees the day he drove it and he was not a fan ("rides like a covered wagon and is way too small"....he now owns a Z3...LOL). I conversed with the owner a few times before he fell ill and went to the hospital. He never recovered and unfortunately passed away before I ever got to see the car. I was really saddened as he was a porsche guy and I really wanted to pick his brain and chat with him. I went to see the car and bought it from his widow a few weeks later as she really needed to sell the car and had my dad drive it back a week or two later once the bank lien was cleared. I remember my dad commenting about how something kept coming up on the back of the car....I told him the spoiler only comes up at higher speeds and he was now guilty of giving my new car a workout.
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Old 02-01-2016, 08:23 AM   #17
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I have wanted a white 80s era 911 Targa for over 30 years but they're out of my price range. I was flicking through tv channels 2 years ago and came across a Mecum Auction. For giggles I searched their auctions for Porsches and was amazed by the Boxster's affordable prices. "I can drive a Porsche for that price?!?!"

Since then, I've been casually considering getting one. The past few months that casual interest has become a daily obsession, and I've been researching prices, reading buyer's guides, learning the possible pitfalls, and compiling a list of questions. I've wavered between Base and S models, dealer or private seller, Mecum bid & ship without seeing the car, is Ebay really safe, and a dozen other factors. I've played mind games between "do I really need this car/toy" to "Life is short." I've survived cancer, and recently got some money from my dad's estate, and I'm ready to do this.

I'm currently eyeing a privately owned (I don't trust most of these dealers) '02 S with 50K carefully driven miles, Porsche serviced, garaged, etc. Just waiting to set up a test drive (and I plan to get it checked out by a certified mechanic), and crossing my fingers that the dream comes true soon.

Thanks to all of you for posting your thoughts. It appears that no one regretted the decision and you're all having fun driving these.
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Old 01-27-2016, 05:24 PM   #18
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I never liked Porsche's and never wanted to own one. I always preferred Ferrari's. Well, except for the 959. But otherwise, I generally couldn't have cared less for them.

Then, I decided that I wanted a car that I could take to the track a few times a year so I looked at 996's. Everyone that I talked to said that I should buy a Boxster instead of a 996 and after driving a Boxster, I was hooked!

Thus far, I've had 5 Porsche's and still have two in the driveway, but I still want to own a Ferrari some day - probably a 360 Modena after I quit Porsche racing.
1999 996 C2 - sold - bought back - sold for more
1997 Spec Boxster BSR #254
1979 911 SC
POC Licensed DE/TT Instructor

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Old 01-28-2016, 05:02 AM   #19
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The king of COOL! Steve McQueen! I think my father took me to every movie he ever made. I think its funny today. I was a child and was going to see Bullit! Scared for life! LOL!
99 Porsche Boxster
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Old 01-28-2016, 09:45 AM   #20
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You're going to laugh, but this was my introduction to the 986.

'04 Midnight Blue Metallic 986
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