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Teens 5 2.45%
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Old 03-17-2014, 09:54 PM   #21
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You have to pay it forward. Two days ago, I had three young guys come up to me in a Kroger parking lot, probably around 18 or 19, commenting about how incredible my car looked and how they would love to have a Porsche. One even knew right away that it was a Boxster. When I told them what I paid for it, they couldn't believe it. They thought, like many people much older than them, that a Porsche was out of reach for them. I think it's great that a young guy or girl can drive an amazing machine such as a Porsche and see what a car of this caliber drives like. You only live once, so why drive some mundane, underpowered, uninspiring vehicle that just blends in with the masses?

2001 Boxster S Lapis Blue
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Old 03-17-2014, 10:14 PM   #22
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I don't get many comments on my 986. Did give a fellow 986'er a thumbs-up at Home Depot (was riding in my housemate's Mini, though).

Thankfully people don't give me grief for being a young guy in a Porsche (about to hit 30, for what it's worth). But I've wanted one since I first laid eyes on an Arena Red example while I was in Sarasota in 1997. Smitten.

I'm just happy to own two cars outright, that both are in pretty nice shape, and almost the same color.
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Old 03-17-2014, 11:48 PM   #23
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Do all the teens own a blue porsche?
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Old 03-18-2014, 12:01 AM   #24
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I think to own a porsche while still a teen takes more than just money. First not many our age know about this affordable beauty and some doent even try to look and we also have to take into consideration the repair costs, depreciation, insurance, etc. So you have to be able to manage your money to some degree so you don't drive around in a broken down porsche. Can't ruin the name
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Old 03-18-2014, 02:37 AM   #25
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23, engineering graduate school, and I do all my own work ...except for mount tires, I don't have a tire press

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Old 03-18-2014, 05:10 AM   #26
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Originally Posted by cfos View Post
meh. I would have rather seen categories like:

Bought 8-tracks
Bought Albums and 45s
Bought Cassettes
Bought CDs
Buy through iTunes


Had a dial phone
Had a cordless
Got a busy signal
Dialed only 7 numbers
Remember the cost of long distance
Bargain hunted for long distance plans
Had to change a phone number when moving to a new state


Had black'n'white
Had color
Remember time before Cable

All of the above!! (except buying through itunes, never did that. Was more of a Napster type)
'99 black 986
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Old 03-18-2014, 05:41 AM   #27
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More power to you younger owners. I won't speak for others but I'm a bit jealous that I got into my 50's and finally own my own Porsche.
I did get to drive my father's 914 in my teens and I wanted to buy it in my early 20s. He was a wise man and he loves me, he wouldn't sell it to me.

Be very careful about moving so fast, you youngsters.
Driving my Boxster makes me feel young.
Working on it, under it, makes me realize and feel my age

What will you have to drive to feel the same in 20-30 years?
2002 S - old school third pedal
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Old 03-18-2014, 05:57 AM   #28
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Another teen owner here. 986 Boxsters are so cheap and yet so capable, it's no surprise that there are many young owners. What other Porsche (besides a 944) are you going to get for around ten grand or less? It can't be matched for a pure driver's car at that price point, and at least mine has been surprisingly reliable. The only thing I've had to do in a year and half of ownership is oil changes, which admittedly are pretty expensive considering you need ten quarts of synthetic, but it has a been a fantastic car as long as I have owned it. Can't wait to take it to my first track weekend this weekend.
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Old 03-18-2014, 07:02 AM   #29
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Originally Posted by Perfectlap View Post
The crazy thing is that a teen wanting to learn how to be wise with money today has a much easier path because the information, as well as access, to any market you'd be interested in is light years better than it was when I was teen. What it would take me months to figure out back then I can discover in about 15 minutes of Google searching and Wikipedia reading today.
True, but the skill to determine the difference between Propoganda, Market Manipulation, plain old BS, and whats real is much more difficult. Its turning regular folks into cunning researchers and investigators.

