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Old 03-17-2014, 09:54 PM   #21
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Location: Bedford, TX
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You have to pay it forward. Two days ago, I had three young guys come up to me in a Kroger parking lot, probably around 18 or 19, commenting about how incredible my car looked and how they would love to have a Porsche. One even knew right away that it was a Boxster. When I told them what I paid for it, they couldn't believe it. They thought, like many people much older than them, that a Porsche was out of reach for them. I think it's great that a young guy or girl can drive an amazing machine such as a Porsche and see what a car of this caliber drives like. You only live once, so why drive some mundane, underpowered, uninspiring vehicle that just blends in with the masses?
2001 Boxster S Lapis Blue
TS Cat Bypass Pipes and exhaust
iPad Mini Dash Install
DEPO Tail Lights
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