You will notice that Forum solutions to various problems are generally arrived at by consensus before being trusted as a valid solution. Thats also why its good to document the failures, to save time of others trying alternate solutions.

If a number of people have had success then the odds of succeeding yourself are much improved.

Similarly with FB etc, peer approval is determined by consensus, so the more "Likes" or "Friends" you have the more validated you feel as a person.

The people that grow out of that mindset and don't need validation of any kind are typically the most successful in life and business.

A digression, just short of a rant
"It broke because it wants to be Upgraded "
2012 Porsche Performance Driving School - SanDiego region
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Old 03-18-2014, 07:07 AM   #30
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28 here.
I've always wondered about the age of most of the people here. It makes me feel really young whenever I see posts from Johnny Danger that need a generational background.
I also wondered how out of place I would feel at my local PCA meetings.
Now I can go worry free
2002 Boxster 2.7
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Old 03-18-2014, 07:14 AM   #31
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Thumbs up

Originally Posted by rick3000 View Post
Would you rather pour your hard earned money into a car or be saving it for a down payment, retirement, etc? Until you have a solid financial footing those are things worth serious consideration.
It brings up the whole question of "What is the purpose of your life"

To enjoy and experience everything your ever dreamt off?

To help everyone else achieve their dreams?

To produce more offspring and work hard to build resources that you can give to your offspring so they can achieve their dreams?

I think that kids that manage to realize their dreams early (A Porsche) are going to live a very fulfilled life as they will not be found dreaming about what they want, or who could give it to them but would rather go out and get it themselves.

Kudo's to you young folks for going out and getting it!!!
"It broke because it wants to be Upgraded "
2012 Porsche Performance Driving School - SanDiego region
2001 Boxster S, Top Speed muffler, (Fred's) Mini Morimotto Projectors, Tarret UDP,
Short Shifter, Touch Screen Dual Din Radio, 03 4 Bow glass Top (DD & Auto-X since May 17,2012)
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Old 03-18-2014, 07:22 AM   #32
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Originally Posted by kylekimball View Post
Can't wait to take it to my first track weekend this weekend.
Kyle - Please post up your experience (and some pics!) at the track in the Racing section. We'd all love to hear how it went.
1999 996 C2 - sold - bought back - sold for more
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Old 03-18-2014, 07:34 AM   #33
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Originally Posted by 818BoxsterS View Post
Do all the teens own a blue porsche?
Black here.. but I do worry about some people... an Ex of mines older brother just even traded a Land Rover that hardly ran for a vw bug and a 944. He is beyond broke and knows nothing about the car. He mentioned it needed an oil change and I asked what he would put into it and he responded with the cheapest thing he could find at wal mart. Good news is our cars will be classics because expect a lot of less educated and appreciative buyers to take advantage of the lower price point. I knew everything about my car years before I could buy it. The car was an option but when we finally agreed to buy was when my dad got a job at the local Porsche dealer.
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Old 03-18-2014, 08:34 AM   #34
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Originally Posted by 818BoxsterS View Post
Do all the teens own a blue porsche?
I don't know about all.. But it wasn't my first choice of color. But it was a smart decision on my part to pick the one I picked. The reason why I bought it was due to the low mileage (62,000) and the extras it came with. Also for the history of what the car has been through and who has owned it. Mack Brown (Famous head football coach of the University of Texas) bought it brand new in 1999 for over $65,000!! For a Boxster back in 1999! I couldn't believe it when i saw the paperwork! But anyways the color is a deep Ocean Blue Metallic. Which I have grown to love. Depending on the angle you look at it, it can look blue or purple.
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Old 03-18-2014, 09:11 AM   #35
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Hummm… I was born when LBJ was president. We had a b&w tv when I was kid and a dial phone! My first sports car was a '70 MGB when I was in high school. (it wasn't that old of a car then!) I have an old friend that bought a '69 911T for $4k in the early 80s when we were in school. He was just a kid then and he still has it today. You want to know what that car is worth now?? wow.
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Old 03-18-2014, 09:24 AM   #36
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Originally Posted by epapp View Post
23, engineering graduate school, and I do all my own work ...except for mount tires, I don't have a tire press

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Sure you do...

I have changed my own tires many times using nothing more than a 2 x 4, a couple tire irons, and a car.

Not the prettiest, but it works fine.
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Old 03-18-2014, 09:56 AM   #37
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Originally Posted by 818BoxsterS View Post
I think to own a Porsche while still a teen takes more than just money. First not many our age know about this affordable beauty
The Boxster is affordable only relative to other Porsches. It is by no means an affordable car. On more than one occasion I've had to write checks that ran bigger than the purchase price of my first three cars. Some say "but you can do your own work", but that requires the tools ($) the space ($$) and knowledge ($$$) that most teens do not have or have access to. As older adults you then have to weigh having someone do the repairs for you vs what the costs are for you to be doing something else in that time.
Either way, I would say that repairs and maintenance will in the end be the real expense not really the purchase of the car. The nature of a sports car is not like a road car that can be driven below a certain margin, the older a sports car gets the more miles it sees, the more attention it requires to get you back at the level the factory's engineers intended. Now add to the fact that this a boutique German brand that require expensive parts and specialized labor and that sports car margin carries even higher cost. Meanwhile you could be getting the experience of learning to drive at a high level with cars costing less to purchase and significantly less to operate and maintain. Which then frees up money to do other things.

Originally Posted by jb92563 View Post
True, but the skill to determine the difference between Propoganda, Market Manipulation, plain old BS, and whats real is much more difficult. Its turning regular folks into cunning researchers and investigators.

You will notice that Forum solutions to various problems are generally arrived at by consensus before being trusted as a valid solution. Thats also why its good to document the failures, to save time of others trying alternate solutions.

If a number of people have had success then the odds of succeeding yourself are much improved.

Similarly with FB etc, peer approval is determined by consensus, so the more "Likes" or "Friends" you have the more validated you feel as a person.

The people that grow out of that mindset and don't need validation of any kind are typically the most successful in life and business.

A digression, just short of a rant
I agree. But learning to separate the crap from the truth is a journey that takes years and the sooner you start, the sooner your $$$$ can get on the right track. The thing about being young is that you don't realize that you have an incredible advantage -- one that can not be purchased for any amount of money and that is TIME. The sooner you can get your chips in play, the sooner you'll be on your way to calling all your own shots in life. But when you're young other things are just more interesting to you because your needs are largely being met by others (ie your parents). The guy who sold WhatsApp for $19 billion who was once on welfare with his mother at one point... he wasn't driving a Porsche back then... he was using his time and money to learn how make more money in less time. But he's driving that Porsche now (seriously his daily driver is a Porsche). He signed the $19 billion agreement with Zuckerberg at the welfare office he used to have to go to with his mother who died of cancer.

Originally Posted by particlewave View Post
Sure you do...

I have changed my own tires many times using nothing more than a 2 x 4, a couple tire irons, and a car.

Not the prettiest, but it works fine.
What about the balancing?
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Last edited by Perfectlap; 03-18-2014 at 10:24 AM.
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Old 03-18-2014, 10:59 AM   #38
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Originally Posted by particlewave View Post
Sure you do...

I have changed my own tires many times using nothing more than a 2 x 4, a couple tire irons, and a car.

Not the prettiest, but it works fine.
Now that is DIY video that would be interesting to see
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Old 03-18-2014, 11:52 AM   #39
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As of Thursday I will be changing brackets. Jumping from the 30s bracket to the 40s bracket. Guess it beats the alternative. 17 in my name is not a indicator of my age.

As far as the teenagers driving Porshes, good for them. And when they encounter a repair that cost more than the car, hopefully their finances forces them to make the right decision and part ways with that car. Then go get another one. Not sure all of us with more knowledge and funds would make that call.
What we're dealing with here is a complete lack of respect for the law.
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Old 03-18-2014, 11:57 AM   #40
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22 years old, 23 in November.

